
Chapter seven

After driving for a while, my best friends' car following us, we arrived at I assume is Nick's condo. We got out of the car and I held the twins while the guys took the bags up to Nick's place.

"It's a new start babies. We're going to be fine, I promise." I felt like I was talking to myself as I didn't get a response, I caught up with the guys and started walking behind them. When we got to the condo the first thing I saw was the modernly decorated living room. It had a white 'L' shaped couch, behind it a gorgeous view of the CN tower and a dark grey coffee table in the middle and a TV on the wall opposite the couch and a long wooden table underneath it that had some glass pieces, it was also open to the kitchen.

Once the guys put all the bags away, Nick took us on a house tour and showed me where I'm going to be staying, then we sat down, ate snacks and talked.

A while later the twins were saying their goodbyes and we were left alone with two sleeping babies.

"So, what do you think of your room, do you like it? If you don't I can get my mum to decorate it fo-" I cut Nick off by putting my finger on his mouth to shush him and said, "It's great don't worry about it."

"okay. do you want help unpacking?"

"No, we don't have much stuff it won't take long, you go rest, I'll see you in the morning." I responded smiling. He was so nice.

he nodded and went to his room that was across from the guest room which I'm staying in.

I got inside the room and started unpacking. The room was simple but cute, it had a queen sized bed in the middle and two nightstands with lamps and books on them, a little walk in closet and a dresser. There was also a couple of art hung on the wall. After about forty five minutes, Melody started crying. some people find it weird that I can tell who's who from their crying, but i think it's normal.

Is it though?

I need to stop talking to myself, it's weird.

Awe, you're no fun!

Dude come on stop it.

whatever, go check on your sister, you idiot.

I went to the living room and saw Nick with Mel in his arms, trying to calm Her down, but failing. That was until he started singing. I stood watching them from the door way like a creep.

I don't blame you. I don't blame me either.

"Take a piece of my heart,

And make it all your own,

So when we are apart,

You'll never be alone,

You'll never be alone.."

damn, he has a great voice. "I know right."

"Huh?" I heard Nick say and that's when I realized that he stopped singing and was staring at me, Mel in her seat fast asleep now.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You said "I know right" what was that about?" He chuckled.

"Oh, uhm I was t-talking to myself." I stuttered.

"Okay," he said still laughing.

"Stop laughing at me!" I said covering my face with my hands. He started laughing even more until Mel started crying again.

I ran to her and picked her up, "it's okay baby, I'm here. I'm here." I soothed her until she fell asleep again.

"You're pretty good with babies." I pointed out in a low voice still holding the sleeping baby in my arms.

"Thanks" he blushed. And it was my turn to laugh now.

I started yawning and said, "I think I'm gonna call it a night, I'm pretty tired."

"Yea of course! Let me help you with Angel." He said picking her up.

I headed to my room, Nick behind me carrying Angel. I put Mel on the left side of the bed after putting a pillow on the edge to prevent her from falling and another two on the floor just in case and Nick laid Angie right next to her, I covered them with a blanket and kissed both their cheeks.

I turned to Nick and whispered "thank you."

"Of course." He smiles at me and I smiled back. "Goodnight."

"Night" I smiled and went to bed under the covers and slipped into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up the next day to the smell of pancakes. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom, took a shower and brushed my teeth before heading to the room and getting ready for the day.

After I was done I took Mel and Angie because they woke up and gave them a quick bath and dressed them in matching blue overalls.

I carried them both on my hips and went to the kitchen where the smell that woke me up was. I saw Nick in front of the stove making bacon. "Hey!"

"Good morning! I made pancakes, bacon and some eggs. Hope that's okay." He said in response.

"Yea that's perfect, thank you!" I said smiling.

"You're welcome, I just need to get those on plates and we're go-" he got cut off by the door bell ringing.

"I got it" I told him and went to open the door. It was a little bit of a struggle since I had both twins on my hips still. Once I opened it I was met with a beautiful young looking woman. She had short blonde hair and blue eyes, a tall frame and she was wearing a tight knee length red dress that complimented her body perfectly.

"Can I help you?" I asked her politely.

"Who's at the door?" Nick asked and stood next to me. I don't know why but he looked annoyed and nervous for some reason.

"Who's this?" The woman asked angrily, looking at Nick, ignoring me completely.

Rude much.

Tell me about it.

"S-She's my girlfriend and those- those are our kids." Nick said pointing at the twins. My eyes widened and I looked at him, the woman's actions mirroring mine.

Oh this dude is crazy.

I can't agree more.

"I don't believe you." She said. I don't either.

"I don't care."

"Kiss her then!"

"That doesn't prove anything!" Nick protested.

"You wouldn't have a problem if you've had kids with her, right?"

"Fine!" Nick said.

Wait what?!

He turned to me and looked me in the eyes giving me a look that said 'is this okay?'

I looked at the girl then at Nick again and gave him a slight nod. He sighed in relief quietly and put his hand on my cheek, He got closer until his lips were on mine. His lips were so soft and had a taste of green tea and chocolate. Our lips moved in sync and I felt something funny in my stomach, something I haven't felt in years. I ignored the feeling and just focused on the kiss forgetting everything around us. We heard a little cough and that was when I realized that she was still standing there I squeezed Shawn's hand after a great struggle Mel and Angie were giving me. I think he noticed then too because he closed the door with his leg not taking a second glance at the girl, still kissing me. After the door was fully closed I pulled away breathless, my cheeks rosier than usual. I knew that for a fact.


I know!

"Uhm sorry. I just..I just wanted her to go away.." He said a little breathless, his cheeks a light shade of pink, rubbing the back of his neck. A habit I noticed about him when he's either nervous or embarrassed.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." I said smiling a little at his cuteness.


Hey hey hey, no catching feelings!

He smiled and said, "breakfast is done." heading to the kitchen with me following behind him.

You idiot.

Oh, shush.

We arrived to the kitchen and started eating. After about twenty chocolate chip pancakes, feeding two little, hungry food monsters and small chats we were done. It was honestly delicious, I wasn't expecting that.

Maybe because he just cracked an egg over pancake batter?

At least he made breakfast, dude.

But it's HIS house, we're his GUESTS he should be making breakfast.

Why am I talking to you again?

Because you're crazy?

Makes sense.

"Hello? Bella! You there?" I heard Nick's voice snapping me out of wherever the heck I was.

"Huh, what?" I said now looking at him instead of the empty plate in front of me.

He chuckled and responded with, "I said I had to leave for work today. I took time off when we were at the hospital but my boss won't give me anymore days off."

He paused his job knowing that he might've lost it, for us???

"You took time off because of us?" I asked what the crazy voice in my head said, wide eyed.

"Well yeah, I didn't wanna leave you alone, especially when you had to take care of two babies."

I think I just caught the feelings. Oh hell no, you did not. I'm not allowing this here.

"You really didn't have to do that, ya know, But I'm really thankful you did." I smiled at him.

"I am too," he smiled back.

Ahh, I can die in peace now. What's wrong with you? Honestly, many things.

I shook my head and said, "have a good day at work." I kissed his cheek and went to my room quickly to save me from the embarrassment, the twins on my hips. When we arrived to the room we played a little before their first nap of the day. After a few minutes I heard Nick saying "I'm leaving now!" Before he left shutting the door behind him.

I finally managed to get the babies to fall asleep after a few hours. They only wanted to explore the place and play with everything and anything they saw in front of them.

I tidied up the place where we sat and went out to the living room, I sat down on the white couch and decided to check my phone for the first time since the fire, I only really used it to call the Dolans.

The first thing I saw was the messages my friends had sent me, I opened one of the messages noticing it was Ethan, he sent me an article about what had happened.


