
When The Devil Adores The Angel: The Fallen

Following the tumultuous war incident in Bethlehem, Lucifer, infamous as the Devil, bore the weight of his dark and malevolent reputation. Yet, an unforeseen twist of fate unfolded as he crossed paths with Jophiel, the archangel of beauty, also hope, charm, and love. Their destinies, once divergent, became entwined anew by the red strings of fate, initiating an extraordinary metamorphosis within Lucifer. Gradually, a profound transformation overcame him, ushering forth a refined persona, one defined by empathy and compassion. In a dramatic defiance of his sinister nature, Lucifer evolved into a gentleman of unparalleled grace, thereby challenging the very essence of his diabolical identity.

CharleeMaigne · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter 8: Fearless and Confess

Seven virtues, one Will, and a King. The throne of Hell stood, encircled by an assembly of devils, their crimson eyes fixed upon the scene unfolding before them. Amidst the eerie silence, Lilith descended gracefully onto the second layer of the throne, with Jophiel positioned beneath her. Her presence was a commanding force, and as she arrived, she summoned her hollows to action. With a mystical gesture, her hollows wove a path for her, a dark and spectral road that stretched out before her.

As Lilith made her calculated advance along the path, she cast a penetrating gaze upon Lucifer, the Morning Star himself. In a voice that resonated with authority and a hint of playful mockery, she proclaimed, "The King of Hell has arrived!" The devils erupted into a cacophony of cheers and shouts, their voices echoing through the abyss.

"Lucifer, my love," Lilith continued, her tone a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. "It's indeed an unusual sight to behold you in this assembly. And what, pray tell, has brought you to introduce such opposing guests to our dominion?" Lucifer remained stoic, his gaze locked onto Lilith.

"But before you answer, my dear," Lilith continued, her words carrying an air of anticipation, "I must take a moment to address the true nature of this particular guest," she said, pointing her elegant finger at Jophiel, the Archangel beneath her. Her steps echoed softly on the spectral path as she continued her descent.

"Some among you may have regarded me as overly paranoid over the millennia," Lilith began, her voice drawing the attention of all present, especially the archdemons. "But I have always been acutely aware of the enigmatic being that this angel is."

An unsettling hush fell over the assembly as Lilith's words hung in the air. She continued, her voice unwavering, "An angel wielding a sword, a weapon known as the Demon Edge—a weapon capable of instantly erasing a devil's existence from the annals of reality. The Almighty does not bestow such a weapon upon a mere ordinary angel. Do you not agree, Michael, the Right Hand of God?" Lilith's gaze shifted towards the archangel Michael, and a mischievous giggle escaped her lips as she continued her descent along the path. 

"Furthermore," Lilith continued with an air of subtle revelation, "this blade possesses the astonishing ability to restore that which even the celestial triads of Heaven cannot fathom. It's as if they hold a power beyond our understanding—a power that could only be described as formidable. Such a pity." Her descent brought her tantalizingly close to the ground, her presence casting a looming shadow.

"But what truly grieves me," Lilith declared with a mix of disappointment and accusation, "is you, Lucifer! Instead of standing with me in our pursuit to rid ourselves of this troublesome archangel, you've chosen to aid others in her protection." Asmodeus descended abruptly, landing with an imposing presence.

"That's a fact," he chimed in, his voice resonating with a cold and calculated certainty. "Indeed, he has been her unwavering shield."

Lucifer's eyes bore into Asmodeus as he inquired, his voice tinged with suspicion, "What are you implying, Asmodeus?"

Asmodeus wasted no time in laying out his suspicions for all to hear. "My doubts concerning you, Lucifer, began when you shielded her from Beelzebub's menacing halberd. It seemed as though it was part of your elaborate plan to eliminate Michael. That single act altered the course of events, reshaping our reality even now." With a sudden burst of energy, Asmodeus took flight, his voice ringing out as he addressed the assembly, "I believe it is high time that I share what I have witnessed regarding our King's true intentions—or perhaps a shift in his affections." His words hung heavy in the air, a deafening silence descending upon the throne room. 

"I, Beelzebub, and Leviathan," Asmodeus began, his voice carrying the weight of history, "searched for you in Nazareth, moving in the shadows, incognito. When we finally reunited, it was Leviathan who dared to question you, much as Lilith has done here today." He paused briefly, remembering that moment in time.

