
When Orpheus Looked Ahead

Aurum didn't want to be special. They kept their powers hidden, until the day they couldn't hide it anymore.

Turquoise_Dolphin · sci-fi
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

When I realize I probably won't get any helpful information from Argentum, I decide to go back to the file room Andromeda and I found. I'm slightly disappointed in myself that I didn't think of it earlier.

I check the files for an hour and find nothing useful. As I continue wandering aimlessly through the sea of high file cabinets (as high as bookshelves), I notice a door. I put my ear up to it and when I don't hear anything I reason it's probably safe to go in. 

Behind the door is a room filled with screens, like where they watch security camera footage in spy shows, but the screens are all blank. I see a notebook at a desk and open it. It seems to be mostly instructions. Someone's probably going to get fired for leaving this out. 

The instructions are for how to activate Nova powers. It's highly technical, but from what I understand it seems like sound waves, at a frequency the human ear can't detect, make it to the brain and activate powers. Honestly, if it wasn't written down right here I wouldn't believe it either. 

Suddenly I have an idea. All I need is a night when as many non Nova are in the same place at once as possible (the activation system targets places rather than specific people). 

Luckily, that gives me time to write a speech.

"Hello. I'm Orpheus. You've probably seen me around," I say through the PA system in the activation room. "Sorry for interrupting your fancy dinner, but I have something pretty important to say. The Nova claim that they were born with their power, even that they were chosen, but it's not true," I press the button that's supposed to activate the powers of every non Nova in the room. "Do any of you feel any different? I just activated your Nova powers. That's right, everyone can have powers. The Nova were never special, they were lying to you. Anyway, if you guys decide to overthrow the king and queen I would like to suggest that you elect someone to fill the vacuum rather than breaking out the guillotines. Have fun chaosing in the meantime though."

I turn off the PA system and change the target of the power activation machine to this room. Once I have my powers back, I change my hair back to blonde and put my glasses back on. Ideally, I'll be able to just walk out of here since the guards will be looking for Orpheus rather than Aurum once the chaos in the dining room dies down. 

I manage to make it to the courtyard, a few feet from freedom, when I hear footsteps behind me. 

"I knew you were familiar," Argentum says