
When the Day Breaks

About SCP 001 when the day breaks. Where the Sun is your biggest enemy. And The world you know is not the same.

Climson · Horror
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

I walked into the kitchen. As the Light was starting to get a red tint into it. My girlfriend was walks to me as her skin bubbled and she was melting. "Honey i'm scared" She panicked. I quickly backed up as the red tint was getting darker. I grab my gun and pointed at her and my hand was shaking nonstop. I looked at her as she was losing herself. I shot her five times. And as She fell the flesh separated. I looked around as i was frighten of what could attack me next. But the hint of the window and then i looked at my girlfriend. The sunlight made her into a monster meaning. That the Day had broken itself. And the world is ending. I grabbed the remote to the TV on the kitchen counter. And turn the TV on. The EAS Alert was on. "We interrupt your program a important message". As the beep was going off. I heard groaning near the window. I ducked and kept listening. "There is a huge astronomical accordance. In the sun's light that is infecting anyone who is exposed to the sunlight. Do not go outside or be exposed to sunlight. If you are you will considered lost and infected. and will be taken care of by the Marines. Please go do a room with no windows and no light. Fear the Light. Embrace the darkness. We will continue the message with the USA natural anthem". And then the entire state has the anthem playing. I ducked and cried as i lost hope. And i looked at my gun. "This is my only hope". I said as the point the gun to my forehead. Then i pull the trigger and i blacked out.

[California In the North]

I was with my kids. They cried as my wife Jessica was getting prepared to get outside. I looked at her. She said to comfort Kenny and Daniel. "its okay sweetie, its just really hot outside" as she walks to him and gave him a little hug. before getting up and leaving the basement. As she leaves there was a complete silence. Then I hear her scream and try to struggle to get away of what is even up there. then i hear a splatter. But that means. what ever killed Jessica is still up there. Kenny looks at me. "Is Mommy okay?" she asked. "Mommy is gonna be just fine". I told her. Then there was banging on the door of the basement. our basement is pretty small. a size of a normal bedroom. "sweetie~ open the door" Daniel runs up the stairs as i got up to stop him. but the door cracks up. As a red rotten hand grabs Daniel and then the door opens up fully. I run and yelled "DANIEL!" as Daniels neck gets bitten by the infected. he was all red but one of his arm was bigger than the other. blood was on the wall and painted the stairs red. I backup and grabbed Kenny and red behind the stairs and i covered Kenny's mouth. As the thing is looking around on the bottom stair. and it has more arms. And another face. why does it has to be the harshest way in life. The Infected goes up stairs and it was making uncomfortable noises. I slowly sit down as i had time to cry of the lost of my son. Kenny was quiet. She was so scared to react right now. But it was too dark for the infected to actually see anything.