
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
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19 Chs

He Missed me? Amelia Anderson's POV

It has been a week, since that piano incident. We both have become busy. Thomas had practice and I had to study for the exam. We have barely met. I am missing him. He and I didn't become friends but we don't also argue anymore. Whatever we have, it's good now. We barely talk. We always meet in the cafeteria or after school. By we, I meant everyone.(Zack, Liam, Sam, Hannah and Thomas) . In school some girls throw daggers at me because I was friends with

Thomas and them. I just ignore them. Today our result came and I did well in the exam. It was math exam. And Thomas was also with me in this class. Unfortunately Thomas didn't do well. Thomas isn't present right now at the class. He has a big match today.

I was walking in the corridor. Suddenly Zack came. I said, "Hi, Zack! How was your practice?" He, Liam, Sam they also play football. And they has match today.

Zack said, "Great. Thomas sent me to tell you that you also should come to watch our match."

My heart skipped a beat hearing his name and invitation. I grinned. But why didn't he came to invite me?

Zack said, "Because he is busy with his practice. I just took a break." How can he read my mind?

Zack rolled his eyes said, "Because you are talking loudly." I stared him dumbfounded. I said , "Ohh, well good luck. And I will try to come. But what is the time?" He is grinning and said, "7 p.m. You have to come otherwise Thomas will kill me. Lady you are changing him." I blushed at his comment. I said, "Ok, I will come."

Really? I was changing Thomas. Here I was thinking that he is changing me. I never argue with anyone. I never smile without any reason. And now whenever I remember him, I smile like a fool. I never felt the way I feel with him. I am confused. He is confusing me. Ughhh.... I went to Hannah. She said, "Girl, today the boys has match. We will go together to watch the match, ok?" I nodded.

Hannah was talking about something I didn't pay attention because I was thinking about Thomas! Oh gosh! what's happening to me?

I went to my home and asked dad if I can go to the see the match! And dad said, "Am I dreaming? How is this possible?" I said, "What are you talking about?"

He said, "You are going to do something other than study!" I rolled my eyes.

He was mocking me. I said in a warning tone, "Dad! Not funny!"

My dad just laughed! He said, "Ok, ok! But stay safe!" I nodded and hugged him.

I got ready. I wore a white t-shirt with black pants and sneakers. I pulled my hair into a ponytail. My hair is long. It touches my waist. I love long hair.

Hannah came into my house! I introduced her with my dad. They got along well.

On the way to our school Hannah told me about the boys. That they were the most popular gang of the school. I just nodded. And we reached at our school We sat down. Luckily we found two good seats. We were cheering for our school! Finally the player began to come into the ground. And I saw him! I think Thomas was looking for something in the crowd. Finally his eyes land on me! He winked at me. My heart skipped a beat.I wished him a luck. The match began. We were so excited. Hannah said, "I think he likes you." I said, "Who?"

Hannah said, "Obviously Thomas!" No way!

I scoffed. I said, "No way! He just think me of his friend!" Hannah said, "And you? Do you think of him as your friend?" This caught me off guard. Do I think him as my friend? No, I don't take him as my friend. Because we don't have that cool type friendly conversation.

I shaked my head in no. Hannah said, "See! Do you like him?" What? No! I said, "No, at least not now!" Hannah gave me a look! I just shrugged.

We were watching the match. Suddenly, Thomas fell down! I gasped! But he somehow gathered himself and scored a goal! And our team won! But I was worried for Thomas. He was taken to the doctor. We went to him and the others.

The doctor said it wasn't very serious. He gave him a spray and some medicine.

I don't know what came over me, I hugged Thomas. He was shocked.

I said, "You stupid, can't you play carefully. If this had gone very serious, what would you do?" I realized what was I doing! I pulling away but Thomas hugged me back. I was surprised. He said, "Calm down. I am fine." Liam said, "At least congratulate us.". I forgot about them and the match.

I wanted pull away but Thomas didn't let me! He tightened his hands around me. He said, "First congratulate me." I giggled. I said, "Congratulations, you did very well." Then he pulled away from the hug. But I don't why I felt sad.

I congratulated everyone. Zack hugged me! But Thomas cleared his throat. Zack quickly pulled away from the hug. I eyed them suspiciously.

Zack said, "Hey, there's a party in my home for our winning. So Lia you have to come." I tried to deny but Zack gave me those puppy eyes! I couldn't deny anymore. We went to the party. I must admit. Zack's house was very nice. We went into the house. On our way to the house Thomas held my hand. I felt something dancing in my stomach! He kept holding my hand untill we got into the house.

The party looked pretty packed up. I have never been to any party. This is my first party. We sat down on a couch.

I messaged my dad that I am in a party! Dad tokd me to stay safe.

Everyone congratulated the team! Then somewhere dancing, somewhere drinking, somewhere chatting, somewhere playing games. Then I saw drums! Oh my favourites.

My legs took me there! Then I began play drums. I learned to play it when I was 9.

After I stopped playing, I heard many claps. I looked at the crowd infront of me. I got startled. I thanked them. Later, I went to my friends. Liam said, "Woah, who are you? What did you do to our friend Lia?" I laughed. Sam said, "When did you learn this?"

I said, "I began to learn this when I was 9." He said, "Oh."

Hannah said, "What do you know other than this?" I said, "piano." Zack said, "Thomas also know how to play this. You should both play piano together."

Remembering our piano incident, a smile crossed my face but after that I pulled myself from that incident.

They went somewhere. Thomas is only here. He pulled me towards the dance floor. He put his hands on my waist. My hands make their own way to his neck.

He pulled me to him very closely. Suddenly I got hiccups. Not one but many.

I am so embarrassed right now. I looked up to see Thomas, he is already seeing me. He is smiling. He said, "I missed you!"

I blushed. I tried to tell something but again this hiccups disturbed me. Thomas is laughing now. I narrowed my eyes. He said, "Ok, sorry. You are amusing me day by day." I laughed.

I said, "I missed you too." He smiled. We were dancing. Thomas pulled me to him more closely. Now we were inches away. And to ruin this moment my hiccups again distubed us. Thomas said, "Did you drink?" I said, "No. I don't drink."

Thomas said, "Then what's wrong?" His voice was laced with concern.

I said, "Let me drink some water." He nodded. I drank water and went to him. He again pulled me towards him. And my hiccups started again!

Thomas was trying to control his laugh. I rolled my eyes at myself. I said, "Ughh... I think I should go to my home."

Thomas instantly said, "No, I've waited for this moment! You can't go right now." I laughed but inside my heart was beating too fast. If the music weren't here Thomas would have been listened it.

We were dancing but my hiccups were disturbing us. Finally we stopped dancing. But I wanted to dance more. Thomas went to take water for me. A boy approached me. He said, "Hi! Are you enjoying the party?"

I said sweetly, "Yeah, it's a great party! Are you enjoying?" He said, "I wasn't untill I saw a beautiful girl. So right now I am enjoying."

I blinked my eyes! Is he flirting with me? He said dragging me, "Come, let's dance."

His touch made me feel something in a negative way. I am getting negative vibes from him. I stopped him and said, "No, I am not interested."

He said, "Why? Come, you will enjoy." I again declined but he isn't listening. Suddenly we heard a deep voice and I know whose voice it is! Thomas!

He said, "Leave her hand." The boy quickly left the place. How intimidating Thomas is!

He came to me and gave me the water. He looked angry! I held his hand right after that He seemed to be relaxing.

He stood up and said, "Let's go. I will drop you." I nodded.

I hugged and said my goodbyes to my friends....