
When the Sun and Moon meet

This tale is about the relationship of two boys, their love was so pure but not everyone can have a happy ending. met an end with tragedy, will the boys have a happy ending this time in their new life?

EviehasAnxiety · Fantasie
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9 Chs

I Made This For You! Part 1

April 14 Friday

Nat 6:05am

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I sat up and turned it off quickly so it wouldn't disturb my father who had already had a long day at work and needed some rest. I stepped out of bed and got ready for today. I grabbed a lilac cardigan, a plain white t shirt, and high waisted jeans to wear. When I was done showering input everything on then put my ear-cuffs on. I was going to cover the little mole under my eye but decided to let it show after remembering what my dad said to me last night.

I grabbed his phone and called Malee "Hey Lee I'll be there in 30 minutes." "Okay I'll see you then bye bye" Malee said. I grabbed my small brown corduroy bag with a bear charm on in then put my wallet and phone in it. I put the bag over his shoulder then headed out the quietly so he wouldn't disturb his father. Today was Friday so i had time to go out and shop with Malee.

I got on his bike then made my way to Malee's house. When i got there Malee was already outside holding her bike, waiting for me. When Malee saw me she waved she was wearing the rainbow her clip I had got her "Ready?" I asked. "Of course!" She shouted back. She got on her bike and started pedaling along.

"What do you wanna get Nattie?" Malee asked him? "Stickers!, beads, strings, and stationary supplies!" He shouted "Ohh feeling crafty today are we?" Malee said jokingly. " Let's get some breakfast though I feel like having some donuts" after they had gotten breakfast we headed to the mall to buy the things we talked about earlier.

" I know you wanted to buy some clothes Lee but let's get the stationary first she we don't spend a lot of money so fast, we'll get the clothes when we've finished". Malee nodded her head. When they walked into the store Nat couldn't help but want to buy everything in it "No, No I know what your thinking Nat you can't spend so much money here just grabbed the things you come to buy"

I pouted but agreed i walked around the store looking at things. I spotted one of the things I needed it was shiny gold star stickers, I grabbed them the grabbed a pack of markers heart, smiley face, and regular plastic beads. I found the string and elastic grabbed them too. "Are you done yet?" I asked Malee "Ready!" She replied we payed for everything then headed out to buy some clothes when walking the stumbled across a tiny store with really cute clothes.

The thing that made the both of them love it was that the clothes were pastels and others were calmer colors like beige. I took Malee's hand and speed walked into the store. I walked around and immediately grabbed a shirt in both sage and lilac which were my favorite colors. I also grabbed an high waisted brown corduroy pair of jeans. I looked around for Malee to find her holding a bunch of clothes "Lee isn't that too much? Do you even have enough money for all that?"

Malee looked at me " Yes. Uh. No well I'm I was hoping I could borrow just a little bit from you I'll pay the rest I promise!" I sighed he nodded his head. "Now come on let's pay for everything thing I heard there was a cute cafe here I'm thirsty." I told her. "Okay lets go." We walked and started talking Malee took my stationary bag went into it and grabbed my pack of start stickers opened it then put on couple of my face "Hey! Cut it out!" He said suddenly Malee just stopped "What happened?" I asked her. "Nothing." She said suspiciously she countinued walking then push me into someone "Hey what was that for?!" I yelled at Malee looking up. I suddenly stepped back. I was shocked to see the person Malee had pushed me into was Thorn.


I was texting Alex the suddenly someone bumped into me "Hey! What was that for?" A tiny voice said they looked up at me then stepped back shocked it was Nat. " Ow Tiny it's nice bumping into ya here!" I put my hand on his head they ruffled his hair. He seemed surprised by my action "Yeah" he said in a tiny voice. "Cute stars" his faces turned red. "Thank you." He replied quickly. Then his friend suddenly said "We're going the the cafe for drinks, care to join us?" "Sure, lead the way!" I said. She smirked and started to walked Nat followed her and hit her a couple of time on her shoulder the whispering something to her.


"Okay, Okay." Malee said "I'll buy your drink" "You better I just spent $60 on clothes for you which I would do for you anytime without doubt but still this because of what you did." "Okay I understand.. you don't have to be so serious about it." "Hmph" I replied

" I said i was sorry" she said dragging out the sorry and pulling my arm. "Fine since I'm so generous I'll forgive you." Finally we made it the the cafe it was small and smelt like lavender it was full of tiny lights and tiny plants. All three of us sat down Malee decided to sit across from me which made me have to sit next to Thorn.

A young waiter was approached us

"Hi guys thank you for choosing Lily and Ross's what can I get for you today?" I give my order first "I'll have a strawberry milkshake with whipped cream and caramel please" then Thorn ordered " I'll have the same thing as him." Then Malee ordered an vanilla cappuccino " Alrighty it will be done in a few moments." We all nodded the waitress left and headed into the back