
When Sparks Fly (Us#1)

........"I've read hundreds of novels in my life, most of them claiming that love was the center of the universe. That it could heal any damage inside of us. That it was what we need to survive. From Darcy to Heathcliff I thought they were fools. That love was something fictional, only found in worn pages of a book. But all that has changed since I met my Elizabeth Bennet. I never thought I would find myself completely and utterly consumed by another until her. She took my hand and lead me out of the darkness and showed me that, whatever our souls are made for hers and mine are the same. You once asked me who I loved most in this world, it's you.".............. "Do you love her ?" "Shit...I do ...I love her" "Wait what ??... You L-love me ?" ------------------------------------------------------------------ KiiVii. All Rights Reserved. Cover Design by KiiVii Published by KiiVii #Featured

KiiVii09 · Urban
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27 Chs

11. "No Way........"

Elizabeth's POV

I woke up, naked, next to Mattheo who was naked too. The bedsheets covered my top and a bit of my bottom and only Mattheo's bottom. That means his toned torso was visible to me. He was sleeping peacefully when I decided to tease him. He made me too horny last night...and the side effects of our first time together still linger and that is me being horny and turned on and wanting morning sex.

With my long fingers, I traced his abs, chest, and stomach and soon I reached his waist....below which was his *cough* eggplant emoji *cough*. I wasn't bold enough to stroke it and give him a blow thing.

So I went back to tracing his chest, soon enough I got tired and laid my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. I replayed the moments of last night and it made my cheeks warm. I glanced up at the clock and saw it was 8. It was early for some people but I was usually awake by this time. I snatched a bedsheet from the closet and wrapped it around me while I used the previous sheet to cover half of Mattheo's chest. I went inside the bathroom to take a shower. I brushed my teeth, got fresh, and began showering when suddenly the bathroom door opened and I heard footsteps. I was scared but soon the shower door was opened by someone and a voice said " Showering alone Liz ?"

It was Theo.

"Oh, I didn't know you were awake...I mean...you were sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to disturb you. So..."

"Hmm, but it's okay babe.....how are you feeling now?" he asked as his arms slithered around my waist pulling me back into him. He was also under the shower now and was rinsing my face covered in face wash because of which I wasn't able to see before.

" Sore, but pleased," I replied with a cheeky smile.

"Uh-huh Missy, pleased....how about I please you even more...." he asked me, deepening his husky morning voice on purpose and kissing my shoulder.

"Yes, let's do it," I said....playing along.

"I would have...but my brother Tom is coming and I'm gonna be busy," he said stepping out of the shower as he dries himself walking out.

Huh ? What the Fuck !...He really didn't just tease me for fun.....I am going to get back to him about this...I thought while I continued my shower as the cold water tried to cool me down.

After the shower, I dressed comfortably like always....and headed out to the living room.

Taylor was cooking and Lux was watching TV with Ben. The rom-com 10 things I hate about you was on ....ahhh Mannn...I FREAKING LOVE THAT MOVIE !!!

"We know darling, " Taylor said...

"Did I-" I asked

" Yes now shut up and watch" Lux interrupted. She never liked it if anyone talked in between the movies. So, according to her rude remark, I did say that thought aloud. But who cares...I went to the pantry...grabbed some popcorn....put them in the microwave to get popped and sat down to watch the movie. We cried laughed and enjoyed the movie.

1990s was an era out of this world. After this ended we started watching another rom-com Notting Hill....it was Taylor's favorite so she wrapped up her work soon and sat down...I, Tay, Ben, and Lux sat down to enjoy it. While Alex, Mattheo and Tom were in the office discussing buisness....I mean...that's what Ben said.

We watched the whole Notting Hill movie and finished all the popcorn and soda as well.

Around 3 , I heard Mattheo 's voice echoing in the hallway as the footsteps grew louder. Tom entered first , followed by Alex and lastly came the devil.

As soon as Tom saw me , he smiled and chuckled. I was so confused until , he pulled me over and whispered "Mattheo planned this whole Mafia thing just to keep you close...there is no Mafia whatsoever and your parents are safe at home. Siblings too but your uncle and Aunt did die , that wasn't a joke and I am so sorry for your loss. " he said , being a bit serious in the end.

"No Way...." I yelled.

"Sis , actually it's true and congrats you too...I and Lexi placed a bet on how long you two will take to date....and I won....for I said it would be less than a month." Tom said laughing.

"Sameee...brooo....I won the bet.....Al, give me my $500 dollars....I told you he would do something stupid to get her instead of something romantic...." Ben said to Tom as they both laughed.

" Wait what ?...Romantic and stupid ?" Mattheo asked moving forward.

"Umm , lemme explain.... I said that you would do something romantic for her....to get to date her and Ben said you would do something stupid....and the fake Mafia stuff was stupid not romantic so he won...." Alex said as he gave Ben $500.

"What the hell guys?.....I did a lot of romantic things as welll....and what can i do...I watched a Mafia kinda movie on Netflix and took inspiration...plus planning it all out takes time and hard work. "

"I am so done with you right now Mattheo," I said through a forced smile.

"I am so sorry," He said.

"Really ?.... But whatsoever I am leaving...I have a business meeting in Paris and I have to go." I said turning back and going toward our room.

"What? Why didn't you inform me before babe..?" Mattheo said as he followed me back.

"Because you were busy with your brother and I got to know about it in the morning only. " I replied calmly.

"Oh...I am sorry ...really really sorry" he said as guilt laced his tongue and soon enough he picked me up in his arms and smirked.

"I wasn't able to please you in the morning...how about now ?" he asked me.

"No , I am going to get late Theo" I said dramatically.

"When is your flight ?"

"At 7"

"Have you packed ?"

" No "

"Well, we still have 2 and a half hours...I will ask the maids to pack while I please you and I will go with you "

" What ?...No need. You should stay here...you shouldn't tire yourself for me..." I said in a concerned voice.

"Who said I am going for you? I also have work missy..and I have a client there...so I will have to meet him... I was going there next week but looks like it's preponed now. " he said smirking as I slapped his arm.


"You deserve that "

" And now I will show you what you deserve my love," he said as we entered the red room. I had absolutely no idea that he had one that too here. I am gonna be sooo late for my flight.




And that's the last update of this book before I return from my trip to Europe. I will try my best to update from there but there is a 99% chance that I won't....Sorry !.....I will try that I share my experience of France, Switzerland, and Italy through the story so stay tuned. Hope you are enjoying it so far...

Love you loads,

