
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
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19 Chs

Thomas Reed! Amelia Anderson's POV

Right now, I am standing and most importantly fighting with I don't know who is he!

How dare he speak with me like this! I said, "Huh! Look people, he doesn't even know who is he? How can we know who are you?"

He looked really pissed off right now! He said, "Get out of here before I lose my mind completely!"

Who is he to tell me to get out of here?

He is hurting me a lot by gripping my arms tightly! I said, "Who are you to tell me this? Huh? I can walk anywhere. It's my wish. And let go of my arms."

Letting my arms go, he left from there. I huffed in annoyance.

Sam said, "Lia, what have you done?"

I scoffed! I said, "What have I done? Didn't you see how he was behaving? By the way who was he?"

Liam said, "He is Thomas Reed. Principal's son and that friend who we were talking about!"

I was little surprised! Zack laughed and said, "By the the fight was really good!"

In the meanwhile everyone went to do their own work.

I went to my class and guess what! Thomas is in the same class. I rolled my eyes and took a seat far away from him. He is surrounded with a lot of girls. Ok, I admit he is handsome but he is a rude ass! Ugh... what happened to me? I never talk to anyone like this! But he... He really brings the worst out of me.

I was listening to the teacher. But I was feeling that someone is gazing me on my behind. I turned around and saw Thomas was looking at me intensely. He is throwing daggers at me with his ocean blue eyes. I rolled my eyes and gave my concentration on my study.

After that he and I both went to our own classes. I went to my locker and saw Hannah and Sam was kissing. I awkwardly went there. Hannah said, "Hey!"

Making eww face, I said, "Go get a room." They both laughed.

Dragging me, Sam said, "Let's go." I said, "Where?"

Sam took me to their group. And Thomas was also there. I said to Sam and Hannah, "I am going. I have to do my homework and lot of work."

Thomas scoffed and said, "Nerdy!"

I rolled my eyes. I smiled and said, "Well thank you for complementing me!" Thomas said, "Yeah, yeah! Whatever." He rolled his eyes.

Zack said, "Why are you fighting guys?"

We both rolled our eyes at the same time. By we , I meant Thomas and me.

Thomas said to me, "I can't tolerate you anymore."

I said, "I think this is the first time we agreed on something. I also can't tolerate you."

Thomas said, "Gee, thanks." He gave me a sarcastic smile.I rolled my eyes.

Ughhh... He is so annoying. Hannah said, "Calm down you guys. Let's go Anderson." I said my goodbyes to everyone except Thomas of course.

Hannah and Sam dropped me. I told them about myself and my family on the way to my home. They left and I did my homework. Meanwhile my dad came home.

We sat together to eat dinner. He said, "How was the school dear?"

I remembered every incident. Some were bad, some were good and some were exciting. Yeah, I found excitement while fighting with Thomas. How fuuny!

Dad said, "I think that your day was very fun today. You are smiling." I was smiling?

I said, "Yeah, dad. Everything is fine. I had fun today." My dad smiled and said, "I am very happy for you. It's your final year. So have fun." I nodded. And then we watched a movie. And then I went to sleep. But sleep is not consuming me. I am thinking about our fight. I mean I was never like this. I do not fight with anyone.

Thomas irritates me. I don't know why get irritated by him. Thinking these awful things, finally sleep consumed me.

I woke up hearing the alarm. I got ready for school. And I wore a t-shirt with full sleeves and sweatpants. And I did a bun in my hair.

My dad dropped me at my school. I was walking towards my school. And here I am saw that face. He was looking at me. I am sure my day will be ruined. And Hannah called me there. I hesitantly went there and greeted them. Zack engulfed me in a tight hug. I hugged him back. But he was choking me. I looked at Sam to save me from this tight hug. Sam said, "Zack, leave her. She can't breath."

Zack quickly left me. I huffed. I looked at Thomas. Surprisingly he was already looking at me.

Why is he looking at me angrily? I am sure he is mentally disabled.

I went to my class and unfortunately saw Thomas was also there. I also saw Liam and Zack. I went in. Zack said, "Hey, Lia, come sit here." I hesitated.

Thomas scoffed, he said, "Let her be. She doesn't have the guts to sit with us."

How arrogant! But I have to keep my cool. Amelia you have to keep your cool. But me being me around him, I began to spoke.

1I said, "Of course, Zack. I think Thomas doesn't have any guts to sit with me. That's why he doesn't want me to sit with him."

Oh! How cool am I! Why did I have to speak? Thomas glared me! I rolled my eyes.

Yeyy! I had the last word. I sat down with Zack. Our teacher came. We started studying. By we means only me and Liam. Zack was... I don't know what he was doing? But I only know this he wasn't studying. And Thomas was ignoring some girls. Those girls were looking at him. And doing some gossips. The bell rang. We did all our three classes. And unfortunately Thomas wasn't there!...

Wait, did I say unfortunately? Oh goodness! What happened to me? I was walking towards the cafeteria. Suddenly I bumped into someone! The person said, "You seriously have some walking trouble!" Oh gosh!! Thomas! Why does he have to be always!

I looked up. Thomas was very tall. My neck sometimes hurts. He must be 6 foot! And where I am 5"3! I didn't want to argue with him. I ignored him and went to the cafeteria.

Sam and Hannah wasn't there. I went to Liam and Zack. I asked Liam, "Where is Sam and Hannah?"

Liam said, "I don't know! Must be eating each other's mouth." Zack laughed and I said, "Eww, Liam. Can't you say that they are kissing?" Zack and Liam laughed. Zack said, "Don't worry, Lia. You will be doing this soon." I said, "Eww, no never! I will do this things after marriage." Zack said, "We will see." I raised a brow at him.

What are they talking about!?

Finally, my all classes are finished. I was taking my books from the locker suddenly I felt a hand on my mouth. And that person was dragging me. I was trying to wriggle out of that person's captivity. But he was too strong. He took me to an empty classroom. I saw that person's face and realization dawned on me.