
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
19 Chs

Revealing the secret....

Amelia Anderson's POV

"Jack?" I said getting into his cabin. "Lia? Come, how did you come here?" "I need to talk to you about an important thing." fidgeting my nails, I said.

"Okay, first sit here." He said motioning me to seat in the sofa. "Jack, you know about my past and about the boys, right?"

He said confusingly, "Yeah, so?"

"Jack, Tom and Ty need their father very much. I am not enough for them. They want to olay with their father and they want to have fun with their dad like other kids. And for that, I have to reveal their existence to their father. I have to tell him the truth." I was about to cry thinking all of these things. Jack hugged me and he was patting me on my back. I hugged him back and cried for sometime.

Finally after crying, Jack pulled away. He said, "If you are sure about this then tell him the truth. Do what you should have done ages ago." He smiled at me.

I nodded and went to my house. Entering my house, I saw 4 pair of shoes. Seeing these shoes, I quickly entered my house.

Then I met Liam, Zack, Hannah and that person I don't want to face him and he is of course Thomas. And top of that, my biggest fear turned into reality. My boys were sitting with them...

I gulped. I nervously said, "Hey,, what are you all doing here?"

Please don't call me mommy in front of them my dear sons.

"Mommy, your friends are so cool." Tom and Tyler excitedly said. I nervously smiled at them. And here I was about to vomit due to my nervousness. Oh God!!!! What should I do?

"Amy, can you explain this to us?" Hannah said. Thomas was just looking at his sons. Yeah, Tom and Tyler are Thomas's sons.

Thomas suddenly held my arms tightly and dragged me to a room and closed the door behind him. I gulped. I couldn't meet his eyes.

He held my chin and made me look at him. His eyes showed so many emotions.

"So, Miss Amelia, tell me the truth right now." He said sternly. "They are my sons isn't it?" He said the last part sadly. Like he couldn't believe that I did something like this to him. I hid a big truth from him.

"Thomas listen to me." I whispered. "Go on.." He glared at me. I made him sit on my bed and held his hand. I looked at his eyes and started telling everything, "When I got to know your engagement, I left everything and came here. After coming here, I got sick, it happened. Tom and Tyler are your sons." I took a deep breath.

Thomas moved his hand from me. "Why didn't you tell me? Why?" He yelled at me. I deserved this. I know. But after what he had done to me? Why would I go to him.

We both stood up. "Don't yell at me." I glared at him. "After what you had done, I would never go to you." I stabbed a finger in his chest feeling my hurt build up.

Thomas said, "So, if I didn't come here you would never tell me the truth?" I looked away. Thomas grabbed my shoulder and said, "Look at me."

I looked at him "I was going to tell you after meeting you at the hospital. I did not want you to found this truth like this." My eyes and my sound softened.

"Why didn't you tell when you found that you were pregnant?" He sadly asked me.

I felt very bad seeing him like this.

"How could I tell you? You were engaged with that Sophia. How could I ruin your happiness." I huffed.

I realized that I was crying. "That girl showed me a picture where you were happily put that ring in her fingers. How am I supposed to deal with that? The man I love was engaged to an another woman? You tell me Thomas, how was I supposed to take this?" By the time I was sobbing in front him.

I sat down on the floor and was crying. I didn't care about anything that time.

Suddenly I felt a pair of hand around my shoulder. Thomas hugged me. I don't have any idea why I did this I hugged him back. I missed his touch very much.

"I am sorry, Lia. I am so sorry. Let me tell you the truth. My dad forced me to do this. I was going to tell you sooner but I couldn't. After the graduation party, I was going to tell you everything but I never got the chance." I was crying in his arms. I don't know what should I tell him. Am I ready to forgive him?

I pulled away from the hug and looked into his eyes. He cupped my face. I said, "I have one thing to confess."

"What?" he asked. "Jack isn't my fiancee." I bit my lip feeling guilty. "I knew it." He smiled.

"He is my step brother. I am sorry I lied to everyone. I shouldn't have done this. How can I face Liam, Sam, Hannah, Zack?" I facepalmed myself.

"It's ok, you've got this." He smiled. "Yeah!" I dryly said.

I stood up and gave Thomas a hand, "Come on, Let's tell them you." He gave me his hand. Then we went to the living room where my friends were playing with the boys. They looked at us.

"Tom, Ty. Mommy has something to say to both of you." I gave them a sweet smile. Tyler asked, "what mommy?" They were very curious.

"Come." I and Thomas and the children went to their room.

"Tom, Tyler do you remember asking me about your father?" I asked.

They nodded excitedly. "Yes, Mommy." I smiled at them. "Is he our father?" They asked. "Yeah! He is your father." I glanced at Thomas and softly said. "Yeyyyy" They were so happy hearing this. They weren't even surprise. They both jumped at Thomas. Thomas caught them. "Hi, Dad. As you know my name but I want to introduce myself again. I am Tyler. I am 5 years old." Tyler excitedly said. Then again, Tom said, "Hello, dad! I also want to introduce myself again. I am Tom and I am also 5 years old."

Thomas was so happy seeing them. "Hey my champs! I am Thomas Reed. I am very pleased to meet both of you." I smiled at them. I did the right thing....