"Deceased famous hockey player, Dean Star's house caught on fire and his family is missing"

The daughters and wife of the deceased, famous hockey player, Dean Star, has disappeared from the public eye after their winter house that they've lived in for the past five+ years has been burned down.

Police believe that the fire wasn't accidental, meaning that someone has set the fire to cause obvious harm.

Some of our sources from Toronto hospital told us that the daughters came in on the day of the fire and stayed there for a couple of days. "Angel Star's heart stopped and she died because of the great amount of smoke she breathed, but a miracle happened when her older sister, Isabella Star held her in her hands crying. She's lucky that she's alive" were the words they used. However they said that the mom, Kristine Jones, wasn't with them at the time.. so where did she go?

We will update you as soon as we know more!

The fire wasn't accidental? Why didn't the sheriff tell me? Who would do this to us?

I felt the tears coming and before I knew it I started crying, it might sound dramatic but I'm sure you'll do the same if you found out that someone, somewhere in the world right now wanted you and your family dead.

After what felt like hours, I calmed down and decided to put a statement on my social media, telling everyone that we were already and that I'll be taking a little break from the internet.

After I posted it the twins started crying. I went to the room and calmed them down, I figured they were hungry so I made them both a bottle. I started making dinner to be nice, or maybe I was just hungry, once dinner was ready I fed them and we played a little bit until Nick came back. I needed to put the twins to sleep so I can talk to Nick about the article so, I did just that and went out to the kitchen.

I put some of the dinner on two plates and sat them down at the table. I knew where almost everything was since I spent half the afternoon trying to figure out where they were when I was cooking.

We sat down and started eating. I asked him about his day and he did the same. When we were done he offered to wash the dishes so I went and waited for him on the couch. Once he was done he came and sat next to me.

"So, what's up?" He asked.

Not saying a word I unlocked my phone and showed him the article. His eyes widened as he read it. He gave me my phone back once he was finished and looked at mr with guilt.

"Did you know about this?" I asked.

He didn't answer for a couple of minutes until he nodded and said, "yes."

"Why didn't you tell me then?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Listen I found out last night. I wanted to tell you, I promise, I just didn't know how you would take it. I didn't want to worry you."

"But you should've told me anyways! I deserve to know! It's my family's safety for god's sake!" I started raising my voice a little.

"I know, I know, and I'm sorry! I just don't want you to go out in public looking over your shoulder every five seconds." He ran a hand through his soft, silky looking hair.

I sighed and said, "I'm sorry, I was just upset that I had to find out through an article."

"I completely understand and I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier" He smiled. I smiled back and we stared at one another until my phone started ringing, we broke eye contact and I answered it.

"Miss Star? It's sheriff Brad Walker." He said

"Hello sheriff! did you find anything?"

"Yes, we believe so. Your mom called us this afternoon saying she wanted to talk to you. We tried to track her down but the number she used is untraceable. We're trying our best to find something else. She also said she will call at the same time tomorrow afternoon which is 4:00 p.m to speak to you, we would like you to come to the station at exactly 3:30 p.m so we'll have time to discuss what we need you to do." He said.

"Yes, yes! Definitely! I'll be there by then, thank you!" I said and ended the call. I was so happy, I got up and started dancing around like a crazy person. Nick was laughing his butt off once I stopped. I looked at him in embarrassment and said, "they might've found my mum!"

"That's amazing!" He said standing up and hugging me. I pulled away and said, "I'm pretty tired and it's late. We should go to sleep."

"Yea, we probably should." He said looking thoughtful.

"Yea." I turned around and started walking towards the hallway when Nick stopped me and turned me around. He put his hand on my waist and kissed me. The funny feeling came back as I kissed him back. He pulled away and said, "goodnight" with flushed cheeks and a smile.

I blushed and said, "goodnight" and ran towards the room. I heard him chuckle as I did so and closed the door. I changed into my PJ's, brushing my teeth and got into bed after drifting off to a peaceful sleep.