
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
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19 Chs

Is this the end?....

Amelia Anderson's POV

6 months has been gone! And Thomas is the best boyfriend. We quarrel with each other but then we patch up. We gave our finals and got our results also! We all did good results. We celebrated our birthdays together because my birthday is a week ahead of Thomas's birthday. He is an year older than me. It was so cute.

Last night we had our prom. It was great! I wore a red dress that had a slit! And Thomas checked me out for 5 minutes I think. We danced looking at each saying I love you's! And Zack ugh... Teased all of us! I think me and Thomas did the deed! You know the thing!!!!!

"Hannah, Me and Thomas you know did the deed." I said shyly."Oh my goshhhh!!! You slept togheth....." I closed her mouth with my hand. "Shut up bitchh!!!!" She clamed down. "Sorry! Oh my gosh tell me the details." I told her everything! Oh gosh I am glowing so much today!

Thomas came from behind and hugged me. "Do you have plans today?" He said sweetly. I thought for sometime and said, "Yes, today I have to meet with my dad's fiance." Oh dad and Sheila got engaged a month ago! Yes, that woman with whom he went on a date! Thomas also met with them. They all got along well.

I am happy for both of them! Sheila is a lovely woman! She got divorced a few years ago because her husband was an alcoholic. And I clearly saw love in her eyes for my dad. I love her already. Every month Me and Thomas went to see my mom at the graveyard at New Jersey. One day I showed him my whole neighborhood. We enjoyed very much that day. I still didn't meet Thomas's mom dad.

"Hello! We are also here." Hannah waved her hand in front of us. I snapped my eyes towards my lovely friends. Thomas walked towards Zack and Liam. He was talking with them. Oh, speaking of Liam! He has a girlfriend now. Emily is a sweet girl. And me, Hannah and Emily are best friends. My life is perfect now!

Me , Hannah and Emily went for shopping. We did shopping, gossiped, talk about our future. What was our plan for studying.

I came back to my home and got ready for the dinner. I wore a peach colour dress. It was knee length. And has full sleeves.

I went downstairs. "Hi, Sheila and Dad." They also said Hello. "What do you want to be?" Sheila asked. "Umm, I want to be a doctor! So I applied my application in many medical college. And now I am waiting." I smiled. "Wow! That's great! There's this college in London in which my nephew study at. It's a great college. He is in his last year. If you want to study there lemme know." She said.

No, I cannot go! I have to study here. Because Thomas is here. I said, "I am not sure but I will let you know." Then we finished our dinner.

Thomas came to my house through window later at night. "Oh my gosh! Thomas! What are you doing?" I got startled.

"Sorry! But I wanted to see you!" He said sweetly. I smiled.

Then Thomas and me sat together on the bed. He said, "Did you apply for the medical college?"

"Yes! And did you apply for Business administration?" He nodded. "Listen Amelia, you have to be a good doctor so that you can treat me." He said seriously.

"Oh, I can treat you with my love." I said cheesily. He got surprised, "Oh my gosh! That was so cheesy!" I laughed. "I can try more." I wanted to say more cheesily words. "No, no! Don't you dare try it." But alas! Thomas forbade me.

After that we stopped talking. I noticed that Thomas was disturbed for some reason. So I decided to ask. "Thomas, are you alright?" He nodded. I didn't want to push him. So I stayed quiet. "Ok, if there is any problem you can share with me." He smiled and said, "Thanks! But really, I am just tired. Ok, I am going now. Bye sweetheart." He kissed my forehead.

My graduation is near. It's after a week.

I googled something that I shouldn't do it. I saw the college that Sheila was talking about. It is a great college. And also beautiful. Oh no! I am going to study here. But! Should I apply for it? I mean I know I will not get the chance! And even if I got the chance, I will not go for it. Then I applied for it. Then I closed my laptop and I went to sleep wondering about Thomas and that college.

In the morning

I went to Zack's home. There were everyone. "Hi everyone!" I greeted them.

"Hey!" Thomas and everyone said. We had a party at Zack's house. We enjoyed very much! Thomas was holding my hands. "I will come here soon!" Thomas said. I nodded.

Suddenly I heard a ringtone of a phone. I looked around and saw Thomas's phone. I think he forgot to take it with him. I saw the caller ID and it was a girl named Sophia. "Guys, who is she?" I showed them the phone. Hannah said, "I don't know her." But Zack and Liam got stiffed seeing the caller ID. I raised a brow and asked, "What happened?" Liam said, "Oh nothing. I think it is his friend." I nodded. Thomas came after a few minutes. "Thomas, you had a call from Sophia." Hearing this name he looked a little angry and I think guilt. But soon he replaced his expression with a smile. "Forget this, I just want to be with you."

I smiled. But after that I noticed that the whole environment because toxic. I don't know maybe it was my thinking. So I decided to enjoy the party with my friends.

Later at night, Thomas dropped me off in front of my house. "Bye , Thomas!"

Suddenly he held my hand, "I love you." I smiled "I love you too." I said. Then we kissed for a moment.

A week has passed. And Thomas's behaviour changed. He has been acting really weird. I don't know what happened with him. He snaps at me. Then says sorry! He gets angry for no reason. Everything has changed. Sometimes I feel insecure. Did I do something wrong? I asked him about this also but he tells me that I didn't do anything wrong! What the heck is wrong with him? I have been selected for one of the medical college which I applied for.

Today is our graduation day. So I got ready for that! My dad and me went to the school.

I met with my friends and Thomas! Thomas kissed me on my cheeks. I smiled at him. Then Our principal gave his speech!

Then the final time came! We took our hats and throw up on the air. We took pictures. "Finally high school chapter is finished." We all said. "But we will miss this very much." Zack said. And we all nodded.

After that, I went to my dad then clicked some pictures. I was going to the ground suddenly I heard someone calling my name. I turned around saw a girl.

"Amelia? Right?" She said. She was pretty. I nodded. Then she grabbed my hand tightly and dragged me to a classroom.

I yanked my hands from her grasp. "What the hell?" I yelled.

"Don't yell! You snatched my Thomas from me." She gritted. What?

She again spoke with her annoying voice, "He and I are engaged. We had our engagement party a few days ago!"

My head is spinning hearing all of these. She might be lying. "Ah! Really? Some girl will come here and says that She and Thomas are engaged. How funny!" I gave her a sarcastic laugh...

She smirked and said, "I know you won't believe me so I came here with evidence." She showed me a picture of Thomas and her. Thomas was putting the ring in her hand. I got shocked. The whole classroom was spinning around me.

After regaining my posture, I grabbed the girl's hand and took her to Thomas. I saw Thomas's expression fell down. My heart was aching and beating fast. I hope Thomas will say that he doesn't know about this girl and the photo is fake.

I told Thomas and my friends. Hannah said, "Who the heck is she!" "I know Thomas, this girl is lying. I believe you not this girl! Thomas tell her that you don't know her! And you aren't engaged with her." Holding his hand I said to him.

Thomas was quiet. I don't know why he was quiet. "Come on, Thom, say that!" The girl was smirked.

"Sofia stop it." Thomas gritted! Sofia? The girl who called Thomas at the party!

"Thomas, what are you waiting for?" I said impatiently. Closing his eyes, he said something that felt foreign language to me! That I wished never was true "Yes, whatever Sofia is telling is truth!" I freed his hand from my grasp! I felt the whole world stopped. My heart wasn't ready to admit this that Thomas cheated on me. He was engaged.... Tears were flowing freely. My head was throbbing. "Goodbye!" I said to Thomas with a one last glance....

Then I begin to walk towards my dad. I went to my dad and hugged him tightly. "Dad, don't ask me anything and please take me away from this place." Dad didn't ask me anything and took me to home.

After that I straightly went to my room and began to cry. How could he do this to me? Did he ever love me? Was I that bad? Is everything true, whatever he said to me? Wondering all of these, I slept!

After a few hours, I woke up. My head was aching very much! And again tears came out of my eyes.

I got freshened up then went to meet dad. Dad said, "Hey, dear!" I sadly smiled. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" Dad said worriedly. "We broke up, Dad and nothing else." I said remembering those memories. My vision got blurry. I

Dad said, "Why?" I just shrugged. I don't want to worry dad so I lied to him which I didn't want to but my dad will kill him. Dad nodded and said, "Ok, I got transferred to London. So will you go with me? Or stay here and finish your study?"

No way! I am not going to stay here. "I will go with you dad! And I got selected for General Medical Council."

My dad was shocked. He said, "Really?" I nodded. Dad hugged me and I hugged him back. "So, we are going to London." Dad said. I said, "Yes, dad don't say anything about this. Ok?" Dad nodded.

I came back to my room and cried for sometime. I checked my phone calls and there were many calls from Hannah, Zack, Liam.... But none of them was from Thomas.. I wish everything was a bad dream and I will woke up from the dream and hold Thomas's hand. But this isn't a dream to my bad luck! I love Thomas very much! Why did he do this to me? Will I never see him?

After four days...

I was packing for leaving everything here! Thomas came to my home but I told my dad to forbade Thomas to come here! I also told my dad not to tell him that I was going to London...

"Are you done packing?" Dad said interrupting my thoughts. "No, Just a little bit. Then I will finish packing." I said.

"Ok, take everything important things. Me and Sheila are ready." Dad said. Sheila also got transferred. So she is going with us. I packed everything. And then we all went to the airport and finished all the procedure.... Ok, Here I go to start my new life...