

Despite her 'No dating' rule,Angela falls in love with a guy,Andy.She decides to give a relationship with him a try.But there is something about him she is yet to find out.

Angie_Lavine · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter six

I woke up extremely hungovered.I had a terrible headache and I desperately needed to put something in my stomach.Memories of the previous night came flooding back.I cringed at most if them;especially the dancing part.

"Now he thinks I'm crazy.But it doesn't matter much because I won't be seeing him ever again.Or will I?"I thought to myself as I remembered he had left me his number.The more I thought about it the more curious I was to know who the guy was.

"Perhaps I can find some information from his card."

I got out of bed to see if I still had it.I found it on the table next to my shoes that I didn't remember taking off.Surprisingly the card only had his number and nothing else.Not even his name.

"He must be a really secretive person."I thought.

I decided to take a shower because I felt filthy from the previous night.I was still in my dress and make up.A cold shower was just what I needed to start my day.Even though it was already eleven am.I took the opportunity to take the longest shower I ever had.I then spent another half hour in a warm bath tub until my skin got wrinkly.I then put on one of those fancy robes and went back to laying on the bed since I had nothing else to do.

At around one o'clock I ordered breakfast from the hotels restaurant.I badly craved coffee and muffins.I ended up having two cups of coffee and four muffins.Having nothing else to do,I couldn't help myself think about Andy.I was not really sure if he meant it when he asked me to give him a call.I ended up doing it anyway because it wouldn't hurt to try.He picked up on the first ring.

"Hello,it's me, Angie."

"Hey Angie,so you want me to come over?"

"Yeah,if you have the time,that is.Room 102."I said as I thought how straight forward he was.

"I'm on my way."

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.There was no need for me to put on something nice because I would be taking it off anyway.I answered the door and there he was.He was dressed in sweatpants and a T-shirt.He looked good enough to eat without trying too hard.

"Come on in."

He walked in and sat on the couch.

"Would you like a drink?"I asked him as I walked over to the mini bar.

Getting no response,I turned around to find him standing inches away from me.I opened my mouth to say something but I was cut short by a hot passionate kiss on my lips.His hands went behind my waist as he pushed me against the wall.I gasped.With one hand he untied my robe and it dropped to the ground.I felt his arousal grow against my thigh.

His hands slid to my ass as he carried me to the bed.He went ahead to remove his shirt revealing a perfect set of abs.By now I was aching for his touch.He fondled my right breast with his left hand and put his mouth on my left breast sucking.I moaned with pleasure.My clit was aching with desire and I wanted more.He slid two fingers into my clit and a wave of pleasure flooded me.A loud moan escaped my mouth.He continued rubbing it until I was about to cum.

"Not just yet."he said getting up to take off his pants.

My eyes went wide when I saw how big he was and he caught me staring.

"Don't worry,you can handle it."

He opened my legs wider as he slid his length in me.It wasn't a difficult task considering how wet I was.He started off with a slow pace before speeding up.I was now on the verge of an orgasm.

And then it happened.We both came at the same time.It was amazing.He held on to me as we both shuddered in pleasure.He then laid down next to me.

"That was amazing."I said still out of breath.

"You think?"

"I think so."

"Can I have that drink now?"He said getting up to put on his clothes.

I got up to put on my robe before pouring him a drink.

"How long will you be staying here?"

"We're leaving tomorrow morning."I said seating down on the couch.He just stood there sipping his drink.

"Why that fast?"

"I have to get back to work and my friend Trish has classes tomorrow."His eyes never left my face for a moment."And you,for how long will you be here?"

"Just a couple days.I'm here for a business meeting and it might drag on for a few more days."

I was sure he worked for a multi millionaire company because no ordinary company would hold a meeting in a luxurious hotel.I didn't bother to ask any more questions because I was sure I wouldn't be seeing him ever again.

"I'll have to get going."He said setting down the glass on the coffee table."I guess I'll be seeing you around and I had a wonderful time."

"Bye."I said as I closed the door behind him.

I put on my clothes before going to check on Trish and Eva.I found both girls in Trish's room and she was still in bed.Trish had a terrible headache and she was nauseous.

"And why are you in good moods all of a sudden?"Trish asked the moment I got into her room.I decided to keep what had happened to myself.

"Me?I guess I'm just happy."I said not giving any more details."You girls want to have lunch at the restaurant?"

"Yeah,I'm starving."Eva said.

"Me too."Trish said getting out of bed.

"Are you sure you'll be okay."Eva asked Trish a concerned look on her face.

"I'll be fine.Nothing could fix me up better than a nice lunch."