
When I turn into a cheetah, watch out world!

From the earth in the 21st century, I traveled through to the grassland on the Spark Planet and became a male cheetah known as the evolved species. In order to survive, raise children, compete with cheetah in running, climb trees with leopards, compete with lions for territory, fight with hyenas, and do whatever he can, Cyrus has done it all. This is the hard struggle history of a cheetah to support his family!

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26 Chs

Chapter 15. Accidental Entry into Monty Territory

In the early morning, the group of lions had a full meal, leaving behind a young female lion to oversee the body of a water buffalo, while the other lions began to sleep and rest.

The energetic and round bellied little lion refused to rest. They tossed and frolicked together, occasionally biting the mother lion's tail without making them angry. A few furry little lions played until they became active, and they pounced on Orus like that. Rarely, Orus was in a good mood and wanted to play with the little lions for a while, but couldn't control his strength. With a slap, the little lion was pressed down on the ground, its limbs spread out, and it let out a tender cry in its mouth.

Orus thought it was quite fun and did the same to the several little lions around him, one by one. The little lions stubbornly stood up and were pushed down again and again. However, his actions provoked the lionesses who were eager to protect their cubs. The hot-tempered Shana and Hona directly pounced on him and gave Orus a few swipes, rescuing the little lions from his big paws. The poor male lion, who hadn't yet realized what had happened, was then scolded by Tina. In the end, he was directly kicked out of the pride.

"Anyway, you're already full, then go and inspect the territory."

Tina made the final decision, and not a single lioness spoke up for Orus. The helpless male lion could only look back every few steps, leaving a sad figure for the pride.

God knows, he just wants to play with the little lion for a while. Previously, these lionesses complained that he wasn't patient enough and didn't have enough love. But now that he has love and patience, isn't he still beaten up and bruised? Women are really a perplexing creature.

The lion Orus, who was unmanly, began his journey to inspect his territory with his head downcast.

The early morning when the lions fell asleep was the beginning of the day for Cyrus and two little cheetahs.

During the dry season, food is scarce, and Cyrus has to travel far every time he hunts. He couldn't let the cheetah stay in place and wait for him to come back, so he could only take two cheetahs with him. Calvin and Charlie are very happy, no matter what, they don't want to be separated from dad for too long. But the number of kilometers one has to walk every day, and whether they can catch their prey is still unknown. Two little cheetah cubs will consume too much energy, which makes Cyrus very worried.

As time passed, the temperature began to rise. Cyrus tries to walk with two cheetahs in shaded areas, such as a tree or a few rocks. But they cannot stop and rest for a long time.

Today, Cyrus took two little cheetahs to a somewhat unfamiliar place. It was a few kilometers away from the place where lions used to hunt water buffalo, near a rocky canyon. During the rainy season, a tributary of the Gangsa River would flow through the canyon, leaving only a thin stream and most of the dry riverbed exposed in the hot and dry air.

Cyrus discovered this place while tracking antelopes. In the dry season, water sources and food are equally scarce. Although the Gangsa River does not stop flowing, there are huge crocodiles lurking in the river. Unless absolutely necessary, Cyrus would never let two cheetahs approach the Gangsa River.

The stream in the canyon is very clear. Two little cheetahs cheered and rushed towards the water's edge. Their paws rested on some damp soil and eagerly plunged their pink tongues into the water.

The cool taste alleviated dryness and thirst, and Cyrus's spirit also improved a lot. Adult cheetahs like him can absorb a certain amount of water from their food, and can not drink water for up to ten days. However, young cheetahs in the developmental stage must eat and drink regularly. As long as no larger prey is caught for a few days, the cheetah will become very thin. Combined with the fright after encountering a lion, Cyrus wanted to compensate his child no matter what.

While the father and son were enjoying a rare coolness, a loud cry shattered this rare comfort.

It's a guinea fowl.

This noisy bird, once discovered as a predator, would shout so loudly that the whole world would know. Cyrus usually doesn't want to see them, they will completely destroy his hunting plan, but now...

Cyrus gestured for two cheetahs to stay in place, stood up, and ran towards the guinea fowl, intentionally driving them towards a grassy patch across the riverbed. The guinea fowl was indeed deceived. After the first few fell into the traps dug by Cyrus, the latter woke up and either flew or ran, disappearing in an instant.

Cyrus didn't care about the escaped guys. Excitedly, he ran to the edge of the grass, brushed away the long grass that had already been cut off. Sure enough, two guinea fowl were caught in a rope and caught in their feet, while the other fell directly into an indecent trap. The sharp wooden stick erected in the trap pierced their wings, leaving them gasping for breath.

"Dad, dad, shall we eat them today?"

Calvin quickly ran over, with Charlie following closely behind. The two brothers watched as Cyrus bit the struggling two guinea fowls to death, while the other wing, which was injured, was thrown to two cheetahs to practice hunting.

The ropes set by Cyrus were originally intended for rabbits and warthogs, but they didn't expect these guinea fowls to fall into their own trap. Although I have never heard of cheetahs eating this kind of food, now food is scarce and there is no time to complain about the types of food. Furthermore, it's not surprising that leopards even eat birds and cheetahs eat guinea fowls, right?

Two little cheetahs skillfully bit the neck of the guinea pig. Charlie was eager to take a few bites, but took a bite of fur and couldn't help but sneeze. A few feathers of the guinea fowl floated and landed on the little cheetah's head.

Charlie felt aggrieved and looked at Cyrus with watery amber eyes, shouting, "Dad, this is not delicious."

The cute appearance made Cyrus' heart tremble, and he couldn't help pulling Charlie close to him, rubbing the little cheetah vigorously, successfully upgrading from a child control freak to a fluff control freak. Charlie thought Cyrus was playing with him, and instantly threw the guinea fowl aside, rubbing against Cyrus while licking him. Calvin saw it and squeezed over too. The three of them, father and son, rubbed into a ball.

Cyrus was still rolling along with two cheetahs on the ground, halfway there and frozen. Is he different from a cat now? Do you have it?

Instinct or something, it's too scary...

Suddenly, a gust of wind came from above, and before Cyrus could react, he was pressed down by a strong force. A soft and broad paw pressed against his abdomen, which he had not yet flipped over, and maliciously rubbed it.

Cyrus is foolish, completely foolish.

How could this leopard appear here?!

"Meeting again."

"How could you be here?"

Watching Cyrus look silly, Monty shook his tail in a good mood, lowered his head, and looked at Cyrus with light golden eyes. He said, "This is my territory, of course I am here."

Cyrus just realized that the leopard likes this kind of environment that is suitable for hiding and has tall trees, right? Why didn't he notice before!

Sniffing the scent of Cyrus, Monty withdrew his paw in satisfaction and continued, "I just saw you roll pretty cute. Roll another one and I'll let you go."

Cyrus suddenly burst into tears. This leopard is definitely a thug, big thug!

Is his tone different from that of a hooligan teasing a girl?

It's clear that he's saying, "Girl, give me a laugh. If I'm satisfied, I'll let you go."