
When I growup

*Excerpt* "I am thinking of taking out a loan," I rolled my eyes, and thought to myself secretly, 'what an idiot but I can help this idiot!' I began with my lecture, educating a dedicated 'servant' is the duty of the 'master'. "A loan from a bank takes around 30 years to pay off, but if you rob a bank you are out in 10," "Ah...erm...Di'ordi what's with your head?" I felt puzzled by this, I mean my logic is sound! you don't have to worry about food and shelter in prison. I mean my 'servant' is decent enough to become a big boss while in prison. "Nothing, I robbed a bank a while back but my accomplice got caught the fool spent 10 years in prison but now she's out and living well." Ah, my last life but she will never know. "f*ck!" "No need to spout such filthy words, I haven't beaten you to a pulp or anything," -- Di'ordi had lived a fulfilling life and died beside the man she loved and surrounded by the men who secretly loved her. Of course, those men had been repeatedly suppressed for the past hundred years but because they are in fact his shattered soul made flesh weakening him, he had granted them a boon to stay by her side as her friends. Upon her death, his fracture souls were then bonded to her wandering soul and followed her to the thousands of light-years away planet to be reborn and join her once again. The issue is, it became a bit complicated due to her siblings and other circumstances. --- *Disclaimer notice: the cover is not mines, credit to the original owner* original novel~ please vote, thank you~ WPC February event~

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181 Chs


Still, as the eldest, he will not let his guard down against this twelve-year-old girl, who was the exact replica of mother, with a temperament like fathers.

He knows all too well how females are against each other. Hiding their claws and striking when no one is unaware feigning innocence!

"Eldest brother us two will also obey, we remember what fathers had said before!"

The two youngest, Dy'lan and Di'ri respectively ten and nine years old blinked, perhaps because the mother wanted another daughter. It is why they looked so feminine especially with the sides and back shaved with the top tied and secured in a bun.

The only girl was prettily dressed up in a limited edition dress, her silky straight black hair secured in a ponytail and decorated in buns.

"We are almost there,"

"En, I see the guards by the door belonging to fathers and mother,"

They reached the massive doors, looking down at himself Di'amond felt satisfied that his attire consisted of the handmade straight-legged pants and the woollen turtleneck shirt, paired with an ankle-length coat.

The door opened inside was a large room with several pieces of equipment that seemed necessary but in truth were unnecessary. Mother is a strong woman who birthed seven children previously and even though she looks younger than most women who are forty-five.

"Children," the woman held the newborn close to her chest, Di'amond wanted to get closer but saw the look from one of his fathers and stayed put, not one child came closer.

This was their life anyway, mother birthed them, cared for them but once weaned, they are passed to the servants to raise.

At least they allowed them to stay in the same home as mother.

"You seven are here, once littlest has finished nursing we will allow you to see her. Then you may return,"

First father said his face, void of any emotion.

Di'amond said nothing to this if he did he might be thrown out,

Don-hyun the eldest father is the elder of the twin males, looked at the eldest child as a male how could he allow any other male close to his female whether son or not?

His wife wanted young but neither him nor his own brother wanted but whatever her desire as an orphan for a family...so they had given in but under one condition; that she not coddle them.

Yet this youngest one...she seemed to carry a soul that is quite old.

'You sense it too?'

'En, I do, it does not matter Daeshim, this has occurred many times, we simply need to see if she has good intentions,'

'Form the paternal bond, once she has finished her first feed,'

The males were not concerned that this last child looked different. what they were concerned simply as if she would bring harm to their female. Though the mother held her child close with a smile.



I yawned, releasing the breast, my vision was still blurry and my eyes seemed heavy. From the thoughts running through my mind, I felt that I have acquired a new life after one hundred and three years of life.

It was fitful, I had met the love of my life and gave him many children, we had friends.

Surrounded by the family I had lost at a very young age.

If his family had not adopted me, due to their friendship I doubt I would have such a long life.

I opened my mouth to speak but heard a strange sound like a cry of a child. Is this the reason why everyone looked much larger in stature?

Hm, if it is true then...i allowed my eyes to flutter close and tiredness to overwhelm me.

"She is beautiful,"

"Of course our beloved, she was created by us," 

A feminine chuckle was heard and I simply gave in.


4 years old~

I was disgruntled, today in class the children made fun of me.

My name, it is the same name I had before, Di'ordi. It is just that the students here are quite different from what I remembered. As a mother with over thirty grand and third great-grandchild I had picked them up and kept up with the school system even polishing up on my studies but my name...it had struck fear in many businesses.

Now, I am being made fun of as a girl.

"Littlest, what is a matter? Tell eldest sister?" Through the singing bond I felt the heartache from my first sister, Di'la at sixteen had a Willowy figure, and a face like mother's her waist length black hair was tired in a simple ponytail and the dress she wore complimented her small waist, I bit my lip and gaze up at this elder sister who I worship. Since mother and fathers had left when eldest brother became eighteen. 

Leaving all eight siblings alone with the servants as guides and the shadow guards to keep them safe. "Eldest sister, many of the Students find my name funny, should I teach them a lesson?"

Di'ordi is young, merely a slightly chubby little girl with curly blue hair and almond shaped pale silver-blue eyes; her eyes are especially attractive when compared to the Carmel tone of her skin.

Students had also made fun of that as well but it was more secretive. Di'ordi had been accustomed to that and so, it simply passed over her like air, she looked almost the same as her last life except the oriental features darker skin tone and blue hair. Her eyes had always been silver-blue and she had always been beautiful. It is just with the oriental features added in, it gave her a more unique look, especially with her face similar to this world's mother.

"Littlest, whatever you do is right! You have seven siblings behind you! Two fathers and a mother! If it is not enough, you have servants and guards plus our businesses to crush their own."

I beamed at this eldest sister with raw adoration, who looked down at me in pure like!

"The first sister is right! Littlest who dares to bully our sister let brother know,"

After thinking a bit I thought to myself, I am over a hundred years--at least in memory-- I should try to fend for myself more. Shaking my small head covered in a riot of curls I then pursed my plump lips then spoke in a milky tone.

"Eldest sister Di'la, second brother Díó; littlest will handle it on her own. You each have your studies and companies to run. Littlest will go continue with her own studies,"

"En, littlest is the smartest," second brother Díó.

"En, littlest is so cute!" Eldest sister Di'la.

Sparing them a blinding smile showing two rows of perfect white teeth albeit the small incisors that are slightly longer, I then quickly ran to the third study room where all the necessary items were placed for me to study.

please note main character is written in readers pov.

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