
New phone and enrollment into school.

I was still watching an action movie when flourish dad came in,I stood up and greeted him and took the brief case from his hand,he told me not to worry and asked of his daughter,I told him that she was upstairs,he scrunched up his brows and went upstairs,I sighed and continued watching the movie,by the time flourish dad came it was already in the evening,it was already reaching night time,few minutes later, flourish and her dad were coming down the stairs together, flourish was clinging onto her dad's arm while her head was resting on his shoulder, looking at them one would think they were lovers that's if they did not know they were families,I looked at them and shakes my head inwardly, when they cane downstairs,the father said he wanted to talk to us,so we all sat down to hear what he wanted to tell us,he and flourish sat down opposite me as usual, flourish was still clinging on to her father like a monkey clinging onto a tree,what a spoilt brat was what came to my mind but I decided to shake the taught off,I looked at her father,as he began to talk. "I called you all here to inform you that the driver and my two body guards would be resuming tommorow, immediately step into the compound we will lock them up in the store room and call the police, during that time I want you all to stay in your room so as not to bring in any suspicion,did you guys understand" I and flourish nodded our head in agreement,then waited for him to talk again,then he continued, "and one more thing I want to talk about your education",he said this while looking at me,then he continued talking "Are you done with college" hearing this question I told him that I was about to write my final exam in college,he then nodded his head and told me that his daughter is about to write her final exam also,then he said he was going to enroll me into the school that his daughter was going to and asked me if I was okay with,I nodded my head in agreement then told us the meeting was over,he then stood up and went upstairs,as he was going,he turned around and told me to follow him to his room,I immediately stood up and followed him.


"My child gist me about what happened today when I was not around",he then told me to sit down on the bed,while he was removing his suit and shoes,I then started telling him how I told his daughter how she behaved in the morning,and after hearing how she behaved,she stormed into her room in anger, hearing my story,her father started laughing,I looked at him in confusion,then he started talking, "I am just happy that someone is here to keep my daughter company,I knew what happened today because as usual anytime I come back home I always meet my daughter in the sitting room watching TV but today she was not there so I went to her room and she started complaining about you and told me all what happened,I had to pet her so that she won't be angry then told her to ignore you,I like the way you guys are flowing with each other but I want to warn you about something very important, don't you ever think of having any romantic stuff with my daughter or else I would destroy you" when I heard his warning,the smile on my face suddenly disappeared and fear started crawling into my soul,seeing this flourish dad patted my shoulder and told me not to worry that he would not destroy me if I did not do anything that he was only going to destroy me only when I have anything romantic with his child,I pulled a little and forced myself to say okay,then he went to the shelf beside his bed and brought out a box then handed it over to me,I looked at him curiously and he told me to check what was in the box, when I opened the box and saw a new phone and it was iPhone 11 pro max,I was so surprised that my mouth just hanged open,I even forgot to say thank you, coming back to my senses I immediately thanked him,he then told me it was nothing,he then told me that he had already put his number and his daughter number there,I thanked him once again then he told me I could leave,I thanked him and Immediately rushed downstairs to show flourish, when I got to the sitting room,I stood in front of flourish, seeing that someone was blocking her view,she looked at me in anger but when she saw the phone all the anger disappeared and she asked me how I got the phone,then I told her that her father bought it for me,she immediately grabbed the phone then told me that she was going to put her number there,I immediately told her that there was no need for that,that her father had already put her number there,she then nodded her head and started checking the phone,I sat down beside her and watched as she operated the phone, when she was done she gave the phone back to me and told me that she was going to tell me about her school,she then started explaining that her school had a large field which they use to play football and a special place where they use to play relay race,and they also had a basketball court,they also had a place for indoor games,they had a large hall which they use for their parties and sometimes some people do rent the hall for wedding party, naming ceremony and other stuff,she also talked about how they were not that much since it was only rich people that goes there and those that entered with scholarship,after she explained everything,I then asked her when exam would star she then told me that in two weeks time they were going to start their exam,I nodded my head and asked what department she was then she told me that she was in art department,she then asked me what department I was,I told her that I was in science department and she nodded her head,we decided to watch the Korean movie she was watching,few minutes later,one of the maid cane to us to tell us that food was ready,we then followed her to the dinning table,there we saw flourish father sitting there, when he saw us entering the dinning room,he smiled at us and we sat down in our respective seat,the maid dished our meal and left,after that flourish dad led us in prayer then we ate our food quietly,after eating we went to our room.

thanks for reading my novel guys, comment and review on it and remember to stay at home and stay safe, love you guys ??

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts