


I kept on looking at my class mate talking with the two boys opposite us, looking at them it felt as if they've Known each other for a long time, while they were talking, since there was no one to talk to,I decided to hear what they were saying but did not let them know that I was hearing their conversation, they were busy laughing about something when the one of the boys called me to show me a picture asking me if the girl beside me which was my classmate was beautiful in the picture,I told them she was beautiful and of course I was not lying,she was indeed beautiful, when the boy heard my reply,his behaviour was quite strange,it was then I understood that he expected by me to say she was ugly,he wanted to tease her and her spoiled everything,the girl which was my classmate started laughing while the boy just kept on giving me a death glare,this really scared me a lot, I had to use my eyes to apologise to the boy so the boy wouldn't be angry,few minutes later the boy forgot what happened earlier and continued talking to the girl,while they were talking,the other boy showed his friend something on his phone,his friend seeing it started laughing this made I and my classmate curious and oh I forgot to say the name of the girl,the girl name is Linda, looking at the boy laughing actually made us more curious,so linda asked the boy what he was looking at, the boy then gave her the phone, immediately Linda took the phone she brought bit closer to me so that I could also see, looking at the picture,it was the picture of a handsome boy,the boy was cute but the reason why the picture was funny was because of the eyes of the boy in the picture,it looked as if he added make up to the surrounding of his eyes, making it look a little bit attractive,like there's no how one would see the eyes that one would not look at it again,that was why the boy was laughing, looking at the person who owns the phone,I noticed that the person and the person in the photo are the same,the boy noticing that I was looking at him was also feeling embarrassed but I pretended as if I did not see anything odd so as to make the boy comfortable.few hours later, school ended and we all went home,I and Richard as usual waited for our driver to come and pick us,while we were. waiting, Sheena was beside us also waiting, when the driver came,we got into the car and waved Sheena good bye. On reaching home we welcomed back by my mom with a hug asking us how the exam was, immediately we heard the question my mom asked,I and F

Richard started explaining everything that happened at the same time,we were so excited that we did not know that the person we were even telling about our day was not hearing a thing,after we were done talking,my mom just smiled at us and tell us to go to our room to freshen up then come down stairs to eat,we nod our head in unison and went upstairs together, while we were going upstairs,we kept on talking about the exam,Richard was talking in an excited way,which made me curious because it felt as if there was more to it, while thinking of why Richard was so happy,a thought came to my mind that maybe he has finally heard from his family but I didn't want to believe that thought.

I and Richard went to the dinning room as instructed by mom and what awaited us was a mouth watering delicacy, looking at the food in front of me,I could not help but to thank God for having a mom like her,I really missed her food when she went out for business,the maid food could not compare to my mom's food,just seeing the food alone,you are already in another world now talking of eating the food. While admiring the food,I looked at my side and also saw Richard drooling,the sight was too funny that I wanted to laugh but I decided not to and brought out my phone and immediately took his picture, hearing the clicking sound of the camera,he came back to his senses, knowing what I did,he wanted to grab the phone from my hands to see the photo I took of him but why would I let him take my phone when I know that once he sees it he would delete the picture,we started running round the dinning room, until my mom raised her voice on us telling us to sit down and eat, hearing her order,we apologized for our behaviour and sat down to eat.


I was so excited today because I was able to hear from my granny and the leader of the shifters and to top it all, flourish mom prepared a mouth watering meal for us, looking at the food made me happy and brought back good old memories that I did not even know when I started drooling,and that naughty brat actually took a picture of me while drooling. After eating,I and flourish decided to watch a movie despite us having an exam the next day. while watching the movie,I and Flourish kept on laughing because it was a comedy movie. Few hours later, flourish dad came home looking exhausted, immediately flourish mom knew her husband was home,she immediately took his briefcase from him and gave him water to drink,after that she escorted him to the dinning room to eat while I and Flourish continued watching the movie.

Thank you all for reading my novel, kindly comment and review on it so as to know your thoughts on it.love you all and please stay safe.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts