
Zombie lady


My dad in formed all the maids and the remaining security guard not to tell the driver and the two guards that went for leave that I had not come back that they should just behave natural. Since I had another person to talk to apart from my dad,I decided to take Richard to our garden,I went to Richard room and knocked on the door,he opened the door and I immediately entered without him telling me to enter,I sat on his bed and told him that we were going to the garden at the back of the house,he then told me to wait outside that he wanted to change,I decided to wait for him in the sitting room,few minutes later,he came down stairs and said he was ready,I then happily took him to the garden at the back of the house, there was a bench in the garden so I decided that we should sit down there,we sat down there and decided that we would ask each other about our personal life. I started asking the question first,I decided to ask him about his parent and he replied by telling me that his parents had died, when I heard his Reply,I felt sorry for him and wished I had not asked him about his parent so I decided to change the topic by telling asking him about his school life,if he was a bully or not,he then replied that he was not a bully,he was just a normal student that sometimes trouble always look for him, sometimes he would come to school late making him receive punishment from the teachers and after school he had to go to work In other to support his granny,he also said there were a lot of things that happened in his life that he had to keep from his granny, hearing his story,I felt sorry for him because I did not really have to do any work before I get anything I want so I pitied him for that,I decided to ask another question about his relationship,if he had a crush or a girlfriend,he then told me that he didn't have any crush or girlfriend that the work he was doing did not even let him think of any girl,I looked at him mockingly and said "are you even a man,what do you think other guys would think of you". when he heard what I said,he also asked me if I had any boyfriend,then I told him I did not have,with the same look I gave him the other time he also asked me if I was also a woman or was I that ugly that all the boys were running away from me,I was angry when I heard him and started talking uncontrollably "Did you Know how many guys have asked me out and were rejected,last month a guy just asked me out and I said no to him, it's very easy for me to date any guy I want, it's just that am not interested,at least better than you that find it hard to even look at a girl now talking of asking her out"after talking and I was satisfied I calmed down,that was when Richard started talking "are you not a girl because if you are not a girl why am I able to look at you,so you don't have any point" immediately Richard said this I was so angry that I knew that my face would have turned red by now due to anger, instead of Richard to calm me down,he even decided to annoy me more that I had no choice but to pounce on him and started beating him, while I was beating him,he was just laughing making me angry more, when I was tired of beating him I sat o. the chair to rest a little, Richard also sat on the chair but decided not to disturb me, after few minutes of being quiet, Richard decided to ask me of my mom,then i told him my mom had travelled that she was going to come back in the next two month,he nodded and asked me why the dinning table was very long,I replied by telling him that it was my mom idea to make it long in case we had a party,so the visitors could sit there and eat, hearing this Richard made an oh sound and we ended our discussion there,we sat in the garden for a while enjoying the view before we decided to go in to eat lunch,after eating we decided to watch a Korean movie which Richard did not really enjoy but agreed to watch bit after much persuasion,night came,we ate dinner with my dad and also talked about the traitors before we bid each other good night.

I woke up the next day feeling energized,the mark on my chest was glowing in a strange way,I went to the bathroom to take my bath after taking my bath,I went to the room to dress up, while I was dressing I noticed that my blue eyes was also shining,I was a little bit confused but decided to put it at the back of my mind. I came out of the room and went to the sitting room,I sat down and decided to watch some TV but decided to go against it since it was not my house,few minutes later I saw flourish dad coming downstairs dressed in a dark suit,with a brief case in his hands,he was surprised that I was awake,I greeted him and he replied back after replying back he then move closer to me and whispered into my ears "have you seen that sleepy head this morning",I looked at him looking confused because I did not know who he was calling sleepy head,he then patted my back and told me to watch the stairs,I looked at the stairs and lo and behold a zombie like lady was coming down stairs and that zombie was non other than flourish,her hair was flying in all directions,her eyes were swollen and the way she was walking was not balance,she came downstairs and passed I and her dad, before sitting down on the sofa looking in a daze,the scene before me was very funny but I dare not laugh because I was afraid that her dad might get angry but to my surprise,her dad started laughing,then whispered to my ears that have not seen anything yet,that I should just sit and enjoy the show I looked at him in a surprise manner then he said his good bye but before he left he kissed his daughter on her forehead head then patted her head, while all this were happening flourish was just looking like a ghost,I couldn't help but wonder how a grown up girl could look like this after waking up, this was epic.

hi everyone hope you guys are enjoying my novel,there are still some mystery to solve in the future ,so review and comment on this novel and remember stay safe, love you guys.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts