
When The Gangster Falls In Love

He hated the man that drove him crazy and would stop at nothing to get him away from his sister. But yet, he found himself falling deeper under his spell, intoxicated by the forbidden affection he knew better than to covet. He had stolen the heart of the man his sister loved, and what was worse, he did not regret it

Riceballs_25 · LGBT+
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28 Chs

The Bastard Was A Dead Man

After I realized that it was indeed me, and not some random whore that bedded Ferrari, I spent the next three hours locked in my bedroom trying to get the info on what happened to him. If he died after getting shot by me, I would never be able to look Jas in the eye again.

"Tell me." I ordered into the phone, standing tensely by the bedroom window, it was night and not one of my men had word on Ferrari's whereabouts.

"Boss, it's just like we reported, when we arrived there was no trace of him at the gym, he did not make use of the ambulance we called, and there's been no admission of any patience under that name. As we speak, we're searching every single hospital in the city."

I clenched my jaw, "And the two witnesses? Did they see anything?"

"I'm sorry boss, but both witnesses were already dead before our men could get to them."

I gasped, "What? Someone got to them first?" That was unbelievable, that meant that someone must've known that I'd be at the gym this afternoon.

"Their work was flawless, we couldn't find anything to track them back, they must be professionals." Elio went on to explain.

But that wasn't what I focused on. Whoever killed these witnesses didn't have any motive I could think of, so why the hell would they kill them?

"Damn it!" I hissed and ended the call.

This didn't make any sense.

As far as I knew, Ferrari didn't have the legs to run, talk less hide this well from me. How was he no where to be found? In his condition?

The people whom killed the witnesses must've taken him with them. But now, the question of why lingered in my mind, this didn't make much sense, especially Ferrari's involvement.

For the next four days nothing made sense and everything irritated me. Ferrari hadn't turned up yet, and from what I heard Jas say over the phone, he hadn't been to the university either.

"Where the hell are you hiding?" I muttered to myself as I alighted my car, and stepped under the large black umbrella held out for me.

Tonight, Camille had come through for me and scheduled a dinner for me and her father. It was a sudden announcement that came through thirty minutes ago. She stressed over the text that Richard had to fly out of the country for a convention abroad and only had an hour to spare.

Depending on how tonight's conversation went, I would get one step closer to getting out of Serpiente.

"So glad you made it." Camille greeted me with a kiss at the entrance to the restaurant. It was raining cats and dogs outside, hence I had to change my shoes before following her to the table where Richard was waiting.

I pulled her a seat, then sat myself left from her father, I had the rest of my men wait in the cars outside, I didn't want Richard getting any ideas about me.

"Hayes? Was it?" Richard asked picking up the menu I had my sights set on.

I forced a smile, I was used to doing that a lot since I joined the Mafia. It wasn't a talent I was proud of, I had to force myself to smile while sitting on a pile of corpses drinking glasses of blood.

"Yes, I'm pleased that you were able to steal time from your schedule to come meet me…" I was saying, but he interrupted me by raising his palm in the air.

"Save the flattery. You already pillow talked my daughter into forcing this meeting, go straight to what you want." He said, sounding pissed off.

I stole a glance at Camille, she mouthed me a sorry and then she picked up the menu in front of her and pretended to be interested with it.

"Fine. But I'd like to say that Camille is an intelligent woman, she runs her hotel with all capability, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't underestimate her judgement. I believe I'm only here because she's just that competent." I said then placed my hand over hers, calming her down.

Camille adored her father. And just like I said, she wouldn't have introduced us if it would embarrass her in front of him. I truly admired that about her.

Richard scoffed at our hands placed together, then diverted his gaze to his watch, reminding me of the time limit we had.

I knew that he was a prude, so I wasn't fazed by his prickly attitude. "Of course. Getting into this, I have a concept that might sound a bit absurd but practicable. What would you say to investing in building a smart community?"

Camille and her father both exchanged quick glances.

"Honey, a smart community?" Camille echoed.

"That's absurd! Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" He spat at me, thankfully the restaurant was cleared out and we were the only three inside.

I stood my ground. "Imagine fully integrated, sustainable neighbourhoods harnessing the power of modern technology, and taking advantage of environmental awareness. We would cater to the growing needs of the…" I could tell from the way his gaze softened that I was getting through to him.

He wasn't convinced, but he wasn't rejecting of the idea.

However, just as I was getting to the good part of my proposal, my fucking phone rang!

I immediately reached for it to switch it off, but a text message popped up on the top screen.


Coco? I looked around swiftly, then tapped on the message to see an address not too far from here.

Ferrari? He was alive?

"Honey, is something the matter? You look pale." Camille's crooning tone pulled me strictly out of my thoughts. I returned my attention to Richard, he was already pissed off that he was here, and there was no way this didn't upset him.

"I'm fine—"

My phone vibrated in my hand.


This fucking bastard!

He was doing this on purpose! He was trying to get into my head and he had succeeded in screwing me over.

"I'm sorry," I pressed a kiss to Camille's forehead, "But I have to leave, it's a call from work and they need me there immediately."

Richard curled his fingers into a tight fist and punched the table, "Who the hell do you think you are?! You don't leave until I dismiss you—"

"Daddy please calm down, your blood pressure…" Camille tried to coax him, but I didn't stay to watch the family theatrics. I picked up my jacket from my seat and hung it over my shoulder.

"I hope we can meet again to discuss this further." I said right before leaving Richard Crawford sitting beet red in anger at the table of his own restaurant.

"Boss?" Elio raised a brow opening the backseat door for me.

I passed my phone to him. "Drive to this address, and tell the rest to go back to headquarters."

"What? You know that it'll be hard to convince them, when it has to do with your safety…" He tried speaking sense to me, but I couldn't care less if I was walking into a trap.

Ferrari had my personal number, that was an implication that there was something abnormal about him. I had to find out for myself, and bringing my men with me will narrow my chances.

"Make it happen. But you can stay, but make sure you're not detected, I don't want any mistakes."

Elio nodded, "Yes boss, I'll do my best." He said withdrawing the umbrella and closing the door.

The whole drive, I felt my chest pounding uncontrollably, as the images of that night at the hotel flashed before my eyes, each more vivid than the last.

The nightmare I had been afraid to face had become a reality.

"Ferrari, you're a fucking dead man."