
When I woke up, I realized I had been reincarnated.

It revolves around the life story of a young boy who, upon waking up suddenly, realizes he is in a different world. Since the chapters are short, I will try to publish at least 4 chapters daily. Please don't mind my limited English proficiency.

Eternality · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

This thing is like a video game!

The strange thing that appeared before my eyes seemed like it came straight out of a video game. I'm sure the part that said <Name > was where this body's own name was written.

Finn Oldman...

When I blinked, the screen that had appeared suddenly disappeared. I'm sure I didn't hallucinate. There was a screen glowing in front of my eyes just a moment ago. Anyway...

Now that I've learned my name, I started following the other students towards the school I'll be attending. After a long walk, we finally entered the courtyard of a school. The school and its courtyard seemed quite large. Above the entrance gate, there was a large clock somewhere near the school's roof. The courtyard was mostly shaped with grass and trees. Before I could explore the garden, I continued to follow the other students.

All the students entered through a door. When I followed them inside, I saw that there were even more students inside. 100? Maybe more than 200 students were standing in a single row inside the gymnasium.

Someone who came up to the podium started making various sounds to check the microphone.

"Sound... Sound Check. Ahem..."

The person at the podium was slightly overweight and had a stern face. He was preparing to speak at the podium with bags under his eyes. After adjusting his tie and suit once more, he cleared his throat.

"First-year students, welcome to Karasuno High School. I believe all of you will adhere to the rules throughout the year. Your classes will be determined starting from today, and you'll start making friends. Club applications will open tomorrow, so take your time and make good choices for the clubs you want to join. Now, our school's student council president will give you a short speech."

After the principal, a person with gray hair took the podium. He was slightly tall and began introducing himself in a monotone voice in front of the microphone.

"Welcome, everyone. I am the Student Council President of Karasuno High School. If you encounter any problems at school or have any issues, please don't hesitate to ask for help from me and my team. Our duty is to raise the reputation of our school and make it more preferred by students. So, I look forward to it. Have a great year, everyone..."

The student council president bowed his head and finished his speech, then left the podium. The principal returned to the podium and handed a stack of paper with our classes written on them to the student council, and the student council began distributing them to all the students in the gymnasium.

When I looked at the paper I was given, I saw that it was for Class 1-C. Just like on that strange screen that appeared before my eyes before coming to school.

Since I received the paper, I thought I didn't need to stay in the gymnasium anymore, so I headed for the exit. Just as I was about to leave the door, I was slightly jolted when I felt someone bump into me from behind.

When I turned around to understand what was happening, I couldn't see anything. For a split second, I saw a short boy with orange hair when I glanced down.

'Is he a middle schooler?'

"I'm sorry, I tripped and lost my balance."

The boy was wearing our school's uniform. Additionally, when I looked at his expression, he seemed clumsy but was behaving as if he was having fun. He continued to laugh even though he was about to fall. After letting him step aside and pass, he started to run away.

As he walked away, I could still hear him shouting something, albeit faintly. It sounded like he was humming a song.

"Volleyball, I want to play... Volleyball..."

Since I couldn't quite make out what he was saying, I didn't pay it much mind and headed towards my own class. My class was on the second floor of the school, located in a section that overlooked the school's courtyard. This meant a nice view.

When I entered the classroom, I noticed that not many people had arrived. Only a few were present, and when they realized I had come in, they looked at me with surprised expressions. Luckily, I found an empty desk by the window, so I thought I could watch the scenery and placed my bag on the empty desk, pulled the chair back a bit, and sat down.

After almost five minutes passed, the class started to fill up. Additionally, many girl students had gathered around me.

"Excuse me, where are you from? You don't seem like you're from Miyagi?"

"I'm from Tokyo."

"Whaaat? Tokyo?"

'I don't know what's so surprising about that...' I thought to myself.

"Tell us about Tokyo, what's it like?"

"No, first answer my question. What's your name?"

"No, no... Is your hair naturally that color?"

"Do you play sports? Your body looks a bit tall and well-built."

"Which club are you planning to join?"

I started to feel like some veins in my head were about to burst. I should stay calm, this is something high school students always go through. If I act strangely on my first day, I won't get any attention from anyone this time.

I answered all the questions asked to me during this time. The girls were pleased that I answered all their questions, and after the teacher entered the classroom, they waved to me and went to their seats.

'Their uniforms are really cute...' I quickly dismissed my unpleasant thoughts about the girls' uniforms into a corner.

"Good morning, everyone." When Sensei entered the classroom, he greeted us. As a class, we responded, and since it was the first day of school, Sensei thought it would be a better idea to get to know us students rather than teaching, and so we started introducing ourselves as Class 1-C to Sensei until lunch break.