
The birthday party and the awakening


"Happy birthday love,hope you slept well my king"this were the words that woke me up. I opened my eyes seeing the familiar smile of my granny and to the sight of a mouth watering cake🎂, looking around I saw Mr Seth and his wife,my neighbor and her husband and lastly the leader of the Shifters,I was a little bit confused on why they were here but before I could say anything my granny started explaining.

"I know you are confused on why they are all here,let me explain. Few days ago I decided to plan on how to celebrate your birthday so I asked our neighbour for help and she agreed so we started doing some preparation secretly and we decided to call some of your friends to join you and mind you Micheal (Richard's best friend) is in the sitting room,he is helping me with somethings or else he would have also come down stairs, now start dressing up everyone is waiting for you outside"

imediately she finished talking,they all left the room for me so that I could change into the dress my granny dropped for me before she left the room, the dress was a royal blue suit with a baby pink inner and kerchief followed by a royal blue trousers and a new pair if shoes to go with the dress,I smiled while admiring the cloth then I dropped it to get prepared. After dressing up,I combed my hair and got ready to go outside.

When I got to our compound I saw a lot of people outside and imediately everyone saw me they started singing the birthday song for me then soft music started playing,I sat on a throne like chair, then the mc started entertaining us, food and drinks were served and series of games were played and people gave me a lot of gift. The party ended without any disturbance, when the party ended in the evening I went to room to change,on getting there,I was shocked to see all the shape shifters in my room that I almost scream but before I could do that,Mr Seth had already covered my mouth. seeing that I had already calmed down a bit,he released me and I immediately began to talk.

"what the hell is going on ?, what are you all doing inside my room?,is the party not over?,you guys have to leave before anyone sees you,do you all what to put me in trouble?,what are you all going to do if anyone find out you are in my room,how would you explain?, just tell me start giving your answers"

The next thing I heard instead of an answer was when someone was asking another person if I was okay that maybe I was already going through some changes that maybe my power was already awakening, then everybody started staring at me as if they were observing an experiment, even the person that have never met before started sniffing my body to see if I had undergone any changes which made my face red due to embarrassment and anger it was just as if they did not hear all the question I was asking them. As I was about to give them a piece of my mind so that they could leave and I could hear an explanation on all what was happening,I heard a knock on my door band before I could give a reply to the person on the other side of the door,the door started moving and it was just like a movie and it was as if everything was on slow motion,I started sweating profusely while looking at the door and at the same time looking at the shape shifters in my room,so many scenario was playing in my head that I didn't even know what to do,then the door opened.when the door opened I notice that it was my granny that entered, looking at her I noticed that she has frozen where she stood and looking with a shocked expression on her face and that was when the fear I was feeling go to the highest stage it could be and the only thing I said was I can explain, imediately I said those three word she smiled then came to me while patting my head which made me feel like a dog been pet by it's owner but I was greatly confused on why she was not flaring up or asking question as I was about to explain,I turned my head and noticed that no one was there which made me got confused and started doubting my sanity,was I just seeing things was the question I asked myself. When I was looking confused my granny then told me not to worry that she would not scold me for not arranging my room, looking more confused,I looked around and noticed that my room was a mess then I immediately smiled while sighing,to my granny I was feeling relieved that she did not scold me but to me the reason for me sighing was because she did not see the shape shifters in the house then she hugged me then told me that she wanted to give me a gift and check on me when she gave me the gift she left imediately she left I checked what she gave me and it was a silver necklace with a blue pendant which had the head of a wolf crafted on it and inside the box she gave me was a locket which had my mom,dad and sister picture in it, seeing the picture of the three of them I felt emotional and couldn't stop the tears flowing down my cheeks, while I was crying I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning around to see who it was,I saw one of the Shifters holding my shoulder and others were looking at me with a sympathetic look on their face which says only a thing we are your new family, looking at them I felt so emotional and went for a big hug which they returned to me. few minutes later when I was able to control my emotions I was told that the reason they were there was to come and watch over me because it was the day I was suppose to awaken my powers and they would not like anything bad to happen to me or anyone but I was not really okay with anybody surrounding me or watching me so I sent them away while telling them I was going to be okay.

Night has already come and it was time for dinner so I went to the dinning table to eat, after eating I went to my room, when I reached my room I started feeling strange,I was feeling dizzy and something hot was brewing in my chest which made me want to scream,and I didn't know what has happening to me again, everything went blank and I couldn't feel my body.

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