
When You'll See Me

"I am not here to light up your world, candy. I'm here to walk you through the dark". "I wish I could see you" She mumbled, resting her head on his shoulders. He took her hand and placed it on his chest so she could feel his heartbeat. "That's yours. Forget appearance, this is all you need to see my soul". "What if it stops beating?" "It won't. If it does, it probably stopped in mine so it could jump out and beat in yours". She never saw him even when he was right beside her. He made her smile even though she could never tell his emotions. He gave her love even when it was bound to fail. He gave her all of him though he was only a stranger to her. And when the time came, he was ready to give his life even though he would only remain a memory. Because all he could be was a stranger she wished to see.

Chara_Serene · Fantasie
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7 Chs

A taste of death

The Elders sat staring at him, blankly.

"May we proceed?" King Luca asked. They kept the blank stares on their faces. He shifted on his throne, uncomfortable from the heat of their gazes.

"I mean the expansion of Eden borders. What are the... plans?" He offered. Ofcourse he knew they weren't dumb. They knew why they were here and he was obviously the one wasting their time.

"We don't see your brother anywhere" The head elder, Ali, stated. He gulped.

"Uhm..." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Jared doesn't bother with things like this. I thought that was common knowledge" He said carefully even though the result was far from expectations.

He could see the wave of displeasure flash through their eyes before it disappeared in a blink.

"Clearly, you thought wrong.."

"I'll just send a guard to..."

"Get him yourself" Ali interrupted. King Luca stared at the elder in disbelief. Ali's cold gaze didn't shift.

"Ten minutes".

King Luca glanced at other Elders. Their expressions mirrored Ali's. He stood hesitantly and walked out.

His fists clenched to his sides as he seethed inwardly, storming to Jared's chambers. They never failed to treat him like a servant. He was king for goodness sake! Yet they sent him on errands before his guards and maids. His subjects! He barged into Jared's room in fury.

"You didn't knock". The chilly deep voice annoyed Luca more than ever. The man was on his favourite spot. The seat near the window, smoking and looking ahead as usual.

"I wouldn't need to knock if your ass was downstairs" Luca snapped. Jared crushed his cigar on the ashtray.

"I guess you'll knock next time then".

Luca was beyond pissed at this point.

"The elders want to see you. They wouldn't proceed with the meeting without you. You need to come down with me. The meeting is important for Eden".

" Have a drink. It'll prepare you for what I'm about to say".

Jared poured a shot of whiskey and stretched it to Luca. Luca stormed to him, took the glass and smashed it against the wall.

"Come with me now!" He growled.

"That's my whiskey you wasted" Jared spoke calmly. He stood and stepped closer to the furious man, clearly unfazed.

"Why do I need to attend this meeting again?"

"The border expansion".

" Good, that is none of my business. Call me when we're doing blood" Jared said softly before walking away. He stopped halfway to the door and Luca could only stare.

"You should head down. Your ten minutes is gone" With that, he left.

Luca ruffled his hair and groaned. He glanced at the bottle of whiskey and without second thoughts, he took a long gulp to calm his nerves.

The elders were already leaving when he got downstairs.

"Can't we do this without him? Jared is not interested in politics or anything at that. He is only interested in wars and bloodshed" King Luca tried to explain to them.

" Eden has two kings. Not just you, Luca. If your brother won't participate in the affairs of the people then we have no business here" Ali replied.

Luca watched them leave in a daze.

" The hypocrisy!" He heard someone hiss behind him. He turned.

" Uncle" He muttered.

"They can discuss wars and raids with Jared without acknowledging your absence yet they refuse to discuss the affairs of Eden with you in his absence. How else could we describe hypocrisy! " Mufasa scoffed.

" I don't know why they..... "

" Always put you in your brother's shadow? It's obvious they only recognize one king in Eden while they pretend to have two kings. Wake up, Luca. Wake up before it is too late" Mufasa said before walking away.

Luca frowned thoughtfully before walking back in.


I walked behind a group of guards and servant girls timidly. I tried to be quiet and slow as possible.

I didn't want them to notice me. I would hide if I knew where but it was better to follow them quietly than get lost.

