
the golden ring

I went out of the house and headed straight to our new neighbors place,on getting there,I knocked the door but I didn't get any response from the other side of the door,I tried a few times but there were no response,I decided to leave guessing that they might not be around. As I was about to turn around I heard the sound of door clicking, turning my head I felt a hand pulling me inside with force, when I entered,my eyes met with a beautiful woman's eyes,her eyes were as clear as water,her big round eyes that were baby like were staring at me,I was dazed for a moment because of her beauty before I noticed we were clinging to each other, when I noticed the position we were in,I decided to release myself from her,I was trying to free myself when we both landed on the floor,I was on top of her,the position we were in was awkward,as much as I wanted to get up immediately I couldn't because it was as if someone was controlling my body,I wanted to explain to her that I can't move but before I could even explain she started screaming,it was when she started screaming that my body started moving,I was trying to stop her from screaming but no matter what I did she won't stop screaming,I didn't have any other choice but to stuff some clothe in her mouth, when I stuffed the cloth in her mouth it was only muffled sound that I was hearing, satisfied with what I did I stood up and tried to explain myself,I started explaining by introducing myself after explaining myself I asked her why she dragged me in but I didn't get a response,it was then I realized that I stuffed her mouth with cloth, looking at my stupidity I decided to remove the cloth, immediately I removed the cloth from her mouth it was different type of curse that were coming out of her mouth when I couldn't take the curse anymore I stuffed the cloth back in her mouth after some minutes that I noticed that she had calmed down I removed the cloth from her mouth and asked her the same question again,then she replied by saying "I only dragged you in because----------- " because of what,I asked but instead of her responding to my question she inched closer to me as she was moving closer I was moving backward but the more I moved backward the more she inched closer to me, when my back touched the wall that there was no place to go she moved closer to me covering the space between us and used her hand to trickle my face while she was touching me she inched her face forward that our face almost met then she moved her mouth towards my ears and said "chosen one" what she said threw me off guard,then she continued "I know you are surprised but don't be,I am just able to know who you are,I could even tell you the story of your life how your family died when you were born and so on" while she was talking we suddenly heard a clap from the door side, looking at that direction I saw a man standing at the door post,his face was contorted in anger while looking at us he then started speaking "what are you doing with my wife"when I heard what he said I noticed that our position was somehow strange she was leaning close to me that outsiders would think that we are about to kiss each other, when I noticed what the man meant,I wanted to explain but before I could even say anything the man rushed to me and held me by the collar,I closed my eyes ready to receive the heavenly blow that would land on me when the man started laughing,confused on what was going on, I slowly opened my eyes what I saw only left me more confused they were laughing like someone that had already ran mad,they laughed for circa an hour, when they were done with laughing they introduced themselves to me as my new observer and that was when I knew that the reason why I couldn't move my body was because she cast a spell on me in order to make their prank go as planned,hearing all what they said I also started laughing,we chatted for a while before I departed from their place and went home

when I got home I met my granny sitting down outside waiting for me outside, immediately I got close to her she asked me why I took time to return home,I explained to her that the new neighbors pranked me that was why I was late ,we went inside and went to our various room,while I was on the bed, I was wondering why I was the chosen one and why I had so many powers to awaken and what are the purpose of the shifters what are their mission on earth, those were the question I had in mind before I drifted off to sleep.

Waking up the next morning I resumed to my daily activities in the morning and went to school, when school ended I went to work. At work while attending to some customers one of my colleague at work came to me to tell me someone was looking for me,I asked where the person was then she motioned her hand towards a table, when I looked at the table I saw a fair lady putting on a white shirt with jeans trouser sitting down and sipping on her coffee slowly,after serving the people I was with before,I went to her and ask her what she would like to order, while waiting for her order,she raised her head up that was when I noticed that it was my neighbor, looking at me she told me to meet her at a church near our house that she wanted to show me something,I agreed with her and went back to my work. The restaurant closed and we all retired for the day, when I reached home,I told my granny that I was going out she agreed and I went straight to the church and waited for her arrival by the time I reached the church it was already six in the evening,I waited in the church for about thirty minute before I saw her coming, when we entered the church I asked her why she asked me to see her in the church but she did not answer,she only motioned me to follow her, then we stopped at the altar of the church,then she told me that below the altar was something I have to retrieve because it belongs to me then I decided to ask her what it was that I had to retrieve,she then told me that I had to retrieve a ring because the ring will always protect me and it could also lead me to what I love the most,then I asked her how I would retrieve the to ring then she told me that I would only have to open a wooden like plank and enter the place that I would see a white box that inside that box lies the ring,I did as she said and entered the space under the altar, when I entered it,the under of the altar was very beautiful,there was a small garden under the altar,at the middle of the alter lies a white box which I was told I would find,I immediately went to the middle of the garden and took the box on opening the box I saw the shiny golden ring it was also crafted like the shape of the mark on my chest,the golden ring was so beautiful that I couldn't take my eyes of it , when I came out with the box in my hands my neighbor then told me to take out the ring and wear it, immediately I put the ring on my finger,I felt a surge of energy flowing through me and I also felt that the Mark on my chest was moving seriously.

thanks for reading this novel and am sorry for not updating on time,I didn't have data that was why I couldn't upload.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts