
When We Lived

Belladonna just turned 21 and isn't expecting anything different this birthday then spending the day with her live in nanny who is more like a mother due to her parents never being there. she had no idea how wrong she was until she went to get coffee and stumbled across a dark and mysterious man in a top hat. His words forever changed her world and what came next has her falling out

Sarah_Lewis_2530 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

The Weirdest Dream

Suddenly the pain in my eyes stopped. To my surprise I could move and I didn't feel my Antoinette. I opened my eyes and sat straight up scanning the area. I immediately registered that I must be dreaming because I wasn't in my home on the floor with Nanette holding me whispering in my ear. I was however sitting in a gorgeous room with intricate carvings everywhere which seemed to tell a story of battles and war then peace. I looked to my left and there was a two foot tall purple baby dragon rubbing against my leg. To my right was the ever perfect Damien Lamar Jones standing like a statue with a look of desperation plastered on his face. I jumped up and ran to the mirror I saw hanging on the wall. I took note that I pretty much looked exactly the same but some how more defined. My hair was hanging gorgeously in perfect rainbow coloured curls. While my eyes were actually a bright royal purple. My cheek bones seemed slightly higher. My skin was brighter almost light the glow of moon light. I was garnishes in glorious jewels and gems, with the most elegant gold dress with ever color I have ever seen gleaming off of it and a crown that matched it.

Someone burst through the door and I turned startled to see who had enter what I now realized was a gigantic thrown room.

"Forgive my intrusion Queen Belladonna, but we have just heard what you are planning and we must say we do not agree." A tall massive brut of a man standing well over fifteen feet tall said while outstretching his hands as if to include the group behind him. I want to gasp in horror at the crowd that had gathered here. There was a lady dressed in white floating and almost see through as if she were a ghost. To her left there was a man slightly shorter in stature with light green coloured skin and pointy ears, red eyes and sharp teeth sticking out of his mouth. I noticed what looked like a one foot ball of light that at closer scrutiny I realized was a tiny lady that had wings the size of her body glittering in her spot. On the see through ladies right there was a tall lanky man in a dark cloak paler then the dead with solid black eyes and two sharp pointy teeth hanging from his mouth. Next was I believe a woman more similar to a wolf covered in midnight fur with a hue of blue in it. And finally there was a gigantic deep blue man towering behind them all. He seemed to be covered in scales and resembled a dragon.

Then a realization hit me, again like the incident with Lamar I somehow knew these people. Well people weren't exactly the word for it. In my presence stood the Elders of Old, high leaders that protect the Factions. The Factions are the break down of creatures in the other world through the veil that humans or mortals can not see without the invitation from an Elder or their right hands who were refered to as the Lady's and Lord's. You could of course deem multiple people worthy of being a right hand, but there were only nine Elders of Old.

As I mentioned before every creature is real so this may seem a bit simple to manage so many creatures but that is where the Factions came in. We have eight realms and each has a specific leader which goes as follows; in the realm of Edimera the tall brut was a giant and King Abanashious, in the realm of Serenity the see through woman was a ghost and Queen Erigelia, in the realm of Underling the green man was a goblin and King Carnatious, in the realm of Destiney the ball of fluttering light was a fairy and Queen Uripitus, in the realm of Disparity the tall lanky man was a vampire and King Vladimir, in the realm of Piatious the wolf looking woman was indeed a werewolf and Queen Pertoulia, in the realm of Distinctious the dragon looking man was a half dragon half God and King Gabrielle, then finally in the realm of Brastious dear Damien Lamar Jones was a high warlock and King.

When born into a realm their appropriate King or Queen was notified on the spot and made a sort of house call. They used their powers that I had bestowed upon them to link with the infant and determine where the child's powers would stem from. Earth, Water, Wind or Fire. They then determined whether the nature of their power. Healing, Battle, Protection, or Wisdom. Finally they would determine the strength of the child and place them in their faction to hone their skills. So when referring to our people in a whole we refered to them as the Factions since they were all so very different but equally as important.

But how did I fit in? I wasn't a leader of any realm but all realms. I was born a god and wore the title High Queen of the Otherworld, mother to all creatures. So apparently I was the boss and had absolutely no idea before the age of 21. All of this information came to me in a rush. Like a gust of wind desperate to be heard. The words that left my mouth weren't mine but were words I had spoken before.

"You all disagree with my decision?" I seemed to tsk at them looking at Lamar.

"My Queen, my mother, we mean no offense in this. We just aren't sure what has made this decision and what we will do without you in war." Queen Uripitus flew forward and seemed to plead.

"War," I scoffed, "are we not at peace for more than 3,000 years now? Has the veil hiding our world from those who do not understand ever faultered? Have I not been told of a grave danger? What is the reason for your doubt my loves?"

Lamar answered quickly, "Mon Cher, there is no danger, the veil will never faulter for it is linked to us all, and yes we are at peace. But what are we to do without you?"

