
Where I want to be

When yesterday take too much of today~

Lebian_heart96 · Teenager
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61 Chs

Chapter fifty two: New friends

It was finally the day. The day everyone eagerly awaited.

The day when y/n could finally see her precious friends who had once been forcibly separated from her. No words could describe the amount of excitement that she had built up inside. but at the same time there was nervousness...

Felix would be fine to chat around with. The person she was worried about was that certain guy she hadn't contacted for a year. 

She had all sorts of thoughts running through her mind, 'what if he chooses to ignore me? what if the connection isnt there anymore?...'

Breaking those train of thought, someone patted her shoulder. She freezed. but once turned around, a wave of relief passed her. she realized that the person was none other than Thomas.

Due to his tight schedules, he could barely spend time with them. but whenever they met, he spent every one of those moments preciously. With this day as an exception, y/n was thankful that he was there with her.

"Nervous?" replying with a nod, she turned ahead. "Henry wanted to join us so badly. but the others refused. thinking that his overexcitement will make the new friends uncomfortable." 

Thomas breaks out in a smile. he always adored that side of henry. It made them feel like they were dealing with a child. "Im not ready to have two henry around." 

"Come on, Felix isnt that childish." as soon y/n finished saying it, they heard her name being called aloud. they looked ahead to find a young boy running towards them excitedly, "Or maybe he is."

"Felix!!" within a matter of seconds both collided in a tight hug, completely ignoring the judging eyes around them. "Gosh, I missed you so much!!" Felix spinned her around between his arms.

"I missed you too!" once parted, they took a clear view of each other's appearance, "You lost so much weight!" his hands reached out to pull her cheeks. "It hurts~"

She had been thinking about this moment for such a long time and finally it was here. She had so much to tell him but didn't know where to start.

While they both kept giggling around in excitement, somebody was completely thrown out of the picture. When it was about time, they finally turned to him.

"Oh, hey! You must be Thomas, right?" answering with a smile, he reached out his hand to shake, "pleasure to meet you, Felix-" from the boy's face, his eyes shifted to the suitcase he carelessly dropped behind. "I'll... take care of your suitcase."

Once thomas was away, Felix sends a mischievious look at y/n, "So, Is he your boyfriend?"

The question caught her off guard. She flinced then threw a fist at his way, "No! we're really good friends."

those words lightened up his face, "How dissappointing. Dont worry. Im here now. I'll make sure your dating life is anything but boring." y/n refused to listen to him any further.

Changing the subject, she came to realise they were missing a person. "Where's Issac?!" It seemed like Felix also realized it just now "I dont know...I lost him on the way."

"You did what??!"

"He'll find his way out. See, there he is-" with felix pointing out, the other two also turned ahead. He was right, infront of them was a man dressed modestly in a dark suit.

For Thomas it wasnt the first time he saw Issac. Ever since this young man took over his infamous family bussiness, his name was all over the places. 

But for y/n, She almost failed to reconize him. The childhood friend of her who once used to have messy hair, reading glasses on and a book carried by him all day, has turned into a model overnight. these two person had nothing in common, she was looking at a whole different person.

He looked taller and masculer than before. His dark blue hair covered his forehead, ending just above those two deep brown eyes. He had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. 

Once they were in his sight, the first person he looked at was her. As soon as they met, one could see a hint of pain in his sparkling eyes, which disappeared as suddenly as it emerged. 

He approached her without breaking the eyecontact. as if everything around them has dissapeared and the time had slowed down, they stared at each other without saying a word. with no doubt, her emotions mirrored his. 

His expression was cold and Indifferent. But they knew what they were feeling. neither one of them could hide it. It was as if no time had passed but it was still hard to even say a word.

Seeing none of them were ready to speak up, breaking the awful silence, Thomas cleared his throat. He walked between them, "Nice to meet you, Im Thomas Lee."

Unexpectedly, the way he stepped up, seemed like he was covering y/n from the man ahead. not trying to give it much thought, Issac turned to the gentleman, "Pleased to meet you too, Im Lewis Issac."




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The return trip was quiet. None of them felt the need to say anything. Felix sat with Issac in the back seat while quietly playing his nintendo. y/n sat on the front seat while thomas drove to the given address.

Thinking how the long flight might've tired them out, y/n decided to catch up with them later. For now, they were just about to part ways with a promise to meet again.

They reached the destination and all got out of the car one by one. Felix jumped on y/n as soon as they set foot on the ground, "I dont want you to leave! there's so many things i wanna tell you~"

"Get off me, you're heavy!" Ignoring them, Issac already headed to the doorway. 

"I was wondering why you didnt ask me to book a hotel for you, guess you brought a whole mansion for your stay."

"Told you, Issac is rich." The younger one replied proudly. y/n was about to ask more about it, but just then, thomas called her from behind. Which reminded her, they were supposed to leave early for his schedule. bading goodbye to her friend, she ran back to the car. 

Thomas stared at her for a while before letting out a sigh, "look at you, you cant even take care of yourself, you're a mess." He gently caressed out her messy hair while a giggle left her lips. "I'll drop you home." replied with a nod, both got inside the car.

Little did they know, The person who ran away in the first place had not yet left. He stood there and listened to everything. His grip on the doorlock tightened in anger.

Only after the little one stood beside him, did he managed to straighten out his expression, "You sure thats the right key?"

"What?..." brought back to reality, Issac tries again to open the door. "It can happen. Your eyes might be betraying you since you're getting old."

Felix waited to hear any curse words that was about to come out from the older one. Thats what he always enjoyed to do. diss him about his age then enjoy the annoyed expression that fell on his face.

But what's wrong ...? No response. Felix double-checked whether Issac could clearly hear him or not. He absolutely did. but refused to speak. as if he was bothered by something.

Face darkened, hands trembling in rage. Enough to let the younger one know it wasnt the best time to joke around.