"I recall it well," Michael interjected, placing a gentle hand on Lucifer's shoulder. "You responded with indirect words, claiming that your actions were your own, shrouded in ambiguity." Michael's tone was humble, a stark contrast to the tensions that hung in the air.

Lucifer's gaze remained fixed on the unfolding drama as Asmodeus stepped forward. "And you, Lucifer, aided her in acquiring those seeds," Asmodeus continued, his voice laced with intrigue. "You supported the dreams of an old man's wife, and we followed your lead, trusting that the plan you called 'Domination' would come to fruition when you signaled it."

Asmodeus moved closer to Lilith, his words echoing through the throne room, "Our queen, perhaps this moment is opportune, for our king has brought them here. It suggests that they will not linger after dealing with the archangel. It seems that you may have misinterpreted our king's intentions. Perhaps he deceived us first, all to deceive the archangels." Lilith fell into a pensive silence, her thoughts racing.

"In essence," Asmodeus concluded with a sly smirk, "he intends to exterminate them all in one fell swoop." His words hung in the air, a chilling revelation that sent shivers down the spines of all who had gathered in the throne room.

Lilith turned her gaze back to Asmodeus, a glint of intrigue dancing in her eyes as she responded, "Oh, I see. Such a clever move, my love." Her words carried a tone of admiration for Lucifer's cunning.

Among the archangels, discontent simmered just beneath the surface. Michael's eyes remained fixed on Lucifer's back, his expression guarded. He seemed on the verge of speaking out, but after a brief pause, he averted his gaze, choosing silence for the moment. Jophiel, however, couldn't tear her eyes away from Lucifer. She sought to unravel the truth behind his motives, a complex tapestry woven with the bonds they had shared.

Yet, Lilith remained unsatisfied with Asmodeus's revelations. In a commanding gesture, she summoned her hollows, unleashing a torrent of dark energy upon Jophiel. The archangel recoiled in agony, her form contorting with the pain inflicted upon her.

The other archangels reacted swiftly, moving to approach Jophiel and intervene, but the archdemons, save for Beelzebub, acted in unison. With a coordinated effort, they conjured a powerful pentagram barrier, sealing off the archangels' path. The hollows continued their relentless assault on Jophiel, inflicting severe injuries upon her.

Lucifer's visage contorted with rage as he bellowed, "Stop it!" His voice reverberated through the cavernous space. But the hollows paid no heed to his command, persisting in their relentless assault on Jophiel. "Stop it!" Lucifer's voice thundered again, the echoes cascading through the throne room, a desperate plea to end the torment inflicted upon the archangel.

Lilith's surprise was evident as she inquired, "And why is that?" Her curiosity hung in the air, waiting for Lucifer's response.

With a solemn gaze, Lucifer answered, "No one shall harm that angel, except for me." His words carried a weighty determination that spoke volumes about his unwavering resolve.

Lilith nodded in understanding and regret, her tone softer now as she commanded her hollows to cease their assault. "My apologies for the misunderstanding," she conceded. "Now, Asmodeus, if what you claim about Lucifer deceiving our guests is true," she continued with newfound confidence, "then show us the evidence. Show us how he intends to protect that angel, as he claims, and why no one else may harm her."

Lucifer shifted his attention from the archangels, who continued to scrutinize him, even Michael, and back to the throne room before him. A small rock caught his eye, and he plucked it from the ground. With a graceful motion, he soared upward, leaving the arch demons' pentagram to dissolve into nothingness.

Floating in the air above his throne, Lucifer waited with a poised and patient demeanor. His gaze fell upon Jophiel, who still lay wounded and weary. He awaited the moment when she would lift her head, for it was then that the truth of his intentions would be laid bare for all to see.

Lilith, the archdemons, high-ranking devils, and other infernal denizens observed with a sense of intrigue and wonder as Lucifer came to an abrupt halt in mid-air. Their collective curiosity hung in the air like a palpable presence, their gazes locked onto the unfolding scene.

Amidst the hushed anticipation, Jophiel slowly began to regain her clarity, drawing in labored breaths as she struggled against exhaustion. Her eyes met Lucifer's figure suspended above her, and then, unexpectedly, a small rock sailed through the air, landing gently at her feet. A smile played upon Lucifer's lips, and he called out to her, "It's good to see you too, archangel."

A soft, bewildered laugh escaped Jophiel's lips as she replied, "Is it that I'm the one who always throws rocks at you?"

"Apparently, yes," Lucifer quipped with a playful grin. "Because that's how you've always greeted me, you flower-fanatic."

