


I had suspected the group of men from the beginning but I had to put the thought that they were bad people at the back of my mind since flourish knew them but now that have noticed they were bad people,I wished I had not allow her to drag me out of our hiding place with her at least we could still find our way out rather than what we are facing now,I did not even know where the strength came from that I started running, when I noticed that we were in a safe place,I decided to rest a little,that was when I heard someone crying, looking at my side I saw flourish breaking down in tears,I felt sorry for her,I guess the poor girl must have felt betrayed by her people,I had to comfort her before she was able to calm down,after calming her,I told her we had to make our way to her home that same day so as to tell her dad,since where we were was not that far from the street to her house,she nodded her head and we began our journey back with careful steps. On our way to our home we faced a lot,for example,the branches of some trees were piercing through our skin and I had to carry flourish on our way because she injured her right leg while walking making it hard for her to walk and couple of times we made an encounter with different snakes on the way. After hours of walking we later cane out of the little forest we were in and decided to move through the street from that lead us to the forest.


"You all are incompetent fools,how can you say you can't find them,you the leader I gave you one simple instructions,that you shouldmake sure they don't escape but now you are telling me they escape". A man sitting on a wooden chair while smoking a cigarette was shouting at a group of men that came to him due to the news they brought with them and this man was non other than the man that wanted to kidnap flourish.

"We are sorry sir,we will make sure we find them, there's no way they would escape, please boss spear our life". The man talking was non other than the leader of the group of men and he was also the driver that drove miss flourish to where she would be destroyed.

After pleading to their boss,they set off to look for them,on their way their leader was causing Richard for spoiling their plan,from the beginning,he had wanted to kill the boy but he didn't do it because he didn't want to alert flourish which was the mistake he did he should have just killed her,at least flourish would have been held captive by now. They got to the entrance to the forest after hours of driving and split themselves in three groups so as to look for flourish and of cause Richard,the first group headed into the forest,the second group headed for the street that led them to the forest, in case they had escaped from the forest,and the third group went to the street leading to flourish house,those that were among the third group were the driver and two of the guards guarding flourish house.

At the time that they were grouping themselves, Richard and flourish were hiding in one of the bushes while watching what was happening, seeing that they where in a tight position,they were a little bit disheartened,they had escaped from the forest and now the street that they suppose to pass to go to the next street that would lead them to their destination was also blocked by the evil doers could their day get any more worst, while they were busy sulking,an idea came into Richard's mind,since the street was covered in bushes they could walk through the bushes and head to their destination through that process, when Richard told flourish the plan, flourish was so happy that she almost scream if not for Richard that covered her mouth,they followed the plan and walked through the bushes as quiet as they could, when they were about to reach the street to flourish house,they decided that they could not go in the way they dressed, thinking if what to do, Richard decided that they should go in as an homeless person meaning that they had to change the way they looked, Richard rubbed himself in the mud that was at their front and made his hair look like a mess,then he told flourish to make holes in her clothes, after doing that,she should also rub herself in the mud and also make her hair look like a mess, flourish was hesitant at first but after much persuasion from Richard because that was the only thing they could do, when they were done with their disguise,they came out of their hidden place looking like the person that has not eaten for months, with the bruise on their skin due to the branches of trees and the tattered clothe they were putting on,it really looked as if they were homeless,the advantage they had was that flourish house was not built in a place where rich man stays or else they would not even be allowed to enter with their look, walking through the street,they could feel people gaze on them as they moved,they were walking like the people that were really hungry,to make it more real,they started begging for alms on the way,some people would ignore them while some would give them something, while they were going they saw the driver and the two men in the street watching anyone that passed them by,as they neared the driver,the driver told them to stop, hearing what the driver said they were afraid and Immediately froze while standing,as the driver moved closer,the stench that was coming from them made the driver stopped few step from them and told them to go, they were so happy,they immediately left the place and started moving towards the gate, when they reached the gate of flourish home, they started banging their hands on the gate like a begger, while they were banging on the gate, the watch man was trying to send them away but they stood there begging for alms,few minutes later flourish father cane out of the house asking the watch man what was going on,the watch man. explained what was going on, flourish father looked at them with pity and told the watch man to open the door for them to enter, immediately Richard and flourish were allowed inside, flourish immediately ran to her father seeing what was going on the watch man tried to stop flourish and that was when flourish hugged her father and whispered into his ear that she was the one,hearing what she said the father turned around and took a good look at the lady in front of him, noticing that the lady was really his daughter,he hugged her,the watch an that did not understand what was going on was left behind watching as flourish and Richard entered the house,that was how flourish cane back to her father's house.

hi everyone thanks for reading my novel, comment and review on it so that I can know if you are enjoying it.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts