
When the Sun and Moon meet

This tale is about the relationship of two boys, their love was so pure but not everyone can have a happy ending. met an end with tragedy, will the boys have a happy ending this time in their new life?

EviehasAnxiety · Fantasie
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9 Chs

The Beginning

Then he jumped

Say goodbye

forever in love

as I clasp my hands and cry

don't weep for me

Now, I am only a dream."

Nat Chidee

Nat woke up to the sound of his phone ringing, he picked it up. " What's wrong?" He asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What's wrong?!" His friend Malee yelled over the phone.

" You're late for your first day of school that's what's wrong."

    "Huh" Nat said looking at the time "oy your right" Nat jumped out of bed "hurry Nat and get ready." "ok I'll call you later" then Nat hang up, today's was Nat's first day at his new school.

   He had just turned 16 a couple days ago and decided to switch schools he was in Mathayom 5 (11th grade) he'd just moved to Bangkok to be with his dad.

He changed into his uniform and brushed his silvery, white, long curly hair that reached the back of his neck, he had a condition called Poliosis that caused him to be born with a patch of hair that was white so to match it when he was older, dyed his hair white.

    He stared at himself in the mirror for a short while he had tawny, golden brown skin which he got from his mom who was African American who also had beautiful light brown skin. He had amber green eyes which he got from his Thai father. When he finished brushing his hair he put a black hair clip in it, then he slipped on his sneakers, and grabbed his bag and headed out the door for school.

He was grabbing a book out of his bag when he tripped and dropped his book. Someone bent down picked up the book and handed it to him, then stood up.

   Nat looked up the was a tall man he seemed to be about 6"4 Nat assumed the man was his senior the man had shiny black hair, beautiful light blue eyes that resembled the ocean, and fair light skin. Nat stood up and said thank you to the senior and continued on his way.

Thorn Kraisee

Thorn watched the petite junior who seemed to be about 5"6 walked away he looked at the floor and realize the junior had dropped a bookmark He picked it up and read the name "Nat Chidee" Thorn was 17 and in Mathayom 6 (12th grade).

   He dusted off the bookmark and put it in his pocket " when I run into him I'll give it back" he thought. He walked to his next class. Upon entering the room his friend Alex waved to him and gestured Thorn to sit next to him.

    " You're less moody today" Alex said. Thorn turned to Alex and gave him a hard stare. "I stand corrected, hey what's that?" Alex asked pointing to the bookmark sticking out of pocket "nothing" Thorn said defensively smacking Alex's hand out of his way.

" Class is starting focus on your self Alex"

  " those grades of yours don't seem too good." "ouch" said Alex " you know words can hurt sometimes". " Then you should mind your own business" Thorn replied. The teacher started the lesson.

Nat Chidee

As Nat continued walking down the hall he saw his friend Malee. She was very short about 5"0 she had light brown silky long hair the she always put in a low ponytail. When she saw Nat she ran up to him and gave him a big hug "It's so nice to see you Nat I haven't seen you since you last visited Thailand, how long are you staying?"

   Nat smiled at his friend " I'll be here from a while let's take it one step at a time." Malee grabbed Nat's hand and walked with him. " what class do you have next Nat?" She asked him. He handed her over his schedule. Malee look at the schedule and smiled excitedly."We have the same classes!" She exclaimed

She turned to look at Nat stared for a short while then said " I'm loving the hair clip, it's really pretty."

" I knew you would say that Lee" Nat replied reaching into his bag and piling out a black hair clip with a rainbow on it.

"Here you go" Nat said handing the clip to her. Her smile widened " you know me all too well Nattie." She said as she put the clip in her hair

"Of course, after all I'm your best friend" He said.

"So what have you been doing all this time in the U.S?"

" Nothing much really, just Some violin comps, photography classes, and piano classes" Malee looked at Nat as if she was silently judging him. " You need to have more you don't ever go to parties, all you do is study, read, and do your overachiever activities."

  Nat sighed " Lee come on, I've told you that I don't like parties their too loud, and there's too many people crowed together." Lee nudged him in the shoulder. " that wouldn't be a problem if you let loose and go with the flowww" she shook her head.

  " I would rather not got with the flow, and focus on my studying you do you and I'll do me." He said "aww such a party pooper" Nat chuckle ok come on we have class.


" I am starving!" Malee said Nat was also starving but he refused to eat fearing he would gain weight. Malee seemed to notice he wasn't going to eat and said " I'll ignore you the rest of the day if you don't eat something, I know you have that disorder but you can't keep skipping meals! No exceptions you need to eat." Nat looked at her " come on Lee don't be like that please" Malee looked away "Ok" Nat said with a sigh

  " but only an apple" in his head he tried to remember how many calories were in the apples then took out his small note pad and wrote down "apple 78 calories" Malee looked at the notepad " you still do that? You need to reach out for some help" Nat ignored her and put his notebook away.

Thorn walked in to the cafeteria with Alex upon entering he saw the petite junior talking with some girl. As he walked past he heard the girl tell the junior that he can't keep skipping meals, Thorn thought about that for awhile and realize that the junior was most likely so petite because if it. He sat down.

Alex seemed to notice Thorn staring hard at Nat. " Oo who's that?" He said in a voice that made it sound as if it were a joke " No one" Thorn replied "You sure are extremely weird today, I bet it's because of that white hair boy"

"You don't know what your talking about Alex, let me eat my lunch in peace." Alex look at Nat once mean then said "Ok if you say so"