"Are you to tell me I didn't choose more then children to care of the Factions? You are all powerful immortal beings well over able to care for the charges I have placed upon you. The decision I have made to put myself to rest is final. This conversation will not change that. I believe in all of you equally which is why you and you alone were chosen to walk this path." I stated bluntly.

They all looked as if they wanted to speak and I held up my hand to stop it. I circled back to my thrown and sat for I had grown tired.

"Children I have been here since the beginning of time as have all of the other gods. I am tired. I have watched all of you and your ancestors grow and become what you now are. My Elders of Old, I granted each of you immortality when you proved that your souls were good and just. I have successfully woven peace into the fabric of our existence and I watched for years to make well and sure that it would stay this way. Your folly is unnecessary. This is what I have chosen. I understand your sadness and dispare for the loss of a loved one for I have felt it millions of times over as I watched mine own laid to waste and ruin. That is the reason I am so tired." I smiled weakly.

They all had saddened hearts at hearing my confession because they had only ever seen me as a strong leader of the masses, mother to all creatures.

"I understand you my Queen, my mother." they all said in unison. There chant for me from the bad times and war with the humans and the gods and each other. All except Lamar. I looked to him and saw his tears.

"Dear Lamar, I know you and your faction was born of another God trying to best me at a creation I made alone, and as my lover and oldest friend I too understand your hurt. But you have not lived as long as I nor have you seen the tragedies I have pulled through. My love, I know your are in pain with my decision," I coaxed and turned to face the others. "You are all in pain with this which is why I have done something alone and without your knowledge. A fail safe to hold true in a time of need. I will lay myself to rest but in a time of need you are but to call out to me and I will resurrect in the mortal world and at the age of 21 Lamar you must find me and invite me back to the Otherworld." I handed him the vile of rainbow essentia." But please children don't call me to return unless it is necessary for you must all do it at once and the price for it will be a small faulter in the veil in the realm Brastious where Lamar was born. which means any mortals near the area or that cross the area will see and be able to walk into our world at their will for 21 years and once I return I will not be able to fix it immediately. Everything will have to come back to me first." I sighed pondering if they would heed my warning.

Then all of my children wept each telling me of their love and gratitude. Telling me of their understanding and how they would miss me so in their own ways. But once again in unison they quipped, "I understand you my Queen, my mother." They covered their hearts and bowed their eternal show of affection. When they righted themselves they all had overflowing tears and turned to retreat from the chamber. Which left me and Lamar with the baby dragon again. Dionessa is the name of the dragon and she is King Gabrielles' child and has stayed with me for more then a month to train her language skills. Her tears hadn't stopped since this morning.

"I would like to follow mine father today queeny. I love you most but I don't think I can be here when you lay down and sleep forever more." she cried in anguish. Lamar immediately headed out the door for the great King for he knew my answer. I knelt down wrapping my arms around her and pulled her into my lap." My sweet Dionessa it has been such a treat to have your little self here. I have so missed having a child around since mine and King Lamar's Antoinette ventured out on her own to be in the land of mortals. She will never grow older but she will never be able to settle in one spot for to long because of it," I sighed, " I understand your feelings and of course you must go with your father now for when I lay to sleep my kingdom shall grow dormant and everyone will go back to their homes. I will miss you so much."

With that I kissed her head and watched her small wings carry her to her weeping father standing in the doorway. Lamar was headed to me. He lifted me in his arms as the huge doors were shut. He carried me through another huge set of doors leading into our bedchambers. Where he lay me down gently as his tears dropped on my face. I lifted my hand to whipe them away when he pulled back and screamed, " Mon Cher, how can you ask this of me. I love you more then my own breath and can not take it. Why must I be the one to strike the death blow and put you to rest?" His face twisted with such pain and anguish it broke my heart but I knew there was no other way. I let my hand fall and he grabbed it up immediately kissing it whispering sweet nothings.

"My true love, it has to be you because it is what you were made for. You know your father Loki created you and your faction to get close to me and destroy me from the inside out. He never counted on you having a soul with a mind of your own and the love we would develope. That is why and you know this." Finally I wept like a child while he laid down and held me tight. "I wish it wasn't so love. I wish I didn't ask this of you but please understand I need rest. If I truely fade the Otherworld will be gone entirely. None of my children will make it. Not even our sweet child Nanette and that I can not bare." I exasperated.

"I do understand. It is just more painful then anything I have ever faired. Even casting aside my father and choosing creation with you over his destruction that I was made for." He said sadly before he kissed me passionately one final time while forcing the dagger into my heart. His tears flowed more fiercely then a river when he pulled back a roared a painful scream to the heavens.

"Thank you love." were the words I whispered as my light faded. My last glimpses of the Otherworld were of poor amazing Lamar destroying the bedchamber we had shared for what seemed an eternity.