Jophiel's eyes sparkled with mirth. "Well, it suits you well to be greeted like that."

The archangels, however, were left flabbergasted by the unexpected turn of events. They watched in astonishment as Lucifer and Jophiel engaged in a seemingly casual conversation amidst the backdrop of adversity. Meanwhile, the devils and Lucifer's companions appeared far from pleased, and Lilith's expression contorted with jealousy and anger.

Lucifer, however, broke the silence with a resolute declaration. "You all wish to know the truth, do you not?" His gaze swept across the throne room. "Then I suppose it's time I had a conversation with Little Flower." The archangels, taken aback by his words, were left utterly surprised, the air fraught with anticipation.

Lucifer sighed deeply, his eyes locked onto Jophiel's, and a sense of vulnerability seeped into his voice. "The first time I laid eyes upon you, I certainly didn't anticipate that the angel held within her such ethereal beauty—a beauty reminiscent of Barbelo herself. My gaze couldn't help but be drawn to you, and in that very moment, an unexpected affection began to take root within me. However, pride held me back, and I chose to ignore it," he admitted, his words tinged with candor.

Jophiel's surprise was unmistakable, her eyes wide as she listened intently to his confession.

Lucifer continued, recounting a pivotal moment in their history. "Then came the fateful day when I witnessed you shielding Michael amidst the chaos of battle. In that instant, an overwhelming urge to save you enveloped me. I appeared before you, taking the blow from the halberd meant for Michael. I descended into the ocean, my once-devil wings transforming into black wings, akin to a fallen angel. And amidst it all, my mind was consumed by thoughts of you—I couldn't think of anything else."

Jophiel stared at him, her expression a mixture of emotions, her own experiences and feelings intertwined with his.

Lucifer went on, his tone taking on a hint of self-deprecating laughter. "I never expected that, after the war, our paths would cross once more. You were attempting to charm me, as your angelic nature dictates. It puzzled me for a while, but then it dawned on me—I was already captivated by you. Your attempts to manipulate me failed because you had already fed me, even though you were well aware of my dark nature. You treated me as if I were an ordinary being, and in that moment, I felt a profound shame within myself. I couldn't even meet your gaze directly as I answered for my role in the rebellion," he concluded, his confession hanging in the air like a weighty revelation. 

"And as we stood together, gazing upon the enchanting scenery of Bethlehem," Lucifer continued, his voice soft with reminiscence, "you posed to me the same question that had been posed by all my pleasant companions before you. Yet, at that moment, I refrained from answering, for I needed to be absolutely certain of the tenderness that had taken root within me." Jophiel listened intently, her expression filled with delight and curiosity. Beside her, Camael couldn't contain her astonishment, her hand covering her mouth in excitement.

Lucifer's voice carried on, weaving a tapestry of memories and emotions. "Then came the day when I witnessed you, dancing and singing in harmony with your beloved plants—or should I say, flowers—and the birds joining your joyous chorus. It was a day when I beheld an enchanted paradise, where a goddess resided in perfect harmony with her surroundings." A warmth crept into his tone as he recounted the scene.

"As my eyes feasted upon your radiant smiles and the laughter that flowed from you like a serene melody, I felt an inexplicable attraction to you. On our way back, you shivered from the cold, and I couldn't help but extend my wings to cover you, offering you warmth and comfort. Your rosy-cheeked, grinning face intrigued me endlessly. It reminded me of the day I shielded you with my wings, and yet, it also mirrored the moment when you playfully poked my nose as I drifted into slumber." Lucifer chuckled softly, a genuine warmth in his eyes.

"But what truly captivated me," he admitted with a hint of wonder, "was the radiant aura that seemed to envelop all of Bethlehem whenever you were near."

Jophiel's gaze momentarily averted, her cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment, yet a fond smile played on her lips as she recalled those shared moments. Lucifer's words hung in the air, a testament to the deep and complex connection that had developed between them.

Camael couldn't contain her excitement, her eyes wide with anticipation as she tapped Uriel repeatedly. "Uriel! What am I hearing now?!" she exclaimed eagerly, her tapping growing more insistent with each passing moment. "Lucifer's confession?" Uriel confirmed, and Camael practically beamed with joy. Uriel, ever the perceptive one, noticed that Lucifer had more to say. "Hold on," Uriel whispered, "I think there's still more to this."

Michael, Amenadiel, Gabriel, and Raphael, the other archangels present listened intently to the unfolding revelation, their expressions varying from curiosity to approval.

As the devils in attendance prepared to confront Lucifer, Lilith swiftly intervened, commanding her hollows to halt their advance. The archdemons observed the scene with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty, while Lilith, her expression far from pleased, declared, "Allow your king to be heard, one last time."

Lucifer, reclining slightly but still floating in the air, continued to address Jophiel. "Do you understand why I'm saying all of this now?" he inquired. Jophiel nodded in response, her gaze unwavering. "It's because, regardless of what fate may befall me in this moment, at the very least, these feelings of mine will be directed towards you. You shall bear witness to the profound adoration of a devil for an angel," he declared with heartfelt sincerity.

Camael couldn't contain her excitement, and she shook Uriel with unbridled enthusiasm, her voice ringing out in exhilaration.

Meanwhile, Michael couldn't help but scoff, his tone dripping with ironic amusement. "When the devil adores the angel," he remarked, his gaze fixed on Lucifer.

Amenadiel chimed in with a knowing grin, "Well, I had a hunch about that for quite some time now. Lucifer has always been quite vocal about Archangel Jophiel."

Michael's expression shifted suddenly as he turned to Amenadiel, an intrigued look in his eyes. "Is that so?" he inquired, curiosity piqued.

Amenadiel nodded, his laughter warm and genuine. "Indeed, your highness," he confirmed, sharing a lighthearted moment with his mentor.

As the devils and hollows launched their attacks on Lucifer, Lilith, tears streaming down her face, stared at him with a seething rage. The room was tense with anticipation, and Samael, sensing Lilith's distress, inquired, "Your Highness?"

Lilith hastily wiped away her tears, her voice trembling as she urged, "Don't mind me!" She then turned her attention back to the unfolding drama. With a voice filled with rage, she commanded, "Mind your king!" Her words hung heavily in the air, and the room brimmed with tension as the confrontation between the devil and the archangels reached its climax.

As the hollows closed in on Lucifer, he made a swift and daring move. With a graceful dive, he plunged into their midst, his figure disappearing into the sea of darkness. Amenadiel, ever the vigilant protector, took charge in the chaos. He launched his spear toward Lucifer with pinpoint accuracy, but Lucifer's reflexes were swift. He caught the spear mid-air and, with a decisive move, drove it into one of the hollows, dragging it down to the ground.

The archdemons observed the unfolding battle with growing displeasure, their expressions a mixture of frustration and concern. Some of the devils and hollows, sensing the tide turning, altered their course and descended upon Amenadiel en masse. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael quickly rallied to his side, forming a protective barrier around him.

Meanwhile, Camael, displaying her agility and stealth, maneuvered through the shadows and crept along the alleyways, making her way to a vantage point atop the throne, where she could better assess the situation.

Leviathan, seizing an opportunity, leaped from the throne and unleashed a devastating attack. "Envy of Sin: Ray Bullet," he declared, and a deluge of pointed water projectiles surged forth, racing toward Lucifer. Several of them struck Lucifer's shoulders, causing him to wince in pain. But just as it seemed all hope was lost, a sudden burst of flame enveloped Lucifer's vicinity, obscuring him from view. When the flames dissipated, Uriel emerged in his place, her presence an unexpected twist in the battle's narrative. 

"Are you alright, Lucifer?" Uriel inquired with concern, her eyes filled with worry.

Lucifer offered a reassuring smile as he replied, "Just a small scratch," downplaying the injury.

Leviathan couldn't contain his laughter, the revelation having confirmed his earlier suspicions. Uriel turned her gaze sharply toward him, and he seized the opportunity to explain, "That day when you were having a conversation about that archangel, my suspicions began to take root."

Asmodeus materialized, adding his insights to the unfolding drama. "Indeed," he chimed in, "we had the privilege of witnessing the King of Hell in the midst of a genuine connection with the archangel—a connection that transcended the typical boundaries."

Lucifer stood, his presence a commanding force despite the chaos around them. Asmodeus couldn't help but remind him, "I'm afraid you've forgotten your true nature, as a devil."

Mammon and Belphegor descended from above, their voices carrying a sense of finality. "It appears," Mammon stated plainly, "that we no longer require a king."

Belphegor echoed the sentiment, adding, "In fact, it seems our king has become complacent in regard to our grand plan of 'Domination.' Truly unfortunate." The room was filled with a sense of resignation as the arch demons contemplated the implications of Lucifer's revealed affections for the archangel Jophiel.

