
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teenager
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19 Chs

Date! Amelia Anderson's POV

My date!!!! Hannah has came to my home to help me to get ready! "I knew it bitch! Thomas likes you. Oh my gosh!" Hannah squealed in happiness. I blushed.

"Oh, my gosh! Hannah, I have to tell my dad about Thomas and the whole date thing." I said. Hannah said, "Go on bitch."

I went to my dad's room and knocked. After that I heard a 'come in'. I went in and saw my dad is looking at my mom's picture. I sadly smiled looking at him. We misses her very much. I hugged my dad. He hugged me back keeping the picture aside.

My dad said, "Dear, do you need something?" I nodded. I said pulling away from the hug, "Dad, a boy from my school asked me out. So can I go?" Dad grinned at me and said, "Really? Of course." I grinned. Then suddenly he became very serious and said, "First I will meet the boy. Then you have the permission." I said, "Ok."

I jumped out of happiness and of course after getting out of my dad's room. I went to my room feeling chirpy.

Hannah looked at me and understood that I got the permission. And she too become happy and began to jump with me on my bed. We jumped for sometime.

After finishing our finishing our jumping session Hannah said, "Girl, stop jumping. You have exactly 1 hour to get ready." My eyes widened. "Oh no! Help me bitch."

Hannah laughed.

But I remember suddenly that I didn't have any dress for going on a date. "Hannah! I don't have any dress. And what should I wear!? I mean what type of dreee should I wear? Help me Hannnn!" Suddenly Hannah burst into laughter. I looked at her.

"You bitch! Stop laughing and help me." She said, "Ok, ok." And again laughed.

I rolled my eyes. I called Thomas. With in 2 rings he answered. I blushed.

He said with his so beautiful voice, "Hello!"

"Hey!" I said smilingly. I regained my posture. "What type of dress should I wear?" I said clearing my throat. He said, "Wear casual."

I told him ok and hung up the phone.

"Hannah, casual. And I have dozens of casual clothes. " I said excitedly. Hannah laughed and helped me.

Finally after searching for 15 minutes I found something.

I wore a black top and a blueish ripped jeans. And I pulled my hair into a high ponytail. And I wore a pair of 2 inch black heels. Hannah told me to put some lip gloss on my lips. And I did what she told me.

I faced the mirror and satisfied with my look. I gave Hannah a smile. She hugged me and said, "Aww, you are looking so pretty." "Thanks." I grinned.

Suddenly we heard a bell. My heart began to beat faster.

Seeing my nervous expression, Hannah assured me by putting her hand pn my shoulder. I nodded to her.

I opened the door and see a very good looking Thomas. He looked so hot. He wore a black t-shirt and black pants , a blazer. I looked at his eyes and he is also checking me out. I blushed under his gaze. Finally I talked, "Will you keep standing there?" He smirked. He came into my house.

Just then my dad walked in. "Good evening, sir," Thomas politely smiled.

My dad smiled and said, "Good evening." Thomas said, "I am Thomas Reed. Can I take your daughter to a date today?"

My dad thought for sometime and said, "What's your father's name?"

Thomas said, "Rick Reed.". "Ah! Him and I were best friend when we were in highschool!" Dad said smilingly.

Oh my gosh!

Thomas asked curiously, "Seriously? I have never mentioned your name infront of him. Maybe that's why he didn't know."

My dad nodded and said, "To answer your question, yes you can take my daughter to the date and the curfew time is 10." Thomas grinned and said, "Thanks. I will take care of her." With that he took my hand we said goodbyes to Hannah and my dad.

We went out of the house. Thomas stopped.

He looked into my eyes. His eyes are sparkling. "You look beautiful!" he smiled looking at me. I blushed hearing his compliment. I said, "You are looking also handsome."

He smirked and said, "Thanks. By the way I got to know this when you were checking me out at the door." Saying that he trailed his finger on my arm.

And... My Hiccups missed me very much I think. "Hiccup...""

My eyes widened. He again smirked. Ughh his smirk...

Padding my cheek he took my hand and took me infront of a motorcycle. Oh goodness!

I said, "Is this 7Harley-Davidson?" Thomas looked surprised. Amusement were dancing at his eyes. He said, "How do yoh know these type of things?" I shrugged and said, "My dad used to drive motorcycles when I was 8! I fascinated these. And bingo!"

Thomas nodded and said, "Woww! You are full of surprises". He gave me a helmet and I hoped behind him. And snaked my arms on his torso. He turned towards me smilingly. I guess this gesture of me made him happy. I smiled back.

He said, "Are you ready, Ms. Anderson?"

I nodded my head. Then he started the vehicle.

Soon we went to a place. It was dark. But some post lamps at distance helped us to walk. But I felt some kind of nervousness. I think Thomas also noticed my nervousness. "Do you trust me?" stroking my hand he gave me a smile.

I nodded. He widely smiled and led me to a very beautiful place after sometime of walking. I must say, I am mesmerized by this. The moon is showing so beautifully. Stars were sparkling. And in the middle of this a table were set up. And there was a small house. Fairy lights surrounded the tables sides. There were trees everywhere. And it is so beautiful. I was into my thoughts for too late that I forgot him who brought me here.

Thomas looked at me with a curiosity look. His eyes were asking me that if I liked it! I smiled at him and said, "Oh Thomas I loved it...."

Thomas grinned at me. He led me to the table. He pulled a chair for me. I mumbled thanks to him. He sat down infront of me.

I said, "Woww, Thomas! I loved all of this." He smiled and said, "I am glad that you" loved it." Suddenly a man came and served us our food. The pasta looked so good. The man left.

"I am sorry, Amelia. You got hurt because of me." I said putting my hand on his hand, "It's ok. I believe you. What can I do that you're so handsome!? And every girl throws themselves at you!"

"Oh, you believe that I am handsome?" Thomas said cockily. Out of all sentences he caught this! I rolled my eyes.

I said, "Yeah!" He laughed. And then we talked for sometime eating our food. The pasta was very yummy!

I said, "The pasta tasted very good." Thomas said, "I made this." I was shocked hearing this.

I asked, "Do you know how to cook?" He nodded. I gave him a surprised look. He shrugged. We talked about a lot of things of our life, we took some pictures also.

Suddenly Thomas stood up and motioned me to give my hand to him. I gave him my hand and gave him a questioning look. He pulled me towards him.

A soothing music played. We began to dance in a sync. He smiled at me. I said, "You sure know how to impress girls!" He laughed. He said raising a eyebrow, "That means you are also impressed by me." Thinking for some seconds, I said, "Hmm... maybe?" Thomas rolled his eyes. I laughed.

I looked at his eyes. He said, "What?" I said, "Your eyes are so beautiful. I was mesmerized at first when I bumped into you." He smiled.

Suddenly his posture became serious. He stopped dancing but still we were in that position my hand was on his neck and his hands were on my waist.

He said, "And when you bumped into me I knew that something is different about you. I mean you make me feel something which I don't know what. But in a good way."

I smiled at him. He looked into my lips, began to lean in. I also closed my eyes. And we kissed. It was slow, beautiful, passionate. My heart is about to explode. After sometime we pulled away. Our eyes were sparkling like the way the stars were sparkling. He said, "It was great. By the way you didn't get hiccups." He smirked. I blushed. Suddenly I got hiccups. Thomas started to laugh. After sometime I calmed down.

He said with a sad smile, "It's 9:40. We have to go." I nodded. We went to my home. I said, "I enjoyed the date very much." He smilingly said, "Glad you enjoyed. By the way there will be more dates like this." I said smugly, "Who said there will be more dates?"

Thomas raised a brow at me. He said, "You are my girlfriend. So there will be more dates." My heart skipped a beat when he said I am his girlfriend.

I said, "And who said I am your girlfriend? Did you ask me about this?"

He said, "No need to ask! You are my girlfriend." I pouted my lips.

"No, ask me."

He huffed, "Fine. So Ms. Anderson, will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled like a child who has got her favourite doll.

I said, "Yes, Mr. Reed." He kissed my cheeks. I said, "Okayy, now I have to go."

He nodded sadly, "I will call you." I smiled waving at him. And went to my home. Dad said, "Hey sweetie, did you enjoy?"

I smiled brightly. Seeing my smile dad said, "Guess, you enjoyed very well." I nodded.

I went to my room and got fresh. I opened my phone and saw a missed call from Hannah.

I called her back. After a few rings she answered. She said excitedly, "Bitchh, tell me everything." I told her everything in details about the date. She finally hung up after teasing me about Thomas and all.

I am blushing like a fool. Suddenly my phone went off. I excitedly saw the caller ID. And it was Thomas.

I said in chirpy voice, "Hey!" "Aww, I miss you so kuch baby! I cannot live without you even for a second. You are my oxygen." And it was Zack!

I rolled my eyes. "Zack! What the heck are you doing in Thomas's phone?" He laughed and said, "Waiting for Thomas's call?" I said, "Nope."

Thomas began to yelling at Zack! I laughed.

Thomas finally answered, "Sorry, baby! Zack forcedly took my phone." Baby? I blushed.

I said, "No, Thomas. It's ok." "So? Did you miss me?" Thomas said cockily.

I rolled my eyes. And we talked for some hours like that.

After thar I slept happily.

I heard some sounds. Suddenly I felt someone thrown water at me. I gasped and I opened my eyes at one shot!

"What the hell???? I yelled. I looked at the person and it was none other than Hannah.....