
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
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19 Chs

Meeting new friends Amelia Anderson's POV

Today I will be joining my new school. I had to change my school because I moved from New Jersey to New York. My dad said that my school is very popular. Hearing this I am feeling very nervous. I am not comfortable with so many rich people. My family is not rich but we are good.

Let me tell you about myself. I am Amelia Anderson. I have no siblings. My mother died a few years age due to liver cancer. I live with my dad. People call me nerd, ugly etc etc. But I don't care. Sometimes hurt but I neglect all of this.

Oh gosh! I have to get ready.

I got ready. I wore a black hoodie and a black leggings. I did a ponytail. I like to keep things simple. I wore my sneakers and went downstairs. I saw my dad is making breakfast.

seeing me my dad hugged me and said, "Good morning. Come."

My dad took me to the table. I said, "Good morning, dad."

My dad said, "Dear, you will be joining your school today. What are you feeling?"

I gulped hearing this! Because I am hella nervous. I don't know what would I do?

Calm your nerves Amelia. Said my conscience.

I felt someone shaking me. I looked up and saw dad. I said, "Yeah! I am feeling so excited." Narrowing eyes my dad said, "I am not fool. You are my daughter. I know you are feeling so nervous."

I gave him a apologetic look. Dad said, "Look, Lia, you are a grown up girl. You have to let go of your fear, nervousness. Otherwise you cannot face this world. I know you will do your best. So don't afraid, don't get nervous. Your mother and I proud of you."

I smiled and hugged him. I said, "Thanks ,dad."

Dad dropped me at my school and wished me luck.

Here I am! I will comfortable here I guess.

I was walking and saying this things in my mind like mantras Suddenly I tripped and fell on my face. Such a good day! Note the sarcasm!

Everyone was laughing. I want to cry so much! Everyone was mocking me. Suddenly a hand came infront of me. I looked up and saw a boy. He is cute!

Then he said, "Give me you hand dummy." I came back to my sense. I gave him my hand. He pulled me up.

I said, "Thanks." He said, "Welcome. But what were you thinking that you couldn't walk properly."

I said, "I was wishing for a good day and see what a good day!" I rolled my eyes.

He laughed and said, "Btw I am Sam. Are you new here?"

He seemed nice. I guess it's not a that bad day.

I said, "I am Amelia. Yes I am new here. I just joined today."

A girl came and snaked her arms around him. Sam said, "Amelia meet my girlfriend, Hannah. Hannah meet Amelia. She joined today."

I said, "Hi, Hannah.". Hannah said, "Hi Amelia. Oh my goodness we can be best friends."

I laughed and said, "Of course. It's nice to meet you.".

Hannah hugged me and said, "Nice to meet you too. Come let's give you a tour." Sam and Hannah gave me a half tour of this school. The bell rang and we went to our class and luckily Hannah and Sam are with me in this class together. And this is my favourite subject! Which is math!

I kept quiet and listening my teacher. And those two were flirting with each other. They look good together. I love them already. After three classes I went to cafeteria. Hannah messaged me to go there.

Everyone were giving me weird looks because of this morning's story. I ignored them. I went to Hannah and Sam's table. But they were not alone there were 2 more students. They looked like some villains of some movies. Suddenly I got nervous. But still I went to them.

Hannah said, "Come, Lia." She and Sam calles me Lia.

I sat down. The other students were watching me. I got more nervous. Sam said, "Guys meet my new friend Amelia. She joined today."

A boy who were full of piercing and tattoos said, "Hi Amy! I am Zack! I guess we can be good friends."

I said, "Hi, Zack! Yes we can be good friends." I nervously laughed. Another boy who seemed decent. He is also handsome. He said, "Hello Lia! I am Liam! Nice to meet you!" I said, "Nice to meet you too!" I smiled.

Hannah said, "We have another friend. But he isn't here. By the way, where is he, Zack?"

Zack said, "Must be kissing some girls." He rolled his eyes. I said, "So he has also a girlfriend?" Liam laughed.

I gave him a questioning look. Zack said, "Babe, he doesn't have any fixed girl. He changes girls like his clothes." He winked at me.

Ewww! What a man whore! Liam said to Zack, "Like you!" Hearing this they all laughed.

Zack said, "Look at Lia's face!" He laughed again! He again said, "Don't make a face like this! We are great person." I remembered that I made a eww face!

They all laughed. We finished our food. I was walking with my orange juice in my hand.

Suddenly I bumped into someone and spill the drink all over the person!

Oh gosh! WHY AM I SO CLUMSY? I screamed in my mind.

"Can't you see?" Suddenly a deep voice spoked.

I looked up and saw a very handsome boy. But the boy looked very pissed off. He has little subtle on his jawline. And his ocean blue eyes were the most beautiful!

He said, "Stop checking me out!" He rolled his eyes! I remembered that I spilled drink on his shirt! Oh gosh it is ruined now!

I said, "Oh gosh! I am so sorry! I didn't saw you. I am so sorry!"

He gritted his teeth and said, "You stupid girl, you ruined my shirt."

My mind went off and I did those which I never have done! I said, "Excuse me! I told you that I am sorry! How dare you to call me stupid?! You are stupid. Can't you talk? If you made a sound ar told me to move! I would have moved. But you! Forget it!" I yelled!

He glared at me! Everyone was looking at me with a shocked expression! He held my arms very tightly and said, "How dare you to yell at me? Do you know who am I ?" I gulped. Who is he?