Amidst the archdemons, Uriel rose to her feet, her voice cutting through the tension in the room. She addressed the assembly with a pointed remark, "Lucifer's perspective underwent a profound transformation after he encountered Jophiel. It's evident that you demons do not comprehend the concept of love. Each of you, I suspect, harbors desires of your own, even if they lead to destruction."

Leviathan acknowledged her words with a sly grin and a decisive stamp of the ground. A tidal wave of water erupted from beneath the ground, encompassing the area and giving rise to swirling whirlpools that expanded with each passing moment.

Recognizing the impending danger, Lucifer swiftly ascended into the air. But his attempt to escape was thwarted by Asmodeus, who seized hold of his foot, preventing him from flying any higher. Asmodeus intended to detain Lucifer using a swarm of demon bees, which buzzed menacingly toward him. The bees stung Asmodeus, and in the midst of the pain, he was compelled to release his grip on Lucifer.

Suddenly, Beelzebub materialized, appearing at the pivotal moment, their presence a harbinger of change in the escalating conflict. The throne room crackled with anticipation as the balance of power teetered on a precarious edge. 

Beelzebub's voice cut through the tension, their words carrying an air of authority. "Don't touch the king," they declared firmly, their presence commanding respect.

Asmodeus scoffed, his tone filled with derision. "Are you blind?" he retorted dismissively, seemingly unfazed by Beelzebub's warning.

Beelzebub, however, remained resolute, their eyes fixed on Lucifer and Asmodeus. "You see it now, Beelzebub!" Asmodeus continued, his words dripping with persuasion. "The way 'your' king expresses his love for that archangel. A romance, I suppose. Quite impressive. But he's no longer the demon you once knew."

Asmodeus extended his hand, a subtle invitation to join their cause. "Come and join us," he urged. "We were the ones who conquered the world, not humans, and united them here in hell. We don't need a king to achieve our goals. Isn't that what we truly desire?"

Beelzebub's eyes closed briefly, their expression one of displeasure. But when they spoke, their voice held a solemn conviction. "You know... what I truly desire?" Asmodeus leaned in, listening carefully. "It is to serve my king, every last moment," Beelzebub declared with unwavering loyalty.

In response, Beelzebub unleashed a torrent of bugs, which swarmed around Asmodeus, enveloping him in a writhing, green-lit cocoon. The intensity of the light grew, and then, in a sudden, explosive burst, it engulfed them both. The bugs disintegrated into ruins, and the two arch demons clashed fiercely above the throne room floor, their battle a reflection of the deep allegiances and conflicts that defined their world.

As Lucifer moved to reach Jophiel, a sudden and unexpected obstacle appeared in his path. Dracul, with formidable speed, materialized in front of him, his tail whipping through the air with blinding speed. In an instant, Lucifer was swept away, and a pained grunt escaped his lips as he collided with the ground, losing consciousness under the relentless assault.

Dracul pursued his fallen opponent, continuing to drag Lucifer across the ground, delivering punishing blows that left Lucifer battered and unconscious. Dracul's smirk held a cruel modesty as he turned his gaze toward Jophiel, his eyes filled with a menacing threat.

The archangels, witnessing this sudden turn of events, were left stunned and flabbergasted. When they moved to intervene and aid Lucifer, four of the Mad Dragons blocked their path, forming an impenetrable barrier that prevented them from reaching their fallen comrade.

Jophiel, devastated by the sight of Lucifer lying unconscious and wounded, could only watch in despair as the battle unfolded around her.

Meanwhile, the remaining three Mad Dragons charged at the archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, engaging them in a fierce confrontation.

As Dracul prepared to deliver a potentially fatal blow to the fallen Lucifer, Lilith intervened with a commanding tone. "Hold yourself, Dracul," she ordered, her voice filled with authority. Dracul turned to face her, his question clear in his eyes. "Should I clean up this mess, my queen?" he inquired.

Lilith's gaze softened, and she shook her head. "No," she replied, her tone laced with a hint of sorrow. "I will be the one to tend to him." She cast a sympathetic glance toward Lucifer, her expression a complex mix of rage, concern, and affection for the fallen king.

Leviathan, Belphegor, and Mammon pooled their powers, channeling dark energies toward Uriel in a concerted effort to overcome her. With a determined resolve, Uriel planted her foot firmly on the ground, her radiant presence in stark contrast to the darkness that surrounded her.

In a breathtaking display of divine power, Uriel unleashed a wave of searing flames that roared forth, fiercely repelling the combined assault of the three archdemons. The flames danced with an ethereal intensity, pushing back the malevolent forces that sought to harm her.

Leviathan's once-threatening whirlpool abruptly exploded into a massive eruption, sending shockwaves rippling through the surrounding area. Uriel, caught off guard, was forced to leap backward to evade the fiery chaos that ensued.

As the dust and flames settled, Belphegor materialized in front of her, wielding a mystic whip imbued with dark energy. In a swift and calculated strike, the whip lashed out, connecting with Uriel's wings. The force of the blow caused Uriel to stumble, her graceful descent interrupted by the remnants of Leviathan's whirlpool.

The battle between the archdemons and the archangels raged on, the throne room a battleground of elemental forces and celestial power, where each move had the potential to shape the fate of Hell itself.

As Uriel teetered on the precipice, caught within the swirling vortex of Leviathan's whirlpool, her wings struggling to keep her afloat, Mammon seized the opportunity. With precision and malevolent intent, he aimed his attack at the vulnerable archangel, releasing a shot that found its mark. Uriel cried out as the dark energy struck her, causing her to lose her balance and plummet toward the menacing whirlpool below.

Just as it seemed that Uriel was destined to be consumed by the raging torrent, a glimmer of hope emerged. A blade, sharp and resolute, sliced through the heart of the whirlpool, causing it to rupture and disperse in a burst of dark water and steam. Uriel's descent was momentarily halted, and she was saved from the vortex's clutches.

As Uriel slowly regained her senses, her eyes fluttered open, revealing a surprising sight before her. A celestial being had swooped down, cradling her in their arms, and landed gracefully on the ground. Uriel's shock was palpable as she gazed upon the savior before her.

"My love?" Uriel exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of astonishment and disbelief.

Zadkiel's smile radiated warmth as they held Uriel in their arms. "How lovely to see you again, mon amour," Zadkiel murmured, their voice filled with affection and tenderness. Uriel couldn't help but giggle in response to the unexpected reunion.

As Zadkiel gently set Uriel down on her feet, his gaze fell upon the small bruise marring her otherwise radiant wings. Concern flickered across Zadkiel's face as they took in the injury. His tone turned somewhat assertive as he exclaimed, "You've been hurt."

Uriel, ever the modest one, downplayed the significance of the injury, offering a reassuring response. "It's just a small bruise," she said, attempting to alleviate Zadkiel's worry.

But Zadkiel's protectiveness and concern would not be so easily dismissed. They remained visibly displeased, their gaze unwavering. Despite Uriel's attempts to minimize the injury, it was clear that Zadkiel's love and care for her were boundless, and they would not rest until they were assured of her well-being.

A legion of human-gold statues, their lifeless forms glistening with an eerie aura, charged relentlessly toward Uriel and Zadkiel. In the face of this relentless advance, Zadkiel positioned themselves firmly in front of Uriel, adopting a protective stance that conveyed their unwavering commitment.

Uriel's serene smile remained, a testament to her trust in Zadkiel's abilities and their unbreakable bond. As the encroaching wave of statues drew nearer, Zadkiel summoned ten shimmering blades, their celestial light casting a radiant glow. With swift and practiced movements, Zadkiel hurled the blades into the ground at precise intervals, forming a protective barrier of gleaming energy.

The moment the blades embedded themselves in the ground, a brilliant light radiated from each one, interweaving to create an impenetrable shield. When the human-gold statues launched their relentless assault, they collided with the radiant barrier, their efforts met with resolute resistance.

The statues' futile attacks were met with defiance as the barrier held firm, Zadkiel's unwavering determination serving as a stalwart defense that safeguarded Uriel. In the midst of this clash between the supernatural and the divine, Uriel's unwavering smile remained, a testament to her trust in her beloved's ability to protect her.

Zadkiel, his celestial presence undaunted, stepped beyond the protective barrier he had erected. With a reassuring yet determined tone, he urged Uriel, "Just stay there, mademoiselle." Uriel nodded in acknowledgment, her trust in Zadkiel unwavering, as she remained within the shelter of the defensive cocoon.

Zadkiel launched a counteroffensive, his graceful movements and celestial prowess on full display as he engaged the encroaching horde of human-gold statues. As he battled against the relentless adversaries, Uriel lent her support by conjuring flames that danced and swirled around the combat, casting an aura of fiery protection.

Yet, a surprise awaited both Uriel and Zadkiel. The human-gold statues, seemingly defeated, began to melt away, forming a mystic circle on the ground. Before anyone could react, the statues reconstituted themselves, restored to their previous form by a powerful spell cast by none other than Belphegor.

Zadkiel turned around, his expression a mix of surprise and mild annoyance. "Oh! The lazy one," he remarked with a touch of sarcasm.

Belphegor, ever the master of nonchalance, chuckled modestly as he greeted Zadkiel. "So pleasure to see you again, the blade fanatic," Belphegor remarked playfully.

Zadkiel couldn't resist a retort, a hint of humor in his voice. "Nah, ah, ah! You mean French fanatic," he quipped, the banter between the celestial beings adding a touch of levity to the intense battle that raged around them.

Belphegor conjured a mystic weapon, manifesting whips that crackled with dark energy in his hands. His tone dripped with apathy as he remarked, "I don't care about your nonchalant advertisements." With effortless grace, he swung the whips through the air, creating an ominous aura around him. "Looking forward to our rematch."

At that very moment, Leviathan and Mammon arrived on the scene, their presence adding to the mounting tension as Zadkiel and Uriel squared off against the formidable archdemons.

Footsteps echoed through the area, drawing everyone's attention. Devils and hollows lay strewn in the middle of the battlefield, their forms a testament to the ongoing conflict. Raphael and Gabriel emerged from the shadows, their expressions reflecting a mixture of intrigue and understanding.

"This is quite an amusement you're dealing with here, Zadkiel," Raphael observed with a knowing smile.

Gabriel chimed in, upholding the notion with a nod. "Michael truly anticipated this moment."

The trio of archangels came together, their reunion marked by a warm exchange of greetings and embraces. Uriel watched them from a slight distance, a smile gracing her features as she observed the three celestial beings standing before her. Their wings gleamed with a pristine whiteness that seemed to rival the heavenly clouds themselves, a stark contrast to the arch demons they now faced.

Curiosity got the best of Uriel, prompting her to inquire, "You got here so early." She scanned her surroundings, her eyes searching. "Where's Michael?"

Gabriel, wearing a gentle smile, answered, "He went back to confront Lucifer, facing the Dragon of Arch Demons. It seems he was momentarily consumed by his anger."

Uriel fell into a momentary silence, her astonishment evident. "You mean... he subdued the dragons so quickly?"

Raphael nodded in affirmation. "Indeed, Uriel. It appears that witnessing Lucifer's severe injuries ignited a fiery rage within him."

Zadkiel chimed in, his tone reflecting a sense of urgency. "It could become a catastrophe if Michael were to unleash his fury here. Nevertheless..." Zadkiel turned toward Uriel, a plea in his eyes. "Mademoiselle, please, go and find our Little Flower." Uriel nodded in response, understanding the urgency of the situation.

Uriel gracefully emerged from behind the protective barrier and approached Zadkiel with an air of affection. In a tender gesture, she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, a sweet expression of their unspoken connection. As she soared back into the skies, her movements radiated a sense of purpose and resolve.

Zadkiel, touched by the kiss, couldn't help but break into a cheerful hum. His melodious tune danced through the air, a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere that surrounded them. The arch demons, irritated by his cheerful demeanor, exchanged annoyed glances as they struggled to comprehend his unwavering cheerfulness.

With a playful grin, Zadkiel couldn't resist teasing them. "Oh, are you perhaps feeling a twinge of jealousy?" he quipped, his voice laced with amusement, as he continued to hum his joyful tune.

Mammon, unyielding in his response, retorted, "No," his voice carrying a note of indifference. His power surged, and in an impressive display of control over his domain, he summoned countless tombstones and crystallized devils that erupted from the ground like an unholy army.

The crystalized devils, driven by a malevolent energy, took to the air, their relentless charge aimed at their celestial adversaries. However, Gabriel, in a display of his astral prowess, summoned ten astral spirits, each radiating an otherworldly light. These ethereal beings intervened, intercepting the crystalline assault with grace and poise.

Zadkiel, ever the vigilant guardian, took to the skies, summoning a formidable arsenal of twenty gleaming blades. With expert precision, he launched a barrage of blades toward the arch demons, each one a gleaming projectile of divine retribution.

Belphegor, unfazed by the incoming attack, conjured mystic barriers that shimmered with supernatural energy. These barriers acted as a formidable defense, repelling Zadkiel's relentless assault and thwarting his efforts.

Leviathan, in his own commanding display, brought his power to bear as he stamped the ground, creating a massive whirlpool that threatened to consume all in its path. Yet, Raphael, the ever-resourceful archangel, extended his staff, its light-yellow glow intensifying as it disrupted the flow of water within the whirlpool, preventing it from swallowing their group.

Mammon, driven by his insatiable greed and audacious bravado, launched himself at Gabriel and Raphael with remarkable speed. His taunting words rang through the air, a challenge meant to provoke a reaction from the two archangels. As he closed the distance, a surge of power enveloped him, providing him with bonus armor, making him a formidable force to contend with.

Gabriel, resolute and determined, refused to yield to Mammon's taunts. He summoned the strength within him, channeling it through his celestial weapon as he confronted Mammon's relentless assault. His weapon swung with precision and purpose, each strike aimed at countering Mammon's advances.

Raphael, ever the wise and resourceful archangel, responded swiftly to Mammon's taunt. His staff emanated a brilliant, pure white light, a symbol of his divine purity. This radiant energy served as a beacon of hope and resilience, repelling Mammon's attempts to manipulate and control his actions.

With grace and finesse, Raphael leaped back, creating a space between himself and Mammon. He cast a potent purification spell, a wave of celestial energy that dispelled the lingering effects of Mammon's taunt. It was a testament to his unwavering commitment to righteousness.

Gabriel seized the opportunity, the last swing of his celestial weapon striking Mammon with a resounding impact. Mammon, determined and unyielding, hardened his hands to block Gabriel's powerful blow. The clash of celestial might against infernal tenacity created a momentary standoff, a testament to the intensity of their battle.

In a surprising turn of events, Leviathan materialized on their side, his presence commanding the elements to obey his will. With a swift and forceful motion, he summoned a torrent of piercing waters, a relentless assault that surged toward Gabriel with deadly intent.

Reacting with swift decisiveness, Raphael acted as the guardian angel he was known to be. He seized Gabriel in his strong grasp, his divine strength a pillar of support amidst the raging waters that followed them relentlessly. The waters surged and twisted, following the archangels as they sought refuge from the watery onslaught.

Zadkiel, never one to be outdone, recognized the urgency of the situation. With unerring precision, he unleashed a single gleaming blade into the heart of the tempestuous waters. The blade found its mark, triggering a brilliant explosion that shattered the piercing waters into a cascade of harmless droplets.

As the thick mist enveloped their surroundings, both sides of this celestial and infernal clash were forced to disperse and navigate through the obscuring shroud. The archangels made their way through the mist, their movements purposeful and determined, with every step leading them closer to its edge.

Just as they were on the verge of emerging from the mist's concealing veil, a monumental tidal wave materialized before them, an unstoppable force that surged forth with a relentless hunger. It swallowed the archangels whole, submerging them in its unforgiving depths, leaving them struggling for breath as they fought against the overpowering currents.

Leviathan, his presence formidable and serpentine, transformed into a Dragon Serpent, his massive tail whipping through the waters with a fierce determination. He lashed out, sending the archangels hurtling through the air as they were forcefully expelled from the watery abyss.

Amidst the chaos, Belphegor seized the opportunity and hurled a set of rings toward the archangels. The rings swiftly encircled them, constricting their movements and binding them together, leaving them vulnerable to the looming threats that surrounded them.

Mammon, ascending into the skies, summoned a relentless barrage of crystalline bullets, each one gleaming with malevolent intent. He unleashed this crystalline storm upon the archangels, a hail of destructive projectiles that rained down upon them with unerring accuracy.

In the face of this dire predicament, Gabriel, displaying his unwavering resolve, hardened his heart and summoned his celestial strength. With immense determination, he fortified Raphael and Zadkiel, allowing them to break free from the binding rings that held them captive.

With a newfound sense of freedom, Zadkiel acted swiftly, his divine power surging forth in a relentless counterattack against Mammon. Blades clashed with bullets, creating a symphony of conflict that reverberated through the air. Each strike and parry, a testament to their unwavering determination to gain the upper hand in this clash of celestial and infernal might.

Amidst the chaos, Zadkiel calmly asserted, "I'll handle this one," his voice unwavering in its resolve. Gabriel and Raphael, in unison, acknowledged his determination with nods of agreement.