
The culprit has been arrested.


I woke up feeling energized, nowadays I noticed that each time I wake up,the mark on my chest and my eyes usually glow, which always give me concern,my only wish was that I could just tell someone about it but there was no one to tell. I sat down on the bed,there was nothing to do,so I decided to play one of the game that flourish gave me,I started playing the game when flourish dad called me,I picked the call,he then told me he called to inform me not to come out of the room and we should close the door and windows because of the driver and the two security guards because they might enter the house and try to check if we had entered the house,I told him not to worry that I would not come out,he then continued by telling me that the maids would take care of the meals that there's a way I would know if it is the maids that is knocking at the door,he said that he told the maids to knock at the door eight times before we open the door so any one that knocks more than or below eight times would be the driver or the two security guards that in case that happens I should immediately call the police,he then said he had told all this to flourish that I should just make sure to follow the instructions,then he hanged up.


One could hear the shattering of bottles as they hit the ground and the voice of someone shouting in frustration as he rebukes his employees for not doing a great job and this person was non other than the man that wanted flourish held in captive, shattering bottles and destroying things while shouting at flourish driver and the two security guards,while he was shouting they were all kneeling down and dared not raise their head,they were so scared that they started shaking, they dare not talk,they were so afraid that they started shaking hoping that they could just leave the place quickly,it was when the man asked them to talk that they started talking,they explained to the man that they were not able to catch them but they would still try their best, then they explained that they were supposed to resume walk that day so they would use the opportunity to check if they had come back home, that moreover, nobody has called him to tell him that flourish has come back,the man they were explaining all this to sat down on a chair,lit a cigarette and started smoking,then he looked at them and told them that he only give them fourty eight hours to look for flourish or else he was going to kill them, immediately he finished talking they ran outside,once they were out,they started catching their breath,then entered the car they brought then left the place to go to work ( flourish house), when they reached there the workers in the house behaved normal towards them,they even used style to ask some of them if flourish had come home but it was the same reply that each one of them said and that was flourish is still missing, hearing that flourish was not around they were happy but they were not able to show it at least there was still hope for them, unknown to them they did not know that everyone were just deceiving them,the security guards used style to move round the house,so as to check if the window of flourish room was opened, when they checked the window was closed indicating that no one was there,they heaved a sigh of relief and continued their work.

The maid did as they were told and knocked the door the number of times they were supposed to and the door was opened unto them and they were allowed in,this way continued until afternoon came.

In the afternoon flourish dad came home which was unusual, noticing that their boss were home,they watched their boss reaction and it was the same way he is to look when his daughter suddenly disappeared,he always look tired as if he carried the whole world on his head each time he comes home and there was always a look of sorrow in his eyes,each time anyone greeted him,he would just walk away without answering and sometimes he would yell at them,they were satisfied when they heard their boss yelling at the person who opened the gate for him before he entered.

Immediately flourish dad entered the house,he checked on his daughter,the daughter seeing him Immediately hugged him and said she felt like going to the sitting room because there was nothing she could do in her room,she then used the opportunity to ask her dad to get a TV for her in the room but as usual her dad said no because there was television in the sitting room so what would be the difference if she just went downstairs to watch TV. Flourish pouted her lips and her dad tried to comfort her then told her that he would soon arrest the culprit,she nodded her head and her dad left the room after kissing her forehead. After leaving his daughter room,he went to Richards room and asked him how he was doing, Richard said he was fine he then told Richard that he was going to call the police soon that the culprit has arrived,he then left to his own room. When he reached his room, without changing his clothes,he immediately called the police and explained that situation. Few hours later the police arrived and arrested the driver and the security guards and took them for interrogation.When they were gone, flourish dad informed flourish and Richard that they should come down stairs to celebrate.

thanks for reading my novel, comment and review and you could also tell me if have done any mistake or not and remember stay at home and stay safe.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts