
When I woke up, I realized I had been reincarnated.

It revolves around the life story of a young boy who, upon waking up suddenly, realizes he is in a different world. Since the chapters are short, I will try to publish at least 4 chapters daily. Please don't mind my limited English proficiency.

Torugaa · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs


"Hori-nee? May I ask what you're doing in my bed?" At that moment, Hori, who was still struggling to wake up properly, was rubbing her eyes with one hand while trying to open them. As Hori finally grasped her surroundings, her entire face started to turn red.



When she lost her balance and fell from the bed, landing on her butt, she exclaimed, "it hurts," and began to hide her face from me.

"I'm sorry, Finn-kun, I'm sorry, Finn-kun!!! I was so tired from studying last night that I didn't even realize where I was lying."

Oh, so that's what happened. I was afraid something bad had happened. At least after hearing what Hori said, I could relax. Hori was still sitting on the floor, her face red.

"Hori-nee, it's okay now, you can uncover your face."

"But, Finn-kun... You're shirtless."

'Oh, right...' When I lowered my gaze, I realized that I hadn't put on the shirt when I dressed last night. So, my body's slight definition and various muscles were clearly visible.

"Anyway, I'm getting ready for school. I'll make breakfast for you, so hurry up." Hori, who immediately got up from the floor, couldn't continue to look at me and left the room.

I sat at the corner of the bed and for a while, I watched the curtains fluttering in the breeze coming through the window with an empty expression.

I got up from the bed to change and after changing, I made sure to tidy up my bed. After cleaning the room, I went to the bathroom, washed my hands and face, then started brushing my teeth after applying toothpaste.

After a few minutes of effort, I finished brushing my teeth. When I went to the kitchen to check on Hori, I saw that she had already put on her school uniform.

She blushed for a few seconds when she noticed me, but then she cleared her throat and returned to a normal expression.

"Breakfast is ready, Finn-kun. After packing it into your lunchbox, we can leave the house together."

"Thank you, Hori-nee."

I have no regrets about sharing a bed with Hori; my only fear was losing control and doing something inappropriate. But it seems that nothing of the sort happened. After all, she was beautiful, and I'm sure many guys have fantasized about sharing a bed with Hori.

Am I becoming Hori's first bedmate? I'm not sure if I should be proud or feel regret.

Both of us were ready to go to school. After adjusting my uniform, I put my meal into my bag and we headed towards the entrance of the house. We put on our shoes together, then continued to walk silently until we reached the street, where we parted ways.

Hori was going to her own school. At the same time, I started making my way to my own school. Since there would be club activities all day today, the first thing I needed to do after arriving at school was to go to the gym. It would be my first time playing volleyball with the others.

I don't exactly know what to expect, but I don't really care too much. At least the rewards provided by the system seemed to help me in playing volleyball. Except for the talent <Chef's Skillful Hands>, of course.

As I approached the school, I began to hear the sound of a bike approaching from behind me. When I turned my head back to see who it was, I saw Hinata.



Hinata started riding his bicycle and waving from a distance until he reached me. Once he got closer and stopped, he got off his bike, and we walked together to the school's garden.

"So, how do you feel about playing with the senpais in the volleyball club for the first time today?"

"I'm just curious about how it'll go. I've never played volleyball in my life."

"Kuh... Alright, I know, Volleyball Pro. When I raised my eyebrows and looked at Hinata, I saw him sticking his tongue out at me, and I started to get even more annoyed.

"Don't address me like that again."

"Alright, alright, Volleyball Pro!" As soon as Hinata finished his sentence, he started running away, knowing that I was going to chase him. He was heading towards the gym at full speed, having to leave his bike behind without locking it in the bike area.

I was also chasing after him because if I caught Hinata, I was going to mess up his wavy orange hair and give him a good smack on the face.

After a bit of a chase, both of us arrived at the gym. At this point, the gym's door seemed to be locked, as there was another boy sitting on the stairs in front of it. When Hinata saw this boy, he couldn't help but shout.

"Oii! What are you doing here?"

The boy sitting on the stairs opened his eyes when he noticed Hinata. "Huh? What are you doing here?"

"No, that's not what I'm talking about. According to the news in the magazines, you tried out for Shiratorizawa."

"What's wrong with that?"

"It's a good thing they didn't pick a gloomy face like you." After Hinata finished his sentence, he immediately hid behind me and started to laugh at the boy sitting on the stairs in a sneaky way.

"Do you know him, Hinata?"

"Yes, he was my opponent in my first volleyball match in middle school. If I had played seriously, I definitely wouldn't have lost, but I didn't play seriously."

So, in the end, you lost. The boy sitting on the stairs had a stern expression. His eyes were narrowed, and he looked like he could start a fight at any moment. I recognized this expression from somewhere.

At this moment, as I focused on the boy on the stairs, he started to resemble Tanaka-san. Speaking of Tanaka-san, the voices of a group of students coming from the school's entrance could be heard. They seemed to be approaching the gym.

The newcomers were Daichi-san, Suguwara-san, and Tanaka-san. When they noticed us, they greeted us with a "Good morning" and expressed their pride in us being here early.

"Everyone, let me introduce you to Kageyama-kun. Starting today, he will also be part of our team."

Tanaka-san held up the key in his hand, inserted it into the lock, and after unlocking the gym's door, he swung it wide open.

"Alright, everyone, after some warm-up exercises, Sensei will come here to meet you, and when the other students arrive, we'll start the actual practice."

"Neee, but I want to hit the ball now." Hinata, as always, was very talkative and curious.

"You wouldn't want to get your school uniform dirty, Hinata-kun." Suguwara-san said this way, and together with Tanaka-san, they went to set up the net in the middle of the court.

After adjusting the height and tension of the net, Daichi-san brought us the uniforms we would be wearing. Additionally, he had two extra sets of clothing with him.

"What are these uniforms for, senpai?" Kageyama asked.

"Besides you two, two more students have registered," Daichi-san answered.