
Do you remember me?

After a long day Chenying comes home exhausted. She had just went to 5 interviews and it had drived her crazy.

The next day Chenying gets a phone call" hello miss chen, our ceo wants to see you." " what the Ceo ,did I do anything wrong.""Miss chenying we will be waiting for you at 12 o'clock tomorrow ....."" Wait what do I do" Chenying starts to go into a panick. She is so confused and she doesn't know what to do. The rest of the night she can't sleep and feels like she's going insane.

The next day , the assistant that had called Chenying comes and greets her." Miss Chenying May you come with me" Chenying palms are sweaty and she is shaking in fear. The Ceo was not just an ordinary Ceo, he was the Ceo of the biggest software company in China.

The elevator door opened. And there he stood, a tall young man that eyes were sharper than a knife. He wore a suit that was tailor made for him and his hair was was hair goals." Mr. Dengming I have got Miss Chenying". " You may leave now Lilly."" Yes."

Oh god can you save me. I'm stuck alone in a room with Dengming the king of software. What do I do???!!!!

" Do you remember me?" Dengming asked was dark and mysterious voice." I...l'm....l'm Sorry Mr.Dengming. I didnt really hear what you said." Dengming a little bit angry said " Do You Remember Me."" Mr.Dengming who doesn't know you. Your the Ceo of the biggest software website everyone knows you."

There was a weird silence. No one know what to say and Chenying was a complete mess. Her face was In a daze.

"Mr.Dengming I am not sure what your talking about" Chenying starts to walk a few steps back. " Well forget about what I just said. Let's start fresh."" Hello miss Chenying my name is DengmingJiao."

What just happen, the Ceo of the biggest software company is greeting me like a friend. That was all that came through her mind at the point.

" H....H.....hi" As soon as their hands touch, Chenying gets a memory. In this memory she sees Dengming. He is smiling at Chenying and holding her hand. Her head starts to hurt, she feels dizzy. In a blink of an eye she faints.

She wakes up in some where that she doesn't recognize." Where am I ?"

Sorry if this is really bad this is my first time ever making a story

sherickocreators' thoughts