
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
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19 Chs

My Fiance......

Amelia Anderson's POV

I looked at the person with wide eyes. "What are you doing here Jack?" I asked. "What am I doing here? What's wrong with you? I am looking for you since 30 minutes." He said. "Play along!" He whispered in my ear.

"Um,, who are you?" Thomas asked confusingly. My life became a drama serial.

"Amelia? Won't you introduce me to them?" As what? I asked myself.

"Let it go! I introduce myself alone. I am her fiancée, Jack!" Jack said happily. "Oh my god! Finally I met you." Hannah excitedly said.

Oh gosh! "Let's go somewhere to sit and talk." Liam said. Then we went to a restaurant. My hands were shaking continuously. My heart seemed like to be coming out of my chest.

After a 20 minutes of deadly driving period, we reached at a restaurant.

"So, where did you two meet?" Thomas acted like he was very curious. He is looking like a teenager. "Telling these details are girl's habit. So, Amy, please tell them our stoy!" Jack said holding my hands and with a sweet smile. There's no story, how will I tell them the story!

"Me? Jack, maybe you should tell them." I said with a nervous smile.

"Ok, ok! We met 4 years ago at a wedding of a friend. Then I was amazed seeing her. She was talking with her friends smilingly. Her smile caught me off guard. Then after a weeks, I again saw her that's when I asked her out she didn't agree first. I had to do many things for taking her on a date. And like that we gradually got close then a month agonwe decided to get married." He took a big breathe.

My gosh! Jack's story is quite great! But if I got caught it would be so embarrassing.

"Yes, yes." I faked a smile. Everyone except Thomas and Zack were teasing us.

Are they doubting on me?

"Jack! I am going to the restroom." I smiled. "Okay, sweetie." Jack gave me a smile.

I came to the restroom for me to calm down. Because staying there telling lies to my friends are killing me. What was I thinking to say this lie? I washed my face.

"Calm down, Amy! You have to calm down." I said to myself.

Suddenly someone pinned me to the wall. "What the!" I shouted. I saw the person and It was none other than Thomas.

"Did you tell him about us?" Thomas's face was red due to angriness. I gulped out of fear.

"There's no us!" I gathered courage to say this! Because I don't want to talk about this topic. It hurts me still.

Hearing this, Thomas's eyes showed how hurt he was! "But there was us! Or did you forget about us?" He sarcastically said.

Everything is hurting me! "It's none of your business if I told him about my previous relationship or not. So let me go now!" I tried to wriggle out of his grasp. But couldn't.

He straightly looked into my eyes and said, "Why are you lying to us?" I gulped.

"What lie?" Saying that, I pushed him and went to the others.

"Guys, I have to go! I have some work to do! Jack come on." I said. Then me and Jack went to the home.

"Explain me everything." I ordered. "Okay, okay! It's simple kate told me everything shortly then I went to help you." He simply explained me. Should I be angry or thankful. I should thank him he saved me from a very embarrassing stunt. But what will happen now? I should tell them everything whether it is embarrassing or not.

"Jack! Maybe I should tell them everything. Because if they came to knew from some third person they will be angry and the situation will go very disgustingly." I said thinking about all the lies. "I think if you tell everyone beside Thomas it will be alright. Let's trouble Thomas a little." He gave me a mysterious smile.

"What are you planning to do??" I asked with a suspicious look. He gave me another mysterious smile.

After our conversation, We played video games with the boys.

In the morning....

I woke up early in the morning and made so e breakfasts for the boys! Suddenly my phone started to ringing! I answered the call without seeing the caller ID.

"Hello?" I said. "Hey, Amy! Hannah speaking. Are you free today?" Hannah said in a chirpy voice.

Oh no! What should I say? I should tell Hannah the truth.

"Yeah!" I said. "Great! Then let's go to shopping for my wedding at 3 p.m."

"Okay! Which market? And will there be Thomas?" I asked her hesitantly because he shouldn't be there when I am telling Hannah the truth.

"No, no, it's just you, me and Liam and Zack's wives. And I will send you the address." "Okay, Han!" Then I cut the call.

"Good morning, mommy!" Tom said lazily. "Good morning, mom!" Tyler also included. "Good morning boys, did you wash your face?" They nodded.

"Okay. Do you know boys what have I made today?" I excitedly asked.

"What mom?" Tyler asked. "You have to guess." I clapped excitedly.

"Tom you too!" I said!.

"Pasta?" They both said. "Yes, with vegetables.." I smiled innocently.

"Eww, mommy! I don't want to eat pasta with vegetables." Tyler said. "But why?"

"Because we hate it!" Tom said. "Tom, you too?" I asked.

"Yes, mom! Specifically beans!" Tom made a eww face! When he did thi suddenly I remembered about Thomas! He made that face when I told him to eat broccoli.

"And that broccoli! I hate it!" Tyler said very aggressively.

I laughed remembering the scene and seeing the boys' face.

"But you have to eat it otherwise I will not take you to the park." Jack suddenly said behind me. "Yes! You can't go outside finishing the pasta made with vegetables. Final decision." I sternly said.

They both finally ate the pastas.

After that...

"Tom and Tyler, how is your life going?" I asked. I do this often to know them goodly. "Good, mom! I got 10 out of ten in English subject, today!" Tom proudly said. "Really? Wow! I am proud if you son!" I kissed nhis forehead. "And what about you Ty?" "Mommy, I tried a lot but still I got 7 on that exam." He sadly said!

Oh my poor son! "It's ok, dear. You tried a lot. Next time you will get 10 out pf 10, I know! And if you both need help come to me or Jack. Ok?" I said with a small smile. Then kissed Tyler in his forehead.

"Mommy, if I got 10 out of 10, will dad come to home?" This question made my heart broke. "Yes, mom! Will dad come to us?" Tom also asked.

My vision got blurred due to tears. I don't want to cry in front of them so, I faked a smile.

"Dears, I am with you, and Jack is with you! So, you still need dad?" They both nodd. "We want to see him, play with him." They pouted. Oh gosh! I didn't realize that I am not enough for them. They need their dad also. I just can't ruin their happiness. I am such a bad mother.

"Mom, it's ok! We don't want to see dad. But please don't cry." Tom said wiping the tears. I realized that I was crying. "Yes, mommy! We will not see him." Tyler also said.

"No, dear. If you both want to see him I will let you meet with him." I said with a smile.

"Really?" They both looked so excited... I really have to talk with him.

I went to his office.. "Jack I need to talk to you."....