
Our Day Off~

My timed alarm buzzed in a periodic, beeping sound as I tossed and turned under my covers. But before long, I finally managed to crack open my heavy eyelids, greeting the familiar plain white ceiling with the distant background beeping.

"Mmmm... Hmm?" I glanced at my clock to read the time blinking:








"......Huh?! Oh no, I'm so late!!!"

With my drowsiness vanishing into thin air, I jerked out of bed, changed into my uniform, and dashed downstairs in a rush only to find that my parents were still asleep. Only the sound of the kitchen clock ticking echoed in the still silence, adding to a mysteriously relaxing vibe.

(What...? How come mom's sleeping? She's normally up by now! What's going on?!)

Taking in the situation as pretty peculiar, I hurriedly flipped through the schedule only to slap my forehead in dismay at the end of it all.

"Ugh, today is a day off! I got worked up over nothing..."