

Back at the house of the Vacio` family, Damnetra cleaned the house with just one click of her fingers. Cooked food started to float in the air before landing on the dining table. Sal was quietly watching the magic happening in front of her with awe-struck eyes.

"Anything else Sal? My magic can pretty much do everything you ask for."

"Can you find my parents?"

"Except…for that."

"Why? You said that they have gone to someplace beautiful and you would take me to them."

"Why did I say that?" Damnetra thought to herself.

"You can meet them again when the time is right."

"When is that?"

"When you grow up and become a successful witch."

"Why are you telling this child made up stories when you are the one who killed her parents Damnetra?" An angel in all white with white wings and a halo floating over his head appeared in front of them.

"Gaven, Go back right now before I tell Prima to bring your soul to the Lord instead."

"Angel Damnetra, what this angel said…is that true? Why did you lie to me?" Sal asked, tears filling her eyes.

"Sal, it's true. But I promise I won't do the same to you."

"Abiding by the orders of the Lord, I will do that Damnetra."

"Only if you could pass through me first." Damnetra lifted her left arm and using her magic Gaven began to float up in the air while holding his throat. Burning marks formed around his neck. Before Damnetra could force his life out of him, Gaven disappeared through a puff of clouds.

Sal was sitting on the floor crying, shivering in fear as the angel who turned her life into an orphaned can do anything. Even hurt her. Damnetra kneeled in front of her.

"Sal, I am truly sorry. I couldn't save your parents. It was written in their destiny and we angels can do nothing but abide by the rules of fate. Please don't be scared of me, I will never hurt you." Damnetra tried to reach for Sal but she got up and ran out of the house.

"Stay away from me! I hate you!"

Up in the clouds, The Lord was furious to hear about Damnetra's actions and decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Sal! Where are you? Prima! Go look for her before the other angels get to her."

"Yes, Damnetra." Prima flew out in the streets searching for Sal.

"Damnetra, it's enough. Why are you doing all of this?" The Lord appears in front of Damnetra stopping her from going any further.

"You know the consequences of this, right? Eternal Damnation. Then why do you risk your life for a mere human-witch child?"

"Because I saw my reflection in Sal."

What was it that Dmnetra saw in Sal? What was Damnetra's past? Will Damnetra be able to save Sal's life, now that the Lord himself has stepped down on Earth? Why is Sal's soul so important?

Thank you for reading my story so far, if you liked it then add it to the library for future updates. I am still new to writing and open to any corrections in grammar or writing style. Your comments and review would help me to write more. Thank you.

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