As I followed on, I lost track of their footsteps. I didn't even hear their voices anymore. I kept walking, trying to figure out my situation when I bumped into something. Someone.

"We'll look who it is, Serena's blind pet".

My blood ran cold. I thought they were gone.

"Awnnn... What's that puzzled look on your face? It's really cute you know" Another said. I stepped back but I bumped into someone behind.

Am I surrounded? Arms locked round my waist and my heart throbbed heavily against my chest.

"What did you think making Serena punish us like that? ".

" P-Please i-i didn't do anything.... " I pleaded. " Please let me go..., " I was tossed to someone else and before I could beg, I got slapped in the face.

I barely had time to feel the impact as I got tossed to someone else who kneed my sides. I whimpered in pain and pleaded as they tossed me around.

Then I got slammed into the wall. I was lucky my face didn't smash against it as well. My body was a different story. It felt like my lungs closed up as I slumped to the ground. All I could hear was laughter as I struggled to breathe against the ache.

I was tired of it all. I couldn't live like this anymore. Just when you think it could get a bit bearable, it gets worse.

"Isla!" I heard a voice and I tried to keep my sobs subtle. Someone pulled me off the ground.

"Jesus, you're bleeding! Come, I'll get you to the kitchen. I think there are some pain relievers there."

I recognized her. Darcy, Ma'am Serena's assistant. She was always out looking for me on ma'am Serena's orders.

I thought about the kitchen. I knew exactly what I needed to do to end this misery.

She took me to the kitchen and as promised, she got me some pain relief.

"Wait here, I'll get ma'am Serena" She said and I nodded. As soon as she was gone, I began my search for a knife.

It was easy to find so I grabbed it and found my way outside. I hid it under my sleeve and continued walking until I was met with dead silence.

I stopped and took out the knife. I took a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry, pa. I really didn't mean to end it like this. I would never think of letting your sacrifice go to waste but... I can't do it anymore, pa. I can't deal with this pain anymore. I'm alone in this dark scary world of mine and every second, I feel myself drowning. It's hard to even breathe, pa! I can't keep living like this. In fear, pain, misery, I really can't..... "

" That's quite a speech for just a knife... " The scent of pine and apples hit me. How does he always show up when I'm shit?.

I felt his body press behind me and I went stiff. I didn't dare breath as his breath hit my skin.

"May I show you how it's done?" He whispered and I spun around in disbelief. How do you even say that in this situation?.

I felt his breath on my face and panicked. When did we get this close?.

In a flash, the knife was out of my hand and running down my dress. I could almost feel the blade cut through my skin. I froze as the dress fell off my body.

The cold wind hit my skin and I shivered, wrapping my hands round myself, embarrassed and scared. Who is he?.

"Not bad for a dying virgin" He commented and I staggered back to regain my breathing space.

" V-Virgin" I mumbled then I felt the swift movement of the blade across my stomach and both sides of my shoulders.

A sharp cry escapey lips as I backed away. He pulled me back and tears streamed down my cheeks. Is he really going to kill me?. I don't want to die. I don't want to die anymore.

"Please d-don't..." My breath hitched as his body pressed into mine and I felt a cold tongue lick up the cut on my shoulder.

Then he made a dangerously arousing throaty sound. This was the craziest moment of my life. I gulped as he sucked up my neck. I fought the urge to wrap my hands round him. This was wrong and crazy and... His lips crashed against mine.

My eyes widened in shock. My throat went completely dry at the feel of those cold lips. With a taste of my own blood.

Then he pulled away, leaving me with delicious chills and goosebumps.

"Hold on to that. It's probably the sexiest thing that has happened to you all your life" He said placing the knife back in my hand.

" And there's your knife. I believe you have more reasons to end your life now. Strike the chest, aim for the heart".

" Huh? You w-want me t-to stab myself? " It was a crazy question but I couldn't help my curiosity.

" What can I say?. Blood seduces me. Stay sweet, candy or die sweet. I'll like you either way". Then he walked away.

I smiled for the first time in weeks and at that moment, I knew the stranger had stolen my senses.