
Where I want to be

When yesterday take too much of today~

Lebian_heart96 · Teenager
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61 Chs

Chapter ten: Company

She quickly stepped back as she was unable to think how it was him who came for her. she wondered if the person she called during then was him. He looked concerned for her and slowly steps ahead "Is everything okay....?"

"Did...I call you?" guilt filled in her voice. she began to dispise herself for disturbing him out of everyone she knew, It had to be the most embarassing moment of her life.

Thomas looked around for a while, unable to say anything. people were observing them as they walked by. "Let's go somewhere else." he grabbed her hand and walked out of there.






"Police has taken care of that man. They need your statement to keep him longer in the cell." he didnt receive any answer from the other. Both were quietly walking down the road. y/n was staring down the whole time. he looked up at her fondly, he wanted to tell her how worried he was when he found her unconscious on the ground. He feared that he was late...again. he trembled in fear. hoping that nothing happened to her. hoping that his past didnt repeat itself.

Suddenly, y/n stopped. She faced him emotionlessly, "Thanks for today. You can go back now. I dont want waste any of your time." with no hesitation in her voice, she left him and walked away.








She sat on a bench by the river. her surrounding was empty and quiet. she felt bad for leaving thomas like that. she couldnt even imagine what would have happened if he wasnt there at that time, how that monster would've hurted her.

But none of her thoughts were enough to replace the amount of guilt she was feeling.

The sight and emptiness infront forced her to think of everything. from the start, where it all messed up and how she ended up there...

She covered her face and started crying. not long after, she became a mess. her breath hitched. she thought none of these would have happened if they didnt move in here in the first place. her parents left her in that miserable life. everything looked dark ahead. there was no sign of happiness. not only alone, she also felt useless. she wanted to drown herself instead of feeling that worthless.

Just then, a warmth wrapped her around. the touch was soft and gentle. She didn't feel the need to push away and see who it was. the comfort was enough, she felt safe in it. "Let it all out...dont hold back.", a calm voice whispered in her ear. 

He sat down next to her. She calmed down every second with her head on his shoulder. He slowly patted her head while repeating comforting words.  "Why is this happening to me?" she cried out. Thomas wanted to wipe away her tears and hug her tightly ... but he couldn't . He reminded himself how far he could go.

they sat there in silence. thomas wanted her to forget about everything that happened. He wanted to cheer her up. "I want to take you somewhere."


"Would you like my company today?", He reached out his arm to let her hold. y/n smiled and accepted his offer.








After a long walk, they finally reached the place. a place full of happiness. Around them were decorated with flowers and balloons. the childrens laughed in joy. There were various rides all around. Food stalls and shops have been set up in every corner.  few people were walking around in funny costumes. Couples and families were enjoying the moment of walking around the places.

"I've always wanted to come here.", Thomas's words brought y/n back to reality. she looked around in amazement. An excitement was growing inside her. she smiled curiously at everything. It was another level of wonder for her. It was an event that took place every year in that city. Even if she heard a lot about it, she didn't actually think of coming here. especially with Thomas.

A person with a fluffy outfit walked toward them. In it he wrote extensively 'Free hug'. it went to y/n and hugged her. She burst out laughing and hugged it back.

Thomas saw her smile and laugh for the first time. He couldnt look away from her. For him, it was a beautiful sight to see. Just then, he felt like their hug was taking too long. He grabbed her hand and walked away. "Okay. Bye bye.", they continued to walk and look around.

People were screaming as they boarded the rollercoaster. y/n's excitement increased as she ran to the counter. Thomas hesitated but followed her anyway. 

"I want to ride-", she was midstopped after looking at thomas. Fear was visible on his face. He was terrified of all those screams.

"looks like someone's scared" she teased him with a evil smirk on her face.

"Who's scared ... I can easily take it, the height is nothing to me"

"really? Let's do it then!"


Thomas was trembling with fear as the man in charge helped them with the belt. He tried to look calm and composed but failed miserably. y/n noticed it. she puts her hand on his. "you can hold on to me." with one look, he rejected her. As the ride began, he ended up holding her hand anyway.

Their days went by as they tried each ride one by one. they won a puppet by playing a gun game. y/n won headbands but made the other wear it. She felt happier than ever. happiness made her forget everything. They both laughed and enjoyed the day. They saw a clear view of the sunset from a ferris wheel.

The sun sat still. The lights went on around the shops at night, quiet music was playing far away. y/n sat down in a bench and patted the seat next to her to make thomas do the same. they were waiting for the only thing left to see, fireworks. after a small silence, she spoke out, "Thank you."

"for what?"