
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
19 Chs

The Test! Amelia Anderson's POV

Thomas pulled his car infront of my house. I said, "Thanks for dropping me off."

"Well, welcome," saying that he came closer to me. I mean very close. Like we are inches away. "Hiccups.." Thomas laughed. After sometime, I stopped getting hiccups. Thomas said, "I want to check something." "Wwhat?" I smacked myself when I stuttered. He kissed my cheeks. And I again got hiccups. What the hell is wrong with me? I felt Thomas smirked. He pulled away. My heart is beating fast and my hiccups are annoying me. After a few seconds my hiccups stopped I said, "Ermm... Bye" With that I left.

I went to my dad's room and had a chitchat for sometime. My dad was very happy because I attended a party. In his offence, I don't have any fun in my life. So he became very happy!

I went to sleep and my phone went off! I saw the caller id it was from a unknown number. I picked up the phone!

"Hello!" I said. "Hey!", I heard from the other side. When I recognised the voice my heart began to beat faster.

"Thomas?" I said. "Yeah, it's me! Before you go crazy on how did I get your number I tell you! I get your number from Hannah!" He said with a humour in his voice. His voice is soo awesome!

I rolled my eyes. I said, "You think I am crazy?" He said, "No, I believe it!"

Huh!!!! How dare he?

I said, "Oh, hello! You think oh sorry believe that I am crazy? Then why are you talking with me?"

He laughed! Now he is laughing.

He said, "I was just missing you." My heart skipped a beat. I began to get hiccups.

Thomas softly smiled. He said with a amusement voice, "I know why you get hiccups." I said between a hiccup, "Why?" He said, "Because whenever I am close to you like really close, you get hiccups. I am the reason of your hiccups."

My hiccups finally stopped. What? Why he will be the reason of my hiccups?

"Oh really? It's your perspective. I get hiccups just like that." I mocked him.

He said with a laugh, "Then it's your perspective. You get hiccups only when I am close to you." I rolled my eyes.

I said, "No!" Thomas said, "Yes." Andd we kept arguing about 5 minutes over this matter.

Finally he said, "Ok, then we will test this tomorrow! Then you will believe me."

I huffed. He laughed. I said, "Fine ,fine."

Then we talked like half of the night. We talked about our families, hobbies, our good times, bad times. But when I asked him whether he has any siblings his mood suddenly went down later he changed the topic. I wanted to ask him but let it go. But He has a loving family. He likes to read novels very much and we have a lot in common.

In the morning

I woke up with a smile thinking about last night. I got ready and went to my dad. My dad was asking if there is a good news. I told him that I was just happy. He wished for me to be happy like this forever. My dad is the best. I love him.

I was smiling like a maniac. People will thought me as a crazy! But right now I don't care. I am so excited for meeting Thomas. My dad dropped me at my school.

I went to my friends and said in chirpy voice, "Hey guys! Good morning!"

They looked at me with a suspicious look. Liam said, "Oookay? Good morning. Why are you looking so happy?" I said, "Nothing. I am just trying to stay positive!"

Sam said, "Hmm, But I am finding some other thing in your face, voice."

Ugh! My friends are very clever. Or am I being too much happy? Whatever!

I said, "Yeah, yeah, oomph!" Zack hugged me. Zack said, "Lia, you look so pretty when you smile." Suddenly he was yanked away from me. "Why do you have to talk like this or greet like this?" Thomas said with a hint of jealous voice. But why is he jealous? Zack sheepishly smiled at him. Others were laughing.

Hannah said, "Amy, spill the details. Why are so happy? Did you get laid?"

I coughed listening to her. Thomas was running his hands on my back. But this was getting worst due to his touch. His touching made me feel something. And now I am getting hiccups. Seriously?

I looked at Thomas. And Thomas was smirking. He and his freaking smirk. Finally I calmed down after he took his hand off me. And then our bell rang we went to our classes. After finishing my 3 classes, I was walking in the corridor suddenly someone pulled me and took me to a vacant class room and pinned me to the door after closing the door. I gasped.

And it was Thomas. He said with a smirk, "Shall we begin the test?" I gulped suddenly feeling hot. I said, "Wwhat test?" Shit I cursed myself!

Thomas again gave me his stupid signature smirk.

He said, raising an eyebrow, "Hiccup test." I got jealous of how he perfectly raises his brows. He pushed himself more into me and he was an inch away from me. And guess what? My Hiccups missed me very much that's why they came back again.

Thomas gave me a smile and said, "Cute!" I am still getting my Hiccups. Thomas said with a concern in his voice, "Do I nervous you? do you get afraid of me?"

He looked me and then at my lips. He leaned towards me and I leaned also!

What am I doing? I turned my head, in the process he kissed my cheek. I bet my cheeks got red by now.

I again got Hiccups. I said between a hiccup, "Ccan I go?" Thomas smiled softly and said, "See, I told you! You get hiccups when I am close to you."

I nodded.I defeated. He laughed then get away. I went to the cafeteria feeling wonderful! Hannah said, "Why are your cheeks red?" I again blushed.

Sam said, "Thomas come!" My eyes widened. I said, "Umm, Guys have some work,. I am going." Zack eyed me suspiciously. I gave him a smile. I looked up to saw Thomas and saw he is smirking.

I ran away. After finishing all my classes, I was walking towards my locker. Then I saw a girl and a boy was kissing. The girl's back was facing me but I couldn't see the boy's face. I felt that I know him. When the girl moved or rather Isay pushed away I saw him.....