
When You Are Mine

***Note: Cover photo doesn't belong to me. Credit to the real owner. It all started in one night. It all started with this.... "I heard you had money to spend and I'm just in need of that cash. I'll pay with my virginity. If you're not pleased by me, I'd let you go... I'll consider it my bad day. Here's a medical report I'm disease free. What do you say?" That's the night Jade wish to forever forget... but can never forget. A night she had lost her innocence because of her love and was sorely betrayed. A night Jake wished he should have treated differently...But he didn't. What happens when Jade spends a night with a man she wishes to never meet but she's obligated by her company to sign a contract with him?...Let's go find out how he tries to win this woman who he couldn't get out of his mind. Will Jade fall for all his antics to win her heart? Let's go find out. ***Note: Cover photo doesn't belong to me. Credit to the real owner.

Da_Rose · Urban
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341 Chs

More Than Perfect

Blake's heart was over the moon, when Amy kept hugging him like that. He didn't know why his heart was reacting that way, and yearning for him to desperately wanted to hug her back but.....

Amy sighed warily when Blake remained that way and didn't even hug her back. She felt a pang on her chest and she must admit that it hurt badly.

A while ago they had shared a moment at the server room, and her stupid heart has been ministering some things to her. Telling her Blake might have actually started to like her. But him not responding to her, even though by hugging her back, she couldn't help but feel like she has been deceiving herself all over again. How could she let herself be swayed by just that moment which lasted for less than a minute.

Realizing how she had embarrassed herself by hugging him, Amy slowly let go of her hold on him, and took a step back.