
1~In the beginning

Hi! I'm Juliet and I am in 10th grade who knew It would be so difficult. Hahah well I'm going to start from the beginning.

—beginning of the year 2019—

"Mom! Come on I can't be late on my first day!" I can't believe she forgot like who forgets there only kids first day of school. I'm so scared, it is my 10th grade year and I'm at a brand new school let's just say I'm kinda weird. That's why I never had a chance at any of my other schools so this is my last chance.

"Honey calm down I'm coming goodness gracious!" My mom yelled as she frantically ran down the stairs, dropping stuff everywhere.

We hopped in the car and off we went.

"So are you ready?" My mom said as she saw the scared out of my mind look on my face and knowing I had to do something I forced a smile and said "Yeah, sure?!" Ok so one minute I'm talking to my mom in the car and next thing you know boom this car literally tries to plow right through us. Luckily my mom is a super skilled driver and we dogged the hit she is the absolute best and I love her so much, and I'm not just saying that because I almost just died.

'Breath Juliet just breath' i literally have to say this to myself all the time I have these little like panic attacks whenever I start a new school and that is quite often and I don't know what i am doing here ohhhh and I'm ranting again.

First day of school let's do this.

Juliet walks through the halls down to the headmistress office to obtain her class schedule and then out of absolutely no where (I feel like this out of nowhere thing happens a lot to me) this random girl literally shoved me into the wall let's just say I hope I remember my name after this one. I'm fine it wasn't that bad actually she was pretty weak not gonna lie.

Well I head to my first class, which is science, and I take a seat I was hoping to Jesus my Lord and Savior that she would not call me out for being new. "Please don't say my name. Please don't say my name." I whispered to my self as I sat alone in the back of the room and what do ya know "Hello class today we have a new student and I expect you all to treat her with the utmost respect and kindness. Please welcome Juliet Fletcher." I got up slowly and walk to the front of the room and you don't even want to know what I said "Hi I'm Juliet and I almost died this morning and almost got a concussion oh and I like Mac n' cheese. Yeah I'm just gonna go sit down." Ughhh I always embarrass myself and now everyone will think I'm a total loser when all along if they really only took the time to know me they would see something totally different. " Well that was rather nice umm let's just begin turn your books to page 123 please." Miss May was a nice teacher and kind enough to cover up and ignore my interesting speech. Although I couldn't stop thinking about the picture I saw in the trophy case in the hall I really didn't think much of it at the time but it just hasn't gone away. It was a man and he had a medal I think it was for archery but he looked so familiar. Maybe I'll ask someone later right now I need to focus and work on my grades and social skills yeha those probably are important.

Later that day on my way home I found myself walking and thinking about the man 'Did I know him? Why can't I think of his name I have to know him.' "Ahhhhhh" I've never made that sound before I was horrified some one just kidnapped me...

What do I do? Do I scream louder do I just flail around like a fish? As you can tell I'm new at this whole getting kidnapped thing. Definitely not my area of expertise.

"What do we do with her?" Eww his voice is like a teenage boy going through puberty. "We listen to the boss and he just said cover her head and make sure not her or anyone els knows were we are taking her." This guy was the smarter one you could definitely tell.

"Um excuse me but could you tell me where you are a ya know taking me just so I could let my mom know?" I said with a normal tone. "Oh yeah of course we are going to 4——-"

"What are you doing you imbecile you can't tell her where w——-"

This time I kick him hard in the nuts and while he is wincing in pain I literally punch the stupid one so hard I had no clue I could do that.

I made a run for it let's just say it may have been my first time jumping out of a moving van.

I land on the pebbly cement with a loud thud. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhooooooottttttt that hurt!"

I could not hold in my loud cry of pain but at the same time I needed to get away so I ran and I kept on running until my legs were so taut I could barely move it hurt so bad. I fell to the ground and I passed out not know where I was or anything for a matter of fact.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter I hope to write more as this is the first time I have written before:)

ajanedilenacreators' thoughts