
When Earth learns to cultivate

* [Light BL warning] [ Main character is bisexual] What happens when a person transmigrates to a world of cultivation and after a million years returns to earth to find that the people on the planet are hidden dragons and crouching tigers when it comes to cultivation talent. Such is the case of Tian Long as he returns to earth after having achieved the realm above the divinity phase to find that the spiritual roots, divine constitution, and bloodlines that could cause wars between sects to recruit are merely mortal man and woman. He will of course help them to cultivate. **Tian Long is not the main character. ***Release schedule - from three to four chapters a week. **** English isn't my mother tongue, so advice is welcome, currently trying to improve my writing skills

Azure_dragon_ · Ost
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41 Chs

Flame Tower

Having agreed to the use of the treasure, some other issues were tended to such as the tokens that would be used to access the flame tower, they had decided on a black one made from blackroot wood for the permanent ones and gray ones made with ash wood for ones to be given as a reward at the tournament. the later ones would allow access to the tower for five months, enough time according to Damian to increase somewhere between one and three layers for a Golden Core, he knew for a Foundation Establishment Cultivator or even on a QI condensation cultivator, the effects could be greater depending of how close to the flame they could get.

They also saw things such as logistics and the time of the tournament, as the flame was still charged they will initiate a rough construction of a stadium with several platforms and wood tiers from where the spectators could see the matches. Having cultivators as builders truly speed thing up which would normally take two to five years, cultivators could do it in a span of a few months if not weeks.

The initial plan would be ten platforms made from spirit moon marble, a material found to be quite resilient and with regenerative qualities, as long as the damage was not too severe. The one it would be used should withstand the full strength of an early Foundation Establishment, and with the enhancement of both formations and inscriptions they could maybe withstand the full strength of an intermediate Golden Core, all in all, it would be quite the sturdy platform.

Several formations would be set to facilitate hearing and sight to the audience. They also had decided that the set range for participants would be from ten to fifteen years of age, as time passed they could increase the age range. Participants should at the very least had reach the fourth layer of Qi condensation. The sun was setting went the meeting ended.


Damian had a small gathering whit his brothers and their families that night. There he found out Rodrick and Caleb had reached the third layer of Golden Core. While Jurgen had reached the first layer of Golden Core. Damian had agreed to take all of them to the flame tower. After all, the Violet Sky Clan had reserved in the outside thirteen spots while in reality, they planned to have around twenty tokens distributed outside the council, the only condition would be that when other clans or people from outside the clan were on the flame tower only thirteen people from the clan would be allowed to be inside the tower.

The only exception to these rules was Damian, he would enter regardless of the number of people inside the flame tower, the other clans did not oppose this arrangement as for one the flame was bound to Damian, and secondly it would mean directly opposing the currently strongest cultivator in the city. Between Damian and Jack, they had secured three tokens for their brothers.

Damion summarized their journey as well as the insights he had gained about the flame and what he thought was the best way to cultivate using the flame. His brothers also shared the occurrences of their life while Damian was absent, pretty much they were just easygoing about cultivation, However, due to their high-quality spiritual root, cultivation pretty much came naturally to them, so even if they didn't put a crazy amount of effort, they were still were able to ripe decent results. The reunion lasted well beyond midnight.

Damian soon bid farewell to his brothers and returned to his home, he went straight to meditate, after all, he was by now costumed to only sleep once every one or two months and he had sleeper like a baby when he returned to the city and to his comfy bed.


The first sun rays had yet to shine, and Damian was already going to the library. He was, after all, the Elder in charge of it, and while during his absence, Raymond, Paul, and Nathalia as well as other clan members assigned to the library had tended to it, he wanted to sort some documents before meeting with his brothers.

He quite enjoyed his time in the library among the books and the classmates looking for some techniques. During the month since he had returned to the city when he was not cultivating or practicing either his martial arts or his craft, or even helping with the construction of the Flame Tower. He found himself reading techniques in the library. He also had taken quite a liking to guide young seedlings to choose their martial arts technique and cultivation manuals, even offering some pointers.

The first three levels out of twelve of the cultivation manual "Divine Galaxy Path", "Beyond Heaven", "Nine Ascending Stars", and "Blue Sky Sovereign" manuals could be cultivated by anyone in the clan who had at least a high spirit root, for clansmen with spirit roots of lesser quality they could choose freely from the sky level ones.

They could, of course, also access a heaven cultivation manual through family members or as a reward for contributions made to the clan. They could also cultivate those heaven manuals but it was less efficient for them as the comprehension bound to the spirit root quality was lesser, therefore they would end up yielding fewer results in the long run with a heaven manual than a sky one.

On the other hand, the clan had decided that every clan member would learn at least the first three levels of the "Great Sky Sundering Palm" manual, and the "Ethereal Mist stride" manual, both of them of heaven rank. This last one was provided by the Markov clan when they first joined the city. These would be the signature moves for which their clan would be known, both of them are relatively easy to learn for their rank but are top-tier techniques.


When the sun finally rose Damian left the library to meet his brothers outside the flame tower. When he arrived all of his brothers were waiting for him. They greet each other and after exchanging a few pleasantries they approached the entrance, and showed their tokens to the two guards, then proceeded to enter unimpeded to the flame tower.

As soon as they entered, Rodrick, Caleb, Jack, and Jurgen formed a barrier with their Qi surrounding their bodies, they all were able to sense the increase of heat, of course, the level of Qi on the first floor was ineligible for Golden Core Cultivators but they wanted to gauge and experiment a little with the heat and the Qi barrier to be prepared for anything in the upper floors.

After a few minutes, they finally stopped at the third floor. This floor was meant for Golden Core cultivators after all. It was on this floor they finally felt like their throat was dry, they needed to send a higher quantity of Qi to their barrier.

It was then, that Jack took out five white incense sticks packs, each containing ten sticks and a dark-colored balm from his storage bag. He then said: "Advance up to where you feel you can withstand the heat, don't force yourselves" He looked at Rodrick, Caleb, and Jurgen, making special emphasis on this young rascal, as he tended to be quite impulsive and reckless.