
Where does the time go?

Following the death of his mother, Erin returns to his home town to attend his funeral only planning to stay a week. But what would happen if he had incentive to stay more? With the reconnection with his childhood friend Aiko, maybe he will live his life in this humble town!

Rhyyth · Urban
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7 Chs

The Train Ride

The speed of the train doesn't slow down for anything. It cuts through the resisting wind as if it were butter to a warmed blade. With my arm resting on the windowsill, I can feel the locomotive moving across the tracks. My head positioned into the basket that is my hand allows me to gaze onto the beach side and the water past it. The water reflects the beautiful clear sky above it, without a cloud in sight, it allows the sun to show it's shining face on the crests of the waves. I sigh lightly, a little moved at the sight of the vast blueness before me.

I remove my arm from the windowsill and turn my head to face the front of the train. My mind races from boredom, looking at the back of heads of those sitting in front of me. A trip like this would normally be in good faith had it not been for what brought me here to begin with.

I have another hour or so before I reach my stop. I pull out my flip phone that looks like it could live in a museum and begin rapidly tapping buttons. After a few seconds, I send the message with a short noise signalling I had sent it.

With that done, I rest my head back on my headrest and look off into nothing, my vision slowly going dark as sleep overtakes me...

1 hour later

I jolt awake at the feeling of someone grabbing my shoulder. My vision still hazy, I look up at the blob of a figure in front of me.

"Wake up dummy!" The figure yells at me, lightly hitting my shoulder.

Great...I know who this is.

"Yeah yeah...I'm up Aiko." I say, her brown haired figure coming into view finally. I flash a small smile. "Well don't you look just lovely."

Aiko's face turns a little red as she smiles a little. "Hehe~ Why thank you...I know I happen to look extremely lovely!" She lightly grabs the hem of her skirt and does a little twirl.

I smile as I look at her seeming to enjoy herself. Same old Aiko from when I had to leave here...

My mind falls back to thinking about those days. The bliss of childhood ignorance blinding me. All there was was Aiko and me...

Where did the time go?

Sorry for the short chapter. Just getting my feet wet here before I continue on and looking for some feed back. I plan on writing more and longer chapters in the future, but right now this is all I’m writing until I feel assured I can do more!

Rhyythcreators' thoughts