
when two worlds collide

Starting her final year at the elite grayson county high school,katherine, topping every subject and meanwhile saving money for her college is intimidated by the rich kids of her elite school and has a secret crush on a guy which she probably shouldn't have. Nick a jock at grayson high, belongs to a different world -the rich one ,showing off his riches while everyone thinks of him as a player , he has a soft side , and he does a pretty good job at hiding it. While people judge him as a player , he is fighting his own battles that nobody knows of . Nate and katherine , will fate ever let these two worlds Collide? Or will they be clean bowled ? warnings- bullying, death, parental abuse

Anjali_Pandey_17 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

chapter 2- she probably hates me (Nick)

I have to get ready for school , it's already seven in the morning. I didn't get any sleep last night ,I was up thinking about how I am going to tell my parents that I want to pursue dance full time and that I want to be in the school's dance team, he doesn't know how much I like to dance and choreograph and I want to be a dancer. Nobody knows that I go dance studio, but I want to tell everyone about it, my big brother harold , was into dance too , it was his forte. His dance was all stunt and zero moves .

one day while practicing he fell down and broke his neck and died right then and there alone in the studio, I miss him a lot. I miss my big brother. But from that day my mother never let me dance again , she was scared that my fate would be the same as his. So at night after football practice i sneak into studio by the pool and practice because dance is in my system and i can't get it out of me, call me selfish but i can't leave my passion even for my mom.

Leaving these thoughts at the back of my head I get up go get ready for school .

I wished mom and dad good morning and took to keys of my BMW and leave for my school, driving to school takes hardly twenty minutes , I live nearby.

I wish I see her today and by her I do not mean my girlfriend kristen , not from past two years , at least . I am talking about katherine , yeah she is a nerd but I like the way she looks and she is the only girl who does not begs me to touch her. She has an amazing body with perfect curves, she's thick just at the right places. She has fair , smooth skin with light brown eyes, like caramel. She never wears makeup, she has different choices than the friends I have , I find it attractive.

She has beautiful red hair and she uses this lip balm on her full lips and she smells like fresh cherries and it makes me want to jump at her . I am really attracted to her and she is irresistible. All the other girls tease her and make fun of her because they are insecure because I know deep down every guy in our school wants to have her, and she does not have any clue about it. It makes me want to murder them, but I can't show any attraction towards her because I also tease her because she only talks to me when I make fun of her and day by day she is getting prettier, she is so nice that she helps everybody even the assholes , who intimidate her. It's just who she is , her personality, her looks , her cute childish voice . I like her way too much, but I don't think she likes me back , I mean why would she ? I get on her nerves for basically everything she does ,and besides I don't want anybody to know that I tease her because I like her so I give her attitude half the time and irritate her for the other half. so basically I am a dick.

she probably hates me. With her in my thoughts I park my car in the parking lot and my friends meets me half way in the school field. And that is when I saw her and her glue stick of bestfriend , maybe they are together, he is always there with her it makes me sick. I wanna talk to her and the way she is looking at me right now I want to kiss her cherry lips. Wait ,what? one second, why is she staring at me ? Do I look hot today?

Why ? She hates me .

With thoughts of kissing her, I notice Her eye widens and then for a second she stares at me like she is trying to figure out what I am trying to say to her. The bell rang indicating the beginning of first period.

Then she turns to her glues stick -clayton , they talk briefly and started walking to the main hall entrance and that is when I notice her hair , yes she is perfect in every way and the way she sway her hips without even her knowing it makes me drool.

I rub my chin with my palm and feel my lips are curved into a smile and now I know why she was staring at me , because I was smiling at her, damn it.

One day I won't be able to control myself.

Someone poked my back with one finger, and it's my English teacher Mrs. Brown "why are you still here, Nick, are you trying to bunk your first period ?"

I show her my charming smile "no, Mrs. brown I am not bunking, yet." I turn around and run to my chemistry class.