
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
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19 Chs

New Life......

Amelia Anderson's POV

6 years later

Waking up from sleep I saw two pairs of ocean blue eyes.

"Mommy, Get up, please.".. "Yes mommy, you are supposed to take us to the park." Oh my cutie little boys.

I got up from the bed saw my boys I mean Tom and Tyler.

Tom is a minute older than Tyler.

"Mommy? Let's go....." Tyler said grabbing my shirt's hem. "Not now, baby. First we have to eat breakfast. Then we will go." Tom said, "Okay mommy." Tom is calm very calm! But Tyler is very naughty.

They made my life perfect. I went to the bathroom and finished my morning ritual then went to have breakfast.

"Good morning, dad and Sheila." I greeted them. And talking about Dad and Sheila, They got married after 3 months coming from USA. "Dad, can you take the boys to the park? I promised them but my intern life is too busy! And Jack is also busy today" I said pleadingly.

Dad laughed and said, "Ok, ok! Don't worry! But you have to spend your time with us!" "Of course!" I smiled. I hugged my dad. "Ooh, my little baby girl!" My dad said patting his hand on my back! I laughed. "Ah! What is this behaviour? Where is my hug?" Sheila pouted. I laughed and said, "Come here!" I stretched my hand. She also hugged us! "Okay, I have to go now! If Jack comes here after me can you please tell him that Tyler and Tom wants to play football with him?" I said!

Dad nodded.

I said byes to the boys and apologized for not taking them to the park by myself. I went to the hospital.

"Hey! Kaitlyn!" I said to my best friend. She is like a sister to me just like Hannah is! I know I don't have connection with Hannah now! But still she is my best friend.

"Hey, Amy!" Kaitlyn said with a smile. "What's today's agenda?" I turned my into a thin shape. "Oh, I think we have a lot of cases to solve." Kaitlyn excitedly said.

"Really?? Then let's go get to the work?" I said. Then we parted our ways.

After a few hours..

"Oh goodness! Today was a really hectic day." I said to Kaitlyn. "Yeah! How are the boys?" She said. "Uh, I was supposed to take them to the park but couldn't. Jack was also not there so I asked dad to take them to the park." I said with a sigh.

"By the way, Don't tell him that I told you that! And you don't mind it!" She warningly.

I rolled my eyes. "What?"

"Jack's blue eyes is the prettiest thing!" She said smilingly. "Yeah!" I laughed. She also began to laugh.

I came to home at night. And I was met with a tight hug! "Tyler! How was your day!" I said snaking my hands around him.

"It was great mommy! Jack played football with us! Then Nana took us to the park. We had a great day." He excitedly told me.

"Hm... Looks like you had a very very day! Did you both miss me?" I pouted.

He nodded immediately. Oh cutie!

"I missed both of you too! And Where is your brother?" I asked..

"He is playing games with Jack." Tyler said. "Did have dinner?"I asked. He nodded. "Ok, let's go to them!"

"Hi, Jack! Hi, Tom baby!" I said going into the room with Tyler. "Hey!" They both said in unison.

I went to the Washroom to get freshened up.

Suddenly, I remembered the day when I told Jack the news. He was so happy! He helped me a lot! If he wasn't there I wouldn't be able to handle things. I am so lucky to have him as my...."knock... knock." There was a knock on my door. "Mommy, come quickly!" Tom said. "Coming." I yelled back.

I went to them. "How was your day?" Jack asked.

"Really a tiring day! How was yours?" I asked. "Being a CEO, is really a tiring thing." He said.

"Well, you make money also through this!" I pointed out. "Yeah, can't I just sell popcorn?" He pouted. I laughed.

"Mommy, come nana is calling you!" Tom said. "Okay, dear. I am coming. Jack, I am coming." I said. He nodded.

"Dad, you called for me?" I said pulling out a chair for me. "Yeah! Just like that!" Dad took a sip of his coffee. "Oh, but nothing serious right?" I said raising a eyebrow.

"No, no! I wanted to tell you that me and Sheila are going to Thailand for a trip!" Dad said. "Oh, that's great! When will you go?" I adked excitedly.

"Tomorrow night." He smiled. "Oh wow! Have a great trip!" I smiled. He also smiled.

I went to the room after talking some more time with dad and saw Jack, Tom and Tyler are sleeping peacefully. I smiled looking at them. They are so adorable. I pulled the duvet over them. I also went to sleep with them.

In the morning....

I felt a hand in my hand! It was patting softly on my hair! Ah! Too much comfortable. I wanted to sleep more but then I remembered that I have a job! So I opened my eyes and saw Jack was the one who was patting.

"Hey! Good morning!" I greeted. "Good morning! Can you get up? You have a job, remember?" He said.

"Yeah! Where are the boys?" I asked looking here and there. "They both are helping helping the maid to make breakfast."

I laughed and said, "Oh! Then let me get ready and have breakfast with all of you!"

I went to the bathroom to get ready! Getting ready,I went to the boys. "Good morning guys!" I greeted everyone.

"Hey! Good morning!" Everyone said. "Mommy, see we helped Kate to make breakfast." Tom said excitedly. "Yes, mommy!" Tyler also said with Tom.

I laughed, "Oh really? Then this breakfast is the breakfast I've ever had!"

They gave me a shy smile. I kissed them on the cheek. They kissed me too.

"Ah! Every kisses are for mommy! Where are mines?" Jack pretended to be hurt. I laughed.

"No! We have for you too!" Tyler said. They both went to Jack and started kissing him on the cheek. We all laughed seeing them.

After breakfast, Jack dropped the boys off to the school and me to the hospital and also met with Kaitlyn.

After seeing some patients. I was walking and talking with Kaitlyn. Suddenly I bumped into someone and dropped all of my files! "Ugh... All of my files are on the floor." The person helped me to gather the files. "Sorry and thank you!" I said to the person. I couldn't see the face of that person!

Finally he looked into me! And my head started to spin seeing the person! "You..."