
The hidden story behind the shape shifters.

It was a dream come true for me, although you can say I am a little bit dramatic but it's not my fault because as you all know I am a little bit crazy about beautiful things and if it was my crush that asked me to dance with her,I might as well get an heart attack.

I felt pulled up from the chair when I came back from my little imagination, I noticed that we were heading to the middle of the dance floor and all eyes were on us and it was during that moment they started playing soft music, when we were about to dance I told her I was not too good at dancing but she told me not to worry that I would be alright while dancing. We started dancing and I couldn't understand how I felt. the way I felt while I was dancing was wonderful,we twirled on the dance floor that I couldn't believe I knew how to dance to that extent,I was surprised of the way my legs were moving and how my hands were handling the woman at my front.

When we stopped dancing people started applauding us and that was when I noticed that everyone left the dance floor for us so that they can see the way we danced. I was still looking around surprised when the lady I was dancing with leaned closer to me and whispered to my ear saying "my my, you do have strong arms and without anyone knowing licked my ear and walked in sashay manner while making eye contact with me then winking. I froze at a spot while my head was trying to comprehend what happened that I didn't Know my granny was calling maybe after the umpteen time of calling was I able to get back from my dazed expression. I looked at my granny with an apologetic look and she nodded while telling me it was okay that she just wanted to tell me how I danced well. I went back to the corner I was sitting at before and was reminiscing all what happened between I and the girl and suddenly,I remembered something while she was sashaying her way out of the party and making eye contact she called me the chosen one, when I suddenly noticed that she called me the chosen one I was both scared and surprised,I decided that the next day I would call Mr Seth and tell him about it.

The party ended and we all went home after bidding good bye to one another. I got home feeling a little bit exhausted and went straight to my room to sleep.

I woke up in the morning feeling refreshed,I brushed my teeth, did some house chores and took my bath then I had breakfast with my granny. While we were having breakfast,I told my granny that I wanted to start going to the gym so that I can be in good shape,she agreed with me and we ate our food in silence . After eating I packed the plate we used to eat to the kitchen and washed it after washing the plates I told my granny that I would be going out,I bid her good bye then went straight to the leader of the Shifters house hoping to find Mr Seth, when I entered the house there was not a sign of someone did a party at the place and thanks to my luck I saw Mr Seth sitting in the sitting room watching TV,I sat down beside him and imediately I sat down he greeted me I was shocked at first but later came over it and greeted him back then I told him I had something important to tell him, when he heard what I said he paused the film he was washing and faced me then I started telling him about the lady I dance with and how she called me the chosen one. When he heard my explanation he told me we had to call the other shifters and what he meant by other shifters were his wife,my neighbor and her husband and our leader. I replied by nodding my head. Mr Seth started informing them one by one that they should show up for meeting after he called them we waited for them to arrive. After thirty minutes if waiting they all started to show up, when all of them were present I told them what happened at the party,the leader of the shifters was the one to explain what had happened.

"Richard,there are some hidden stories behind we the shifters that no one knows except some people that were there when it happened,as you can see the reason why we call ourselves the shifters are because we could change shape at any time,we are good people who stop the evil ones but something happened"


long time ago after the war with the blobbies,we the Shifters had an argument with one another concerning how we could stop the evil ones but some of us chose power over the right thing to do so because of that we had to separate from one another part of this we separated from were the snake, chameleon,cat and tortoise,those were the animals that loved power more than responsibility. Each of them when turned into their respective shape would have the behaviour of their shape for example when a shape shifters has the will to turn to a snake it shows in most of the shape shifters behaviour therefore making the shape shifters behave in a seductive or cunning way as we know that is the trait of a snake especially when it wants to attack it's prey for example when a rat snake wants to catch a rat it dances seductively giving off it's charm and attracting the rat towards it,once the rat looses focus and looks at the charming snake dancing seductively at it,the snake then attacks it and that's the end of the rat that also goes the same for other shape shifters.

"The lady you saw that day was probably a shape shifter who has the ability to change to a snake. You are her prey,she only moved closer to you and used her charm on you so that you can fall for her trap and she would attack you just like the snake she is so you have to be careful,you have another enemy but don't worry we are all here to protect you."

Hearing all what she said I was shocked to the core knowing that there was the evil side of the shape shifters but I grabbed one thing and that was to be careful because it was as if my enemy won't stop pursuing me. I sighed and thanked her for the explanation and the meeting came to an hold.

I went back home feeling stressed out because of the meeting we had and the first thing I did was to go to my room to sleep when I woke up it was already late in the night and I was craving for food so I went to the kitchen to dish out some food after dishing it out I went to the sitting room to eat there so that I could eat and at the same time watch some TV but as I was watching the TV my mind was not really on the film but on all the things we talked about at the meeting,I was wondering why I was even the chosen one why I had to carry a lot of responsibility on my shoulder why I am always the target of the enemy. This was what I was thinking before I slept off on the couch.

thanks for reading everyone,love you all.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts