
A Friend Like No Other (Aladdin Complete)

I admit to being a bit out of it after the fight, so as the genie asked such a question, I may have stared off a bit longer than I should have. As I sat down and steadied myself, the genie changed the rock I was about to sit on into a recliner.

As he looped around and placed a hand on my shoulder, he asked, " You alright, kid? I know seeing the amazingness that is myself is rather daunting, but you seem to be a bit out of it."

As he says this, he proceeds to flex his very smoky-looking muscles, while I just observed the ridiculousness that was the genie at this man basically broke every single law of science in a couple of seconds.

"I'm just trying to think of my three wishes. I do appreciate the seating, though, but how exactly do you know about recliners?" The genie, without answering, just gave me a knowing smirk and left me to my theory crafting.

Standing up from the chair, it returned to its standard form as a rock, and after doing some stretches, I began to ask some questions. " So other than harm, love, revival, and free will anything is on the table?"

The genie just smoked a large pipe and nodded while saying in a bad Italian accent, "Right on the money, kid. Isn't that just an offer you can't refuse?"

" How specific do I need to be for these wishes? Do you require specific language, or are you able to make assumptions based on how the wishes are exactly?"

" It depends on the genie, my friend, some of my more malevolent coworkers like that monkey paw business. I've never really had a bad time with humans, so feel free to generalize. I would have you know that I got a 4.0 on all of my tests." as he returns to his normal form, the genie asks me another question.

" But I gotta ask, where exactly did you learn these rules from? I know I'm a popular guy, but I assume you haven't found many friends like me." The last part, he says, with a wide smile and giant teeth, that just seems to almost blind me.

" There has been a decent amount of documentation on the rules of genies. I believe you have heard of the book 1001 Nights? " the genie gives a knowing nod but also frowns a bit.

"Now, that was some messy business. At least you weren't going around messing with any gods, as any genies working under them are straight-up the worst. I remember the time I was once in the presence of a collector who accidentally summoned two genies at once, and sadly, he did not find my form appealing, and decided to go with the demoness disguising herself as a genie. If there's one thing I can't stomach, it's frauds." While saying that, he grows in size and sticks up a finger to the sky before he shrinks back down and looks back at me.

" So, got any wishes?" Walking over to observe the endless hills of gold and jewels I pondered on what I should wish for. There's no point in wishing for immortality as there are perks I could use for the jump chain, and I'm already immortal as I can't really age out, and once I get regen perks, that's basically all I'll need.

I could wish for more magical knowledge, but I'm unsure whether or not this genie is able to access stuff from other universes. That and I only have two wishes as I'm going to use the third to free him.

I should be focusing on what I will need in order to visit a world with more dangerous threats. I can't make any physical changes to myself as this is just an alternate form, which would take time to switch to.

Looking back to the genie, I spoke my two wishes.

" For my first wish, I wish that no being may peer into my past or future. For my second wish, I wish that my mind and soul be made untouchable to external and internal manipulation unless I allow it." The genie nodding, then points a finger at me, and in seconds, I am filled with a feeling of security in a way.

" Well, just as Dr. Genie ordered, you my friend, are now spiritually and mentally invulnerable as well as immune or a blind spot for precognition and post-cognition. Now, what is your last wish? Because that kid's gonna be waking up soon." Looking at Aladdin, I nod and speak my last wish.

"Since you have fulfilled both of my wishes, I shall grant your wish for my final one. For my third wish, I wish that you may be free. But on the condition that you cannot use your magic powers to harm or manipulate others unless you are sufficiently threatened or those you care for."

With a look of complete and utter surprise, the golden bands around his arms disappear, as well as some of the other jewelry across his body, and he looks at me with an unreadable expression.

After a couple of seconds, his eyes begin to water as he grabs me and begins to give me a massive hug while proceeding to cry out entire rivers of tears.

" Thank you, Basim buddy! Finally, I can get out of that cramped lamp! Do you know how hard it is to get good food and a lamp as well as good cell service?! I mean, Netflix won't even exist for the next thousand years. But I'm getting off track here. Thank you so much I don't know what to do now. Quick wish for something really stupid."

Chuckling to myself, I respond, " I wish that the suicide squad game released on PS Five never got released."

The genie, in an almost frightened manner, recalled back as if expecting his body to move for him, but nothing happened. He began to laugh, but not away, but with so much life that I thought flowers were beginning to bloom in the desert.

And to my credit, some quite literally did start popping out of the ground. After dropping me, I floated back down to the ground and watched as the wish granter somehow reached his hands into the lamp and pulled out multiple luggage carriers and sets of clothing.

"I'll be telling you what, Basim, you have no idea how thankful I am for this. Do you know how hard it is to stretch in that lamp? Because you see, the problem with being a genie is that the longer we go without granting wishes, the smaller it gets in there, and you might think, but if you have basically near limitless power, why is your space so small? Its the rules, my friend, because similarly to a lot of gods, we rely on granting wishes, and the energy from all of those wishes allows us to continue existing similarly to worship." I do take mental note of this, as that could be a possible way to influence and even get rid of a genie.

"Where do you plan on going first?" The question slowly leaves my mouth as the genie continues to pack ridiculous amounts of items into a small luggage carrier.

"I'm heading to Vegas, baby! Do you know how much money I can win? Not even mentioning the sights you can see there if you can catch my drift." as he said, he places on a very ugly Hawaiian shirt while placing a pair of shades and a fedora on his head, and while I do want to comment on it, I'm just going to let the cosmic being do what he wants.

" I know you're admiring my fashion taste. I can't help it if it's impeccable. Also, a little advice from being that's existed since the beginning of time: you need to find someone, my friend. It's as clear as day that you can't seem to relax. You can't be all work and no play, my friend, even if you do "relax."

I don't answer verbally , but I do nod my head and acknowledgment of it, and before he goes, he extends his arm multiple feet and offers his hand.

I accept a handshake with my right hand, and after a shake, he waves goodbye and disappears in a barrage of fireworks.

I have to admit he may have been a bit rambunctious, but he's got style.

Walking over and grabbing the lamp, I left Aladdin and his monkey behind me as I teleported them back to the city.

Remembering his home, if you could even call it one from the movie, I dropped the two of them on his bed, as well as a decent amount of gold for his troubles.

As I go to leave, however, I turn around and find that the magic carpet has been following me and managed to grab onto me before I made the jump. After grabbing the carpet and teleporting back outside of the city, I turned towards it and asked. " So why are you following me?"

Grabbing a stick from nearby, it begins to write some words in the sand. To make sure I could read the message, I used telekinesis to keep the sand from shifting.

" You look like you could use a friend. and I can definitely say with utmost certainty that you will not find a friend like me." Ego much?

After dropping the small stick, it slowly stood upright and placed itself below me, and after turning horizontally, I sat down slowly and just allowed it to do its thing.

As soon as I got situated, it began to fly into the sky and just exist. I have flown before, but I will definitely say the feeling was somewhat different on a magic carpet. It felt more authentic in a way.

Soon enough, it crested above the clouds, and I saw the sun beginning to rise over the city and just enjoyed the silence.

" Are you sure you wanna be friends with me? I'm not exactly the greatest of people." After I asked the question, it began to fly back down, and after I got off, it folded itself to form sentences.

" I mean, it's either being trapped in a cave, or I go with you, or I room with a thief and a monkey. I have made my choice." Then, it proceeded to stretch itself back out normally, and I was slightly miffed that I was the second option.

" Is it sad that my first friend is a carpet?" Said carpet, then became a bit angry and tried to wrap itself around my neck. But I kept it from doing so using my telekinesis, but it wasn't really trying to choke me anyway.

" Who talks to their friends like that anyway? It goes against the fabric code!" I believe it is the bro code, but it is literally a magic carpet, so I just managed to shove it away.

"Besides, who says your friends have to be human anyway? at least I'm not a monkey who will constantly throw its crap at you." This carpet is making way too much sense.

" Do you want a name? I can't just keep calling you carpet in my head. Speaking of which, what gender are you if you identify as a gender that is." The carpet then somehow went into a thinking pose and sat on one of the sand dunes.

But after a while, it folded itself to look like a male gender sign or at least its version of one. After seeing its answer, I nodded.

" Well, we're in this for the long haul. Take my hand. But do know that this will be your last chance to back out." the carpet, then with no hesitation, wrapped itself around my arm, and the purple and gold ornate carpet then gained a new symbol in the center.

It was something that looked similar to a very ornate C and D, and after doing so, I felt what seemed like a tugging in my mind. And after acknowledging the feeling, I then heard a voice.

"Hello. hello. Testing testing 123. Is this thing on?" The voice, seemingly coming from the carpet, then turns to me as if asking the question.

(Imagine the carpet sounding like Mushu from Mulan.)

"Yes, I can hear you. Is that you carpet?" The carpet then nods to me.

" Yeah, it's me. This is definitely interesting as I've never been able to speak before. Is this your doing?" Based on the fact that this thing just joined me as one of my items, I nodded to it.

"Well, all right then, by the way, if you don't want to call me Carpet, you can just call me silk. It's what I made of, after all." I have a feeling I've heard the name before.

" That's a nice name. Now, I'm going to open a portal. Do not freak out, but do fly through." as I placed my hand on the ground, a glowing blue portal appeared, and Silk immediately flew through it, which was a nice feeling, as he seemed to trust me.

Looking back to the city of Agrabah, I do a small salute and hop into my warehouse. As I did so, I proceeded to land right on the carpet, and it didn't seem to expect that and flattened itself on the floor.

"OW! Let a carpet know when you're about to jump on. You may not be the heaviest guy I've had to carry, but you're definitely up there. Do you know how long it takes for me to iron out these fibers?" Standing up and giving him a small wave of apology while Solk tries to rub off the sand and wrinkles. I look at the ceiling and see that the jump world timer has hit zero, and I could go onto the next jump.

Looking at the golden staff in my hand and then back to the jump world terminal, I feel silk creep over my shoulder and look at the terminal.

" So where are we going?" the sentient carpet asked as it wrapped itself around my back like a cloak.

" We're gonna go make some money. By the way, how do you feel about farming?" I could feel Silk narrowing his eyes at me as I smirked to myself while planning the next jump.

(Also, to anyone wondering why he never seems to get his genie lamp. It's because the one that he grabbed from the Cave of Wonders is going to act as his new genie when the next jump happens. The three wishes he made were the three wishes allowed per jump.)

(Next Jump Is FarmVille.)