
When I woke up, I realized I had been reincarnated.

It revolves around the life story of a young boy who, upon waking up suddenly, realizes he is in a different world. Since the chapters are short, I will try to publish at least 4 chapters daily. Please don't mind my limited English proficiency.

Eternality · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

School Club Registrations 2

I continued to be more surprised as I read the details on the application form. Moreover, even though I don't remember my previous life, I don't know that I've ever played volleyball before. So, my thoughts were leaning towards, "I'm sorry, Tanaka-san, but I have to decline." However, when I closed and opened my eyes for a moment, I started reading the message from the system that appeared in front of me.

<Joined Volleyball Club!>

<Awards: Fast Learning, Physical Skill, Strength, Conditioning.>

To receive the awards, Join the Volleyball Club!

"Huh? Wait a minute, why is it giving me this even though I just said I declined? And I mentioned before that I haven't played volleyball. But it was the first time I saw the system giving multiple awards at once.

All of these were necessary qualifications for volleyball.

I guess I have no other choice; I can't do anything else to get the awards. I started thinking about this for a few lessons. So, I couldn't focus much on the classes, but it was an important decision because I wouldn't be able to join another club throughout my high school life.

Was there something else I wanted to do the most?

Maybe it could be cooking, after all, thanks to <The Skilled Hands of the Chef>, I know the recipes for dishes from all over the world quickly. But it was unfortunate that there was no culinary department in this school; maybe I could consider it when I go to college.

So, it seems like I have no choice but to join the volleyball club. After writing my name and surname on the application form with a pen I took out of my pencil case from my backpack, I signed it.

I can go to the gym to submit the application form during lunch break. At that moment, a student named Hanagawa sitting next to me called out when he saw the club form I filled out.

"Oi, Finn. Do you want to join the volleyball club? Haven't you heard the rumors?"


"Yes, I heard rumors that the Volleyball club, which used to be the best team in Karasuno High School, is not as good as it used to be. After the old coach of the team suddenly decided to retire, the Volleyball team started playing matches without a coach, and they were on the verge of almost closing the club due to consecutive losses."

"I understand, but that doesn't concern me. I'm still going to join that club. Which club are you going to join?"

"Me? Oh, well, I still haven't decided. I can't choose between the Fine Arts Club and the Theater Club."

"I believe you'll choose the one that suits you best."

We had to cut our conversation short when Sensei entered the classroom. Since it was the last class before lunch break, and also because I had finished filling out the club application, it would be good to listen to this class.

The topic of the lesson was Japanese History. Sensei wrote 'Jomon Period' on the blackboard with chalk and started teaching us about the Jomon period.

"The Jomon period is considered to be between 14,000 BC and 300 BC. The first permanent settlements were observed around 14,000 BC. Jomon culture consists of a semi-sedentary hunter-gatherer lifestyle and primitive agriculture between the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras..." Sensei continued to teach throughout the class, and when the bell rang for recess, she took a few sips from her water bottle on her desk and finished the lesson.

Since it was lunch break, I planned to go to the gym to submit the application form before taking out my lunch box. As I walked down the corridor, I noticed a student running past me. He seemed to be in a hurry, and this was the same boy with orange hair who bumped into me during the ceremony yesterday.

I descended to the ground floor of the school and came to a semi-open corridor that connected the Volleyball club to the school. As I walked halfway down the corridor, I could hear the sharp sounds of shoes scraping against the floor coming from the gym. I approached the door a bit more and tilted my head slightly to watch the gym to see what was going on inside.

At that moment, Tanaka-san pulled back his arms, crouched down considerably, and jumped forcefully. After hitting the volleyball approaching him with great intensity, Tanaka-san landed. However you looked at it, Tanaka-san's head was slightly higher than the net's line.

"You seem quite curious, Finn-kun."

At that moment, I didn't notice Suguwara-san hiding behind me. When I turned around to look at Suguwara, who caused me to be startled, I saw him wearing sportswear.

"How do you know my name?"

"You were holding the application form upside down, so I could see your name."

'Oh, I see...' I thought and handed him the application form, then continued to watch the gym. Besides Tanaka-san, many other students continued to jump and hit the volleyball.

"Do you want to give it a try?"

"Huh? Me? Why?"

"You seem quite interested, and from today onwards, you'll be a member of our volleyball team, of course, pending Sensei's approval, but you can still come in as you wish."

I didn't give any response to Suguwara-san's offer, but when the two of us entered the gym together, Tanaka-san noticed us.

"Oh, Suguwara's here, and the Charismatic kid."

"Daichi, if it's okay, can Finn-kun try a spike once?"

"Hm, I don't see any problem. Finn-kun, do you know how to spike?"

"No, it'll be my first time. Could you please explain?"

"Alright, I'll send the ball to you in a way that you can hit it, and then you jump up as high as you can and hit the back of the ball with the palm of your hand to drop it inside the opposing team's court."

"Hm, got it." After nodding my head in understanding, I decided to run from the back just like Tanaka-san.

"Tell me when you're ready." Daichi-san spun the volleyball in his hand a few times and prepared for the shot.

To feel a bit more comfortable, I took off my jacket and placed it on the ground, then prepared to run. After nodding my head, Daichi-san threw the ball upwards, and I sprinted towards the net.

After crouching down considerably, I put all my strength into my legs and jumped as high as I could. When the volleyball descended in front of me, I hit it with the palm of my hand with as much force as I could muster. I felt the ball wobble in my hand, and it struck the opposing court with great intensity.

As the ball hit the ground, it made a sound similar to a powerful explosion. All the students in the gym couldn't hide their astonishment at the spike I executed.

Additionally, when I noticed the person standing at the entrance, the orange-haired boy at the door started yelling and calling out to me.

"Oooooooi, I've seen you before! And I bumped into you. So, you play volleyball too. My friend, I saw the spike you did, and you jumped really high. How long have you been playing volleyball?"

"Well, this was my first attempt."

At that moment, all the dreams of this orange-haired boy were shattered. His face fell, and he was on the verge of tears due to the pain almost piercing his heart.

"How is that possible?"

"Finn-kun, are you really sure it's your first time playing?" Suguwara-san asked once more to make sure, but my answer remained the same.

"Welcome to our Volleyball Team, charismatic kid!" Tanaka-san started smiling with his wide mouth and sharp eyes.

I've decided to go a bit crazy and publish a few more chapters just for today. I'll upload the next chapters sporadically. Enjoy your reading.

Eternalitycreators' thoughts