
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
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19 Chs

Explanation Amelia Anderson's POV

It was Thomas! He saw me. He was shocked.

Right now I am running towards Hannah and Sam! Tears were flowing freely. And Thomas is following me and calling me. But I don't want to talk with him. I was stupid to think that he liked me.

I went to Hannah. She looked at my state. She said, "What happened? Did you cry?" Sam looked at me. He quickly came to me. He and Hannah looked worried.

And Thomas made his grand entry. Thomas looked devastated! But why?

He said, "Let me explain." Sam said, "Will you guys tell us what happened?" I didn't hear anyone. I just told them bye and went to my home. Thomas was calling my name but I was too hurt to listen him. I went to my room and slumped over my bed and cried. After that I slept.

I woke up after 3 hours. My eyes has gone puffy and red. I don't know why am I crying? I checked my phone and saw 40 missed calls, 16 messages, 2 voicemail. Most of them were from Thomas. But I ignored it. The voicemails were from Sam and Zack! They said they were worried about me! I messaged them and Hannah that I was fine!

Later at the evening, Hannah called me and I told her everything. She told me that she didn't know what happened actually but she knows that Thomas will settle down everything! I don't know why am I feeling sad? I liked everything about Thomas! I loved the feeling when he touches me, when he talks with me, I misses him when he isn't with me. And that triggered me, I know I like him. But now what? He likes another girl! Thinking that I started crying again! Why does this happen with me?

My dad asked me a lot what happened to me but I assured him that I was fine. I know he didn't believe me but I can't tell him either.

Thomas again called me but I ignored it. I again cried for some hours and finally went to sleep.

In the morning,

My school is off today for which I am happy because if I see Thomas again I cannot control Myself and will cry infront him. I like someone for the first time. But he didn't like me. And that didn't broke my heart what broke my heart is he played with my feelings. Whatever today I will spend my day with my dad!

After a few hours

After cooking and watching movies, talking with dad! Hannah,Sam, Zack, Liam came to my home. I introduced them with my dad.

Zack said, "Lia, I know what happened both of you! But instead of clearing things, you both are wasting time by breaking things and sitting sadly." Who is breaking things? Thomas?

I just sad quietly. I just shrugged. We all watched a movie together and gossiping. By we I meant only them. I just sat there and saw them. After a few hours they left me leaving with my thoughts. Thomas is confusing me very much! I thought he liked me but I was wrong but he broke things in anger, frustration! Now I am hella confused.

After a few days

Right now I am walking on my school ground. In this all days I ignored Thomas very much. He tried to talk with me, but I didn't want to talk with him. I like him and he doesn't like me. And I have to accept this. That's why I am ignoring him.

Suddenly someone thrown me over his shoulder.

What the hell! Is he thinking me as some kind of sack. I hitted his back but he isn't even budging! I screamed at him but no one heed to my calls.

He took me to a vacant class room and closed the door with his leg! What am I going to do now?

Finally he put me down.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" I said without looking at him. But when I looked at him my heart began to beat faster.

"Why are you ignoring me? You aren't giving me time to explain to you! I just wanted to tell you that the girl forced me onto me." Thomas said with a huff

Why is he giving me explanation?

I said with a confused expression, "Why are you giving me explanation? I am nothing to you!" He grabbed my arms and pinned me to the wall. I gasped.

His eyes has become red. He said, "My wish! I wanted to give you explanation. And I did. You are driving me crazy, Amelia. It's been 5 days since we didn't talk! And I am getting crazy! And never say you are nothing to me!"

Wowww! Suddenly I got a hiccup. He looked at me with a unknown expression! He cupped my face with his hands! My Hiccups got worse! He said, "Did it hurt when you see me with that girl?"

"Yes!" I blurted between my hiccups! Shit, I shouldn't have told him that! He smirked at my response!

He stopped cupping my face, I instantly felt sad. He said, "Did you forgive me?"

I believed him. I nodded. He gave me a beautiful smile! He hugged me and I hugged him back. I felt so happy.

We pulled away after a moment. He suddenly said, "Will you go on a date with me Amelia Anderson?" My heart skipped a beat! I am speechless! I am feeling like jumping out of happiness!

When you like someone and he asks a date who would say no?

I said, "Yes, Thomas!" He grinned at me. He said, "Then, tomorrow at 6 p.m?" I said smilingly, "Yeah fine." He said, "Come I will drop you!" He grabbed my hand and we went to his car hand in hand.

Right now we are infront of my house! "Bye Thomas." I smiled at him. He squeezed my hand and sweetly said, "Be ready at 6." I nodded and went to my room. I began to jump on my bed and excitedly called Hannah and told her everything...