
Richard's mom story

Days passed and it was already the last day in the month of December,my granny and I started preparing ourselves for church because it was a norm that on the last day of the year,I and my granny would always go to church so that was what we were supposed to do this year also.

At around 7pm we left the house to go to church,as usual we prayed for the next year and we also presented our prayer request,after hours of praying and praising God,the time was twelve, indicating that another day has come meaning another year had arrived meaning the year is a very special one for me because of my birthday which was coming forth around February 29 meaning am a leap year child and I do not always celebrate my birthday like every other children and I have been waiting for this year to arrive and lo and behold my year has come. I was extremely happy that I and my granny were able to cross over to another year without loosing each other. The church ended after greeting one another happy new year then I and my granny left the church and headed straight home, when we reached home we sang praise and worship and thanked God for making us enter another year,after all the session of thanking God we went back to sleep.

I woke up around 9.00am in the morning,I brushed my teeth after waking up then took my bath and assisted my granny in cooking,there was nothing much to do in the house because we had already arranged the house before we slept back after eating breakfast,I decided to go to my friend's place to celebrate New year with them, when I got there we had a lot fun,I left there in the evening then went back home to have some rest.


February was my month and I was really looking forward to my birthday,I still use to remember when my mom will sit me down and tell me the story of my birth and I would always sit down with twinkling eyes while listening to the story and she always begin like this.

"I still remember when my cute little child was about to be born,that night was like every other night,it was the 28th day of the month of February. At around 10pm in the night,I started feeling an excruciating pain that I had to call out to your father, luckily your father was back from work early, when your father heard me calling out for him,he immediately rushed to the room where I was to help me get up. I was rushed to the hospital and was told that I was in labour,then I was rushed to the maternal ward where I was to give birth,in there a mid wife was there to help me with the delivery,at that time it was already 11.00pm,I was told to push which I did,it was not that easy because it was my first child and I was a little bit tight,they had to cut me a little so I can give birth to you a lot more easier but I wished I could give birth to you that moment so that I would not give birth to you February 29, with all my inner prayers,I gave birth to you around 12.00am meaning another day had come but something happened, when I gave birth to you, as you were brought out there was cord round your neck preventing you from breathing because it was squeezing your neck,the midwife then hurriedly removed the cord from your neck but you didn't cry after the removal of the cord and you were also blue in colour,I was asking the midwife what happened but she did not answer. The next thing that happened was that the mid wife instructed one of the nurses assisting her to get a muccus extractor so as to clear your lungs, when the nurse brought it,she immediately started clearing your lungs but with that you were not crying, when they noticed you were not crying,the nurse noticing that started doing mouth to mouth oxygen so as to restore you to life although it was something that was not professional but she did it because we were close. As she was trying to restore you she also started beating you so that you could wake up while I was busy praying and also telling you to come back because I had already prepared a lot of things for you.few minutes later you started crying and they brought you to me so that I could breast feed you and that was the story of your birth."

Reminiscing the past I did not know when tears started coming down from my eyes because the person I missed the most was my mom,she had the look of an angel to me she was the most beautiful woman in the whole world with her long brown hair which reached her waist and those beautiful blue eyes that smilles all the time and her perfectly shaped body, how have missed her.

Days passed by and it was Valentine's day,you could say a day for lovers but being a seventeen year old boy without a girlfriend can be embarrassing but to me it was not because I was not really into boyfriend and girlfriend stuff,I was not just ready to love someone then loose them because of my powers. Unlike me,my friend had already gotten a girlfriend and they were going to celebrate it together while I am going to celebrate mine with the only family I have.

I have been going to the gym now and it's kind of interesting,so I have decided that I would rather go to the gym than to stay at home doing nothing when everything around you is showing the sign of love.

I left home and went straight to the gym, when I reached there there was no one there,the gym that was always filled up now became empty because of the celebration of valentine, everyone had already gone to celebrate Valentine with their partner while my only partner is my granny and the gym. while I was exercising my body,I was wondering about what would happen to me if I awaken my power.

thanks for reading, comment and review and there is room for your opinion.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts