
When The Devil Adores The Angel: The Fallen

Following the tumultuous war incident in Bethlehem, Lucifer, infamous as the Devil, bore the weight of his dark and malevolent reputation. Yet, an unforeseen twist of fate unfolded as he crossed paths with Jophiel, the archangel of beauty, also hope, charm, and love. Their destinies, once divergent, became entwined anew by the red strings of fate, initiating an extraordinary metamorphosis within Lucifer. Gradually, a profound transformation overcame him, ushering forth a refined persona, one defined by empathy and compassion. In a dramatic defiance of his sinister nature, Lucifer evolved into a gentleman of unparalleled grace, thereby challenging the very essence of his diabolical identity.

CharleeMaigne · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
35 Chs

Chapter 6.4: Companion and Investigation

Not to be outdone, Gabriel summoned his own divine might. With the incantation "Strength of God: Astral Spirit," a spectral clone of himself manifested beside him. The two Gabrieles acted in unison, channeling their energy into an Echo Stomp – a synchronized, powerful stomp on the ground that reverberated through the area. The shockwave of this divine assault damaged and knocked the nearby enemy devils unconscious, creating a momentary respite for the archangels in the midst of the battle.

Uriel and Camael found themselves encircled by the relentless assault of the six fire dragons summoned by Astaroth and Bael. The dragons, immune to the flames that the archangels could command, seemed like an insurmountable challenge.

As the fiery barrage from the dragons continued, Uriel and Camael shared a determined glance. They knew they had to find a way to counteract this threat, and their synchronized thoughts led to a strategy.

Camael, the strategic thinker, voiced their plan. "If we can't eliminate them directly, we must find a way to ensnare them," she said, her eyes gleaming with newfound determination.

Uriel's face lit up with understanding. "I see what you're getting at," she replied with a knowing smile. "Let's do it."

As the devils continued their relentless assault from above, Uriel and Camael prepared to execute their ingenious plan. With Astaroth and Bael firing upon them, Camael summoned a broad barrier, forming a protective shield to block the incoming attacks. It was a temporary measure to buy them time.

Uriel, always quick on her feet, had her own idea. "We'll trap them," she declared with conviction.

The three high-ranking devils, Mephisto, Dagon, and Amaymon, saw an opportunity to cast a powerful spell. They began channeling their dark magic, preparing to unleash their "Pride of Sin," "Envy of Sin," and "Wrath of Sin" abilities, hoping to overwhelm the archangels with a barrage of sinister spells.

But just as they were about to complete their incantations, Camael, displaying swift decisiveness, dispelled her projection barrier. Uriel seized the opportunity and unleashed the divine might of "Light of God: Light Strike Array." A column of flames erupted from the ground, damaging and stunning the enemies in its vicinity.

Camael didn't lag behind; she swiftly channeled the "Sight of God: Fortune's End," merging mint-green energy into a scouring bolt of power. The energy struck its target, causing damage and root, while dispelling the enemies of their buffs. It was a clever tactic, designed to disrupt the high-ranking devils' spellcasting.

Uriel grinned as she addressed their adversaries, "You were lucky enough to have those healing abilities." 

Mephisto taunted Uriel with a sly grin. "Certain we are, Light of God."

Uriel's eyes blazed with determination as she deflected another attack. She wasn't about to back down. "I'm not afraid of you."

Mephisto's words took a darker turn. "And I'm afraid that archangel of yours will fall into Lilith's hands."

The mention of Lilith sent a chill down Uriel's spine. The thought of Jophiel falling into the clutches of the Queen of Hell was a nightmare she couldn't bear.

As Gabriel and Raphael faced off against the arch demons Mammon and Belphegor, the battle reached a critical point. The archangels were determined to rescue their fallen sister, Jophiel, who was now wrapped in the hollows. The stakes were high, and every move counted.

Belphegor unleashed a powerful attack with his "Sloth of Sin: Cleave of Mystic," while Mammon countered with his "Greed of Sin: Crystalize Nails." Their dark magic clashed with the celestial power of the archangels, creating a fierce confrontation.

Gabriel wasn't about to back down. With a resounding warcry, he empowered himself and Raphael, increasing their armor and resolve. Together, they launched a coordinated attack, aiming to break through the arch demons' defenses.

But as the battle raged on, the hollows continued to wrap around Jophiel, threatening to consume her completely. Gabriel's eyes blazed with determination as he realized the urgency of the situation. With a mighty effort, he summoned the "Strength of God: Earth Splitter."

A jagged crack erupted in front of them, and then, with a powerful implosion, the crack expanded, causing damage to their surroundings. Mammon and Belphegor struggled to maintain their balance, and Raphael seized the opportunity to strike. However, Belphegor managed to create a mystic barrier to defend himself, although he was still swept away along with Mammon.

With a desperate leap, Gabriel had tried to reach Jophiel and free her from the encroaching hollows. However, in a cruel twist of fate, the hollows vanished, and Jophiel along with them. Gabriel landed on the ground, empty-handed and filled with anguish.

Raphael, who had been fighting alongside Gabriel, fell into a solemn silence as he watched Jophiel's disappearance. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air. Gabriel's frustration and sorrow were palpable as he unleashed his anger on the ground, striking it with a powerful punch that cracked the earth beneath him.

In a moment of chaos and confusion, Belphegor conjured a swirling portal that enveloped the high-ranking devils along with the arch demons. As the vortex of the portal engulfed them, they vanished from the earthly realm, leaving behind an eerie silence and a lingering sense of foreboding.

Uriel and Camael rushed back to the jungle, their hearts pounding with worry and confusion. When they reached the scene, they found Gabriel and Raphael in a state of deep grief.

"What happened?" Uriel questioned, her voice trembling with anxiety. "Where's Jophiel?"

Raphael, his expression heavy with sorrow, managed to speak. "They got Jophiel."

The words hit like a thunderbolt, and Uriel couldn't contain her shock. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her voice quivered as she asked, "What? How could this happen?"

Camael knelt beside Gabriel, her eyes wide with disbelief. "There's no way..."

Gabriel, his fists clenched in frustration, explained, "We tried to reach her, but we didn't expect those arch demons to appear out of nowhere and stop us. This is the second time we've lost her."

Camael stood up, determination replacing her tears. "Instead of grieving over our loss, we must focus on formulating a plan to enter Hell. We know Father didn't grant us the authority to enter, but we can't let Jophiel remain in that place."

"I hate to admit it, but I think there's only one being who can help us gain entry," Uriel added.

Gabriel turned to Uriel, curiosity and concern in his eyes. "And who might that be?"

Uriel's gaze remained steady as she spoke the name they all knew they would have to turn to. "Lucifer."

The gates of Hell creaked open, and a chorus of cheers erupted from the devils below as the archdemons and high-ranking devils returned victorious. Beelzebub stood at the forefront, overlooking their triumph, but his attention was fixed on the captive archangel, Jophiel. She was now bound in their custody, seated in a macabre skeleton cart.

Nearby, the insatiable dragons eyed the archangel with hunger in their fiery eyes, eager to devour her, but Satan intervened, restraining the monstrous creatures.

Mammon and Belphergor approached the high-ranking devils, and Leviathan, intrigued by the unique flame that bound them together, severed it with a flick of his hand. "This flame... I believe it originates from the Light of God," Leviathan mused.

Mammon posed a question, uncertainty in his voice, "What shall we do with this archangel?"

Satan replied, "I believe it is only fitting that we leave the fate of this archangel in the hands of our queen."

As the devils pulled the cart carrying the bound archangel, Beelzebub took hold of the rope leading the way. Behind him, the archdemons and high-ranking devils watched him closely, their curiosity piqued.

Belphegor couldn't help but ask, "What are your intentions, Seraphim?"

Beelzebub's gaze remained unwavering as he responded with conviction, "I am certain about this. If we truly desire dominion over Earth, we must heed the king's command."

Asmodeus chimed in, expressing his doubts, "But the king is absent. Yes, we, Leviathan, and you are well aware that he instructed us to await his signal from above. However, time may not be on our side." He challenged them, "What exactly are we waiting for? We have an opportunity here to eliminate a noble celestial who possesses 'beauty.'"

Beelzebub pressed on, "Are you suggesting that we follow Lilith's delusional prophecies?"

Asmodeus's eyes bore into Beelzebub as he replied, "I am not following her. I am merely suggesting that we consider the consequences if we do not act decisively. Our king's grand plan could be at stake." He descended closer to Beelzebub, taunting him, "You take this matter rather seriously, little bug." He touched his own face, contemplating the ethereal beauty of the captive archangel, and stated with gravity, "If we do not eliminate this threat, I fear our king's designs may be cast into the abyss."

Beelzebub chuckled softly, "You're overthinking it, my friend."

In a hushed tone, he leaned in closer to Beelzebub's ear and whispered a sinister suggestion, "Kill her."

In the midst of their heated exchange, Beelzebub's anger reached its zenith, causing him to undergo a dramatic transformation into a massive Bug Seraphim. Simultaneously, Asmodeus morphed into a colossal wolf, ready to clash with his rival. The other devils took several steps back in anticipation of the impending confrontation.

However, before the two arch demons could engage in battle, a shadowy force emerged from the depths, swiftly encircling their feet and immobilizing them. It was Satan, their commander, who intervened to put an end to their dispute.

With his firm grip on their fate, Satan commanded, "That's enough, both of you."

Reluctantly, Beelzebub and Asmodeus reverted to their true forms, albeit still seething with tension.

Satan addressed Beelzebub, acknowledging the difficult situation, "Beelzebub, circumstances have left us with no choice. With this archangel in our possession, she will be inevitably delivered to Lilith."

Beelzebub, his anger undiminished but accepting of the inevitable, retorted with a hint of resignation, "Hmph! Do as you please, and may you not come to regret this."

With that, Beelzebub turned and walked away, leaving the captive archangel's fate sealed by the devil's council.

The enormous snake dutifully carried the cart, its sinuous form winding its way through the eerie depths of Hell, heading towards Lilith's abode. Upon its arrival, the hollows, which served as messengers and envoys to their queen, sought Lilith's guidance on how to proceed with the captured archangel.

Lilith, shrouded in the dark and hidden recesses of her realm, was not in the mood to deal with her captives directly. Her command was firm, her voice resonating with an air of authority, as she spoke to her loyal servants, the hollows. "I don't want to see her face right now, my children."

With unwavering obedience, the hollows transported the cart, making their way back to Lilith's dark throne room. The giant snake, having completed its task, diminished in size, and slithered its way into Lilith's cell. The queen of Hell herself, sitting upon her throne, reached out and lovingly caressed her faithful serpent. "You've done well, my love. You've just secured our existence."

Lucifer's mind raced as he soared through the skies of Gallia, the weight of uncertainty pressing upon him. His thoughts were consumed by worry for the archangels and their perilous mission.

Amenadiel, always a source of comfort and reason, stood by his side, offering words of reassurance. "Relax. I'm certain they're all fine."

Lucifer nodded, taking solace in his brother's calm demeanor. After all, they were dealing with archangels, beings of immense power and resilience. No adversary could easily vanquish them.

As the horizon of Gallia drew near, Lucifer's determination surged. "Let's go quickly," he declared, and with a burst of celestial speed, they continued their journey towards Bethlehem.

Meanwhile, in another part of the heavens, the archangel Michael was on his own mission. His keen senses detected the unmistakable signature of his brother Amenadiel's sky-blue ray, and another distinct red ray accompanying it. Suspicion and curiosity gripped him as he quickened his pace, a sense of urgency compelling him to investigate this unexpected convergence of celestial energies.

Lucifer and Amenadiel's arrival in the small village marked a moment of hope for the archangels. Their worried expressions shifted to relief as the celestial brothers approached.

"We should head back to Bethlehem now," Uriel suggested, preparing to take flight. The other archangels were about to follow suit when Camael, ever vigilant, spotted a ray of celestial energy drawing closer. With a quick projection, she identified the approaching angels.

"Perfect timing!" Camael exclaimed with amazement, her projection scope revealing the figures of Lucifer and Amenadiel descending from the heavens. Her announcement drew the attention of Uriel and the others, who looked up with grateful smiles.

"Greetings, Archangels!" Amenadiel called out, his voice carrying the weight of their shared mission and concern.

"We're glad you came here," Uriel replied, echoing the sentiment of her fellow archangels. 

"Well, Lucifer's instincts got aroused as he feels unwell ever since the day three of you archangels went off," Amenadiel said, trying to understand Lucifer's reticence. As he gazed upward, he spotted Lucifer flying steadily above, refusing to descend. Determined to engage him in conversation, Amenadiel ascended to his brother's level.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Amenadiel inquired, his voice carrying concern and curiosity. He knew that Lucifer's complex emotions and strained relationships with some of the archangels could complicate their mission.

Lucifer's response was measured and laden with unspoken tension. "I can't confront Gabriel and Raphael right now. You know our terms, Amenadiel," he replied, his voice barely more than a whisper.

Amenadiel regarded his brother for a moment, considering his words. He understood Lucifer's reservations and the complexities of their familial relationships. Still, the urgency of their current situation pressed upon him.

Amenadiel and Lucifer descended from the skies, their conversation hanging in the air like a fragile bridge between duty and personal reservations. As their feet touched the ground, Lucifer turned his attention toward Gabriel and Raphael, his arrival met with expressions of unease from the two archangels. A palpable tension lingered in the air.

"What matters right now is to get Archangel Jophiel back," Amenadiel reiterated, his voice a steadfast reminder of their mission's urgency. He sought to bridge the gap that separated Lucifer from the rest of the archangels, emphasizing Uriel's appreciation of his presence despite their complicated history.

As Amenadiel returned to the ground alongside Lucifer, the situation became more apparent. Uriel stepped forward, the weight of the situation reflected in her eyes. She addressed Amenadiel with a sense of responsibility, seeking answers amidst the uncertainty.

"Archangel Uriel, what's the situation here? I haven't seen Archangel Jophiel either," Amenadiel inquired, his tone measured and composed. Uriel, facing the grim reality, delivered the news with solemnity. "She's been brought to Hell."

Lucifer's reaction was immediate and visceral, a sudden flare of rage at the revelation. Gabriel, observing Lucifer's volatile response, couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion wash over him. The dynamics between these celestial beings were fraught with unspoken history and complex emotions.

"So it turns out Lucifer's instincts were right," Amenadiel conceded, his words carrying a sense of vindication for his brother's earlier apprehensions. The situation had proven Lucifer's instincts to be eerily accurate.

Uriel, the bearer of unfortunate news, moved past Amenadiel and approached Lucifer directly. Her voice held a subtle undercurrent of inquiry as she posed a question that cut to the heart of the matter. "Did you know Lilith's motives for Jophiel the whole time?" she inquired, her gaze locked on Lucifer, awaiting his response.

Lucifer's response was a mix of defiance and resignation, his words laced with an air of detachment that came with being the Devil himself. The weight of his complex history and the doubts that often surrounded his intentions lingered in the air, creating an atmosphere of tension.

"I'm afraid not," Lucifer replied, his voice holding a touch of weariness, "as well as having nothing to do with Lilith's plan." He contemplated the situation, pondering how Lilith could have orchestrated events from her cell despite his intervention. "And I don't care if you don't believe me, even a single atom of existence. You can blame me all you want because I'm the devil."

Uriel's frustration and disappointment were palpable, and she couldn't contain her displeasure. In a swift and passionate motion, she rushed toward Lucifer, seizing his hands and delivering a resounding slap. Her voice, tinged with anger, challenged him.

"I'm just asking politely, Lucifer," Uriel's words dripped with fiery indignation, her patience wearing thin.

Lucifer remained steadfast, standing before Uriel, the complex interplay of emotions between them simmering beneath the surface. "Don't force yourself to be polite toward me, Uriel," he responded, his tone steady but tinged with a hint of sadness. The wounds of the past and the shadows of doubt still loomed large, casting a long shadow over their present circumstances.

In the midst of the heated exchange between Uriel and Lucifer, tension hanging in the air like a storm ready to unleash its fury, an unexpected intervention disrupted the scene. A sword descended from the heavens, accompanied by a commanding voice that echoed through the tumultuous moment.

"That's enough!"

The arrival of this mysterious figure drew the attention of everyone present. Uriel's fiery eyes dimmed as her anger subsided, and she turned to face the source of the interruption. It was none other than Michael.

Camael recognized him immediately, and her presence radiated respect and reverence. "Michael," she said in acknowledgment.

Lucifer's eyes, which had held a mix of defiance and astonishment moments ago, now regarded Michael with a different kind of intensity. He uttered a single word, "Michael," his tone filled with awe and a hint of uncertainty.

As Michael approached the group of archangels, his countenance was marked by a warm and welcoming smile. He addressed each of them by name, his voice a soothing balm to the turbulent atmosphere.

"Uriel, Camael, Gabriel, Raphael, Amenadiel," he said, acknowledging their presence individually.

His gaze then settled on Lucifer, who met his gaze with a mixture of emotions that had long been buried in the depths of their complex history. Michael's smile remained, and he extended a hand toward Lucifer, his words carrying a sentiment of reconciliation.

"It's good to see you again, Lucifer."

Lucifer's presence had injected an atmosphere of tension and unease among the assembled celestial beings. They stood at a crossroads, their collective goal to rescue Jophiel clashing with their tumultuous history with Lucifer.

"And I'm disgusted to see you again," Lucifer retorted sharply to Michael's greeting, immediately setting a confrontational tone.

"Well, anyway... I never thought Jophiel would be kidnapped again," Michael admitted, his displeasure apparent. The situation weighed heavily on his mind.

"And now… much worse is Hell!" Uriel added, emphasizing the dire nature of the crisis. Her determination to rescue their fellow archangel was unwavering.

Lucifer acknowledged the gravity of the situation, saying, "Yes! And our plan is to get to Hell, but we can't go there because Father didn't give us the authority to enter due to it being forbidden."

Uriel was unyielding in her quest for answers, insisting, "That's why, Lucifer, I'm asking politely, as I want to know the whole story of why that first woman wants Jophiel. Yet you show us again your pride."

Tension permeated the air as Gabriel and Raphael cast wary gazes upon Lucifer, their skepticism palpable.

Uriel pressed further, her voice firm, "Lucifer, Jophiel told us that you're not the same we've known before anymore. I do believe Jophiel, so don't fail to share her point of view with you."

The silent but charged exchange of glances among the celestial beings continued, as Lucifer grappled with his internal turmoil and the pressing urgency of the situation. Eventually, he offered a potential solution, "I can send you to Hell since the gates are located in Netherus."

With a hint of a mocking smile directed at Michael, he continued, "Also, I'll deal with my companions, and you'll be the one to save her. It would be easy for you, since the Like of God is here."

The proposition hung in the air, met with a mixture of uncertainty and resolve. Ultimately, Uriel, despite her reservations, conceded, "Fair enough." And with that, they all took to the skies, rapidly departing to face the unknown challenges that awaited them in Hell.

Jophiel woke up, her body suspended in a crucifixion-like position, her hands spread wide and her feet compressed by chains, hanging above a sinister altar. Her vision was initially blurred, but it slowly cleared as she took in her surroundings. Black-hooded hollows stood before her, bowing and muttering incantations, while black candles flickered ominously, casting eerie shadows throughout the room. Beneath her feet, a pentagram had been inscribed into the floor, with red candles marking each of its five points.

The hollows chanting, "Regina inferni, nunc clavem destruit," as their voices echoing eerily in the chamber. The candles ignited one by one, casting an eerie glow over the macabre setting.

As the heavy doors to the room began to creak open, a woman dressed in a bridal gown entered. Her presence seemed incongruous amid the malevolent atmosphere surrounding Jophiel. The woman advanced toward the altar with measured steps, and Jophiel's heart raced as she noticed the black flowers she carried, their dark red glow sending shivers down her spine.

As the woman reached the altar, a serpent emerged from her back, rapidly growing into a massive guardian that stationed itself by the door. Jophiel watched in fear and anticipation as the woman removed her veil, revealing her true identity.

"Greetings, Beauty of God," Lilith said with a chilling smile.

"Every minute, every second

I've always missing you."

Next Chapter: Confront and Battlefront