
Revealing the culprit to flourish dad


When we entered the house, flourish father immediately told the maids in the house to prepare our bath, immediately he finished talking the maid started doing as they were told,few minutes later the maids came out and took I and flourish to our respective bathroom,I entered the bathroom and took my bath,few minutes later I was done, using the towel that I saw in a corner of the bathroom,I used it to dry my body,I came out of the bathroom and entered the room which was attached to the bathroom,on the bed was a new set of clean clothes,I took it and wore it. After I was done dressing,I went downstairs to the sitting room,there I saw flourish putting on a pink top and a trouser,while sitting on the sofa,I went to her, noticing that someone was beside her she turned her head to my direction and told me to sit down,I sat down beside and decided to start a conversation,I told her I was going to leave the house that day but I would leave after explaining to her dad that there was a traitor living among them, immediately I finished talking,she turned her head towards my direction and asked me why I wanted to leave,then I replied by telling her that I would love to find my way back home,she gave me sadden look and said okay,I nodded my head. Few minutes later one of the maids came to us and told us that food was ready,we nodded our head in affirmation and followed her to the dinning room, entering the dinning room,the table was so long that it could contain hundred people,I looked at the table and wondered how many people would be using the table because so far the only people I could see was only flourish dad and flourish so how could they it on this long table alone,after we were seated,the maids started dishing the food into our bowls,the food that were prepared was the mouth watering type,they prepared white rice and the stew that would go with it, friend rice,pock meat was there,pie,fried chicken,fried potatoes and so on, immediately I saw the food my mouth began to water,after dishing the food,the maid left.i started eating the food that I didn't realize that flourish was even beside me eating after eating the one in my bowl,I started dishing the different type of meat,fried potatoes into my bowl,and ate everything at once, forgetting that someone was beside me, when I was filled up,I sat down on the chair like a pregnant woman feeling satisfied. I turned my head to the left and noticed that flourish was staring at me as if she just saw a monster,I stared at her looking confused as that was when it dawned on me that I had really behaved like a monster after looking at the dinning table because there was no more food on the table. I looked at her awkwardly and could not say anything,after minutes of staring at me,she started talking. "How can you eat all those food within that short period of time,are you that hungry", when I heard what she said I was so embarrassed that I knew by now my cheeks would have already turned red,I didn't Know what to say so I had to put a brave front and looked straight into her eyes then told her that how would she eat if she did not eat for two weeks after that I left the dinning room without waiting for her reply.


seeing him eat like that was really surprising,I could not believe there was someone that could eat like a monster,it was as if he had not eaten for a whole year,he ate as if nobody was eating with him,I had just eaten three spoon of rice and here he was sitting like a pregnant woman,I could not stop myself from asking him how he could eat that much and expected an answer but the answer he gave me rendered me speechless,I ate my food quickly so that I could talk to him on how we would tell my dad everything thing that happened.

I went to the sitting room and saw Richard and my dad talking,I went to my dad and kissed him on the cheek before sitting down beside him,while hugging his arm and resting my head on his shoulder,my dead pet my head then told me that Richard told him we had something to say to him, hearing this I stood up and went to sit beside Richard because Richard was sitting opposite my dad so as to talk to him very well,I told my dad it was true and started explaining how I and my friend got out from school and decided to head for a party that we were warned not to go to and how a group of men ran after us and how I managed to escape into a desolate street and it was there I met Richard who fainted and how I and Richard were there for days before a group of our men came to rescue us and how they turned out to be working for those that wanted to kidnap me,I talked about how I and Richard escaped from their clutches and disguised as homeless people and later ended up at home after saying everything different type of emotion were going through my dad,I sat there watching his emotion,that was when Richard started talking. "Sir there is one more thing that I want to say,the group of men that disguised as if they wanted to rescue us,one of them is your daughter's driver and two are part of your body guards,they wanted to stop us from moving closer to your house but thank God that we disguised ourselves or else we would have not been here today"immediately Richard finished talking my dad burst out in anger,I had to calm my dad and told him that we could deal with them since they had not known that we are here yet,that he should Inform everyone in the house not to say anything to them if they are back,my dad agreed with the plan and Immediately did as I said. After that Richard announced that he would love to leave that day but my dad told him to stay that he would make sure he help him find his way back home but during that time he should stay at our home,I was really happy because I would have someone to talk to but I didn't show it.

hi everyone thanks for reading my novel, review and comment on my novel and also stay at home and stay safe

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts