
When Colors Clash

A simple and young janitor named Aiden who works at an office building that belongs to a popular company suddenly bumps into the vice president of the company! Aiden thinks he's cute, but he's way too formal and bland! When it was time for him to leave work, he saw the vice president outside with two girls that were flirting and giggling at him. The vice president seemed uncomfortable, so Aiden walked up to him and shooed off the girls. The vice president wants to repay him, so Aiden asks him to grab a drink with him. How will this story go, you might ask? Find out for yourself by diving into a typical love story!

kitoon_unofficial · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Still feeling a bit hazy, I woke up in my bedroom. I sat up and said, "Ugh… my head." I tried to get up, and I tumbled out of my bed and onto the floor. "What in the world happened last night…?" When I closed my eyes, I suddenly heard a soft cry echo in my head. A stinging pain in my shoulder and back suddenly appeared, and my head started to hurt even more. "Vice president… where did he go?" I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I turned on my coffee maker, and the coffee and water inside started brewing. I sat down at the dining table and sighed.

"Come on, remember what happened… the last thing that happened was… hm?" I immediately remembered kissing Wilfred and telling him that I liked him. I said, "But… we just met! So embarrassing!" I sighed and said, "I should go and apologize to him… but he probably thinks I'm weird now." I stood up and said, "Who cares!? I'm going to work to apologize to him!" I walked to my coffee machine, grabbed the cup it filled, and dumped some liquid creamer inside. I downed the entire thing and shouted, "Come on, headache, go away!"

I shook my head, but it started hurting worse. I sighed and said, "Maybe tomorrow. Right now, I-" There was suddenly a knock on the door. I said, "Who could that be? I'm not expecting anyone." I slowly walked to the front door and cracked it open to see Wilfred. I said, "V-Vice president! What are you doing here?" He said, "I forgot something here. I'm here to collect it." I said, "You… left something? Here?" He said, "Yes. Do you not remember?" I laughed nervously and said, "Well, no… let's just say that I don't remember anything from last night." Wilfred said, "Okay. So may I go inside?"

I said, "Oh, yes! Come right in!" I led him into my home and said, "So… where is this thing you left?" He walked to the couch and grabbed a jacket that I didn't notice there. He said, "That's all. Thank you." I said, "Wait a second! Um… what happened last night? What did I do?" Wilfred said, "You told me to not tell you." I sighed and said, "I did say that… well, ignore what I said! What happened?" He said, "You were… acting strangely the whole time." I warily asked, "Strange… how?" He touched his lips and said, "You touched me here. With your lips. You then told me that you liked me a lot."

He gripped his jacket closer to him and said, "You passed out after that. You woke up again, and you asked me to take you home. You handed me your car keys, and I kept asking you for your address, but it seemed you could not hear me. I could look up your home address from work, so I drove you to your house. I was going back home, but you insisted I come inside." I exclaimed, "How were you going to get back home!?" He said, "Walking. My home is not that far from here." I said, "Oh… well, what happened after that?"

He said, "You made me sit next to you on the couch. If I remember correctly, you touched my chest before falling asleep again." I shouted, "I did!? I'm so sorry, vice president!" He said, "It is alright. Although it did… feel strange. I left after you fell asleep." I said, "Right… and then you forgot your jacket here." He nodded and said, "If you excuse me, I'm already late." Before he walked out, I said, "Um… what I said may or may not be true… but please don't forget it." Wilfred asked, "Why do I have to?" I smiled and said, "Because we're friends now."

For a second, he had a bewildered look on his face. He looked away and said, "Friends… are not needed. You should forget about me." I said, "No way! This is too memorable for that!" He walked out the door without saying a word, and I screamed, "Why didn't I get his number!? I might never see him again with his occupation!" I sighed and said, "I'm such an idiot! Why did I do that to him? He probably hates me now!" I shook my head and said, "Keep it together, Aiden… you probably still have a chance! Next time you see him, ask for his number!"

I smiled and said, "Work seems a little more bearable now. But first!" I rushed to the coffee maker and shouted, "To get rid of this pesky headache! Come on!"

"I'm so late! I hope no one notices!" Aiden said as he hopped out of his car. He rushed into the office building, hoping that no one saw him. He quickly checked in and walked into the lounge room. "Sneaky as ever, huh, Aiden?" I jumped and looked behind me. It was a good friend of mine who worked as a receptionist. His name is Joseph, but I just call him Joe. I said, "W-What are you doing in here!?" He sighed and said, "I'm on break. What happened with you?" He only scored a job as a receptionist because he "looked hot"!

To be honest, he does. I said, "I was hungover this morning… it's no biggie." He said, "What do you mean "no biggie"!? I thought you only went drinking on the weekends! With us!" I chuckled and said, "Well, yesterday was a special occasion." He said, "You… got a date? Aren't you gay?" I cleared my throat and said, "No, I'm bi. I don't have time to talk to you about it!" He said, "You do. It's technically your break right now, so spill it." I sighed and said, "Whatever… yes, I got a date. It's a guy." I sighed and said, "And… he's cute." Joseph rolled his eyes and said, "Alright. Who is it?"

I said, "Well… it was the vice president." Joseph said, "Wait, huh? The vice president? But he's… how?" I said, "Well… yesterday, I got rid of some girls for him, and he wanted to repay me. So I took him to the bar, and that's how I got my date." Joseph shouted, "He's not normal! In fact, he's the weirdest person I've ever met. The vice president is autistic and has OCD. I don't even know how he managed to be vice president when he was this problematic." I said, "I didn't know that… he never even mentioned having autism."

Joseph said, "It's just a rumor that he does. Maybe it's because of how he acts, but I don't know! No one does!" I frowned and said, "What do you mean no one knows how he acts?" Joseph sighed and said, "Look, it's exactly how I mean it. The vice president is a brick wall. No one gets in, and nothing gets out. Understand?" I nodded, and he said, "Why do you like him anyway?" I said, "I just… see the potential in vice president. I want to see him express himself." Joseph said, "You're crazy. And you call him "vice president" like that's his first name. Do you even know what his name is?"

I smiled and said, "His name is Wilfred." Joseph said, "Oh, brother." He looked down at his watch and said, "My break is over. I'll see you later, Aiden." I said, "Yeah. See you!" He walked out, and I murmured, "Asshole." I sat down on the lounge chair and sighed. "Joe might be right," I thought. "Maybe I can't be with vice president." I stood up and walked to the door, thinking low thoughts. When I opened the door, I saw a familiar face and smiled from ear to ear. "Vice president! Hey!" He turned around and said, "Aiden… what are you doing here?" Ignoring his question, I said, "You have a phone, right? Can I have your phone number? For… work purposes."

Wilfred said, "...Okay." He handed me his phone, and I quickly put his phone number into my phone. I gave his phone back and said, "Thank you! Friend~!" He looked frustrated again, but that quickly blew off. He walked away, and I said, "Yes! Finally! I did it! There is hope for me after all!" I walked to the janitor's closet and chuckled to myself. "What luck. And Joe was trying to tear me down! I was worried for nothing!" I thought happily.

At the end of the day, I threw my mop into the closet and said, "Job well done." I walked outside and looked at the spot where Wilfred was when the girls were flirting with him. "Of course, he isn't here. What was I expecting?" I thought. When I walked to my car and got in, it felt like I had to do something. I got onto my phone and stared at Wilfred's phone number, now under "Vice President 💙." I opened the text app and typed, "What are you doing?" I sat in the car waiting for a reply. I began to feel a little silly doing this.

Soon, I turned on the car and got ready to leave, but I felt my phone vibrate. I quickly opened my phone and saw that Wilfred replied, "Nothing." I giggled like a little girl and replied, "Do you want to do something tonight?" In an instant, he replied, "No. I am busy." I sighed and replied, "Doing what?" "Cleaning. I am going to turn my phone off now." "Okay! Good night vice president 😁" I put my phone down and laughed with pure joy. "I never thought I would be so happy just texting him… I don't think I wouldn't be able to contain myself if I called him!" I said to myself.

I backed out of the parking lot and said, "Alright! Time to go home! Tonight was a great night too!"

In the morning, I got to work early. I had to keep making people think I was early instead of late yesterday. When I walked past the reception desk, I heard Joseph say, "Walking away without greeting your friend? That's fake." I sighed and said, "Hi, Joe. What's the latest?" He said, "Nothing much. Just the usual. How about you?" I walked closer and said, "I got vice president's number! And we talked last night!" I showed him the texts, and Joseph said, "You are… unbelievable. He probably thinks you're annoying now."

I frowned and asked, "Then why did he reply?" He rolled his eyes and said, "To get you off his back! He even turned off his phone! You're so weird!" I said, "I'm not weird! What's your problem?" Joseph said, "You! You're obsessed with him! It sounds like you're stalking him!" I shouted, "I'm not stalking him! Stop talking to me!" I stormed off and heard him say, "You're wasting your time with him! He doesn't even see you as a friend!" I kept walking, but I couldn't ignore what he said. I stopped in front of the janitor's closet and sighed sadly. "I'll show him... this is far from a waste of time." I thought. I grabbed my phone and opened the texting app again.

I texted Wilfred, "Hey! Are you doing anything today after work?" I knew he would text back for a while, so I slipped my phone into my pocket and grabbed my vest. As I was putting it on, I felt my pocket vibrate. I quickly grabbed my phone again and saw that Wilfred replied, "No. Why did you need to know?" I immediately texted, "Because I want to do something with you again. Can you?" He didn't reply after a few seconds, so I put my phone in my pocket and put my vest on. I grabbed my broom and said, "I won't let Joe ruin my day. This is too big for me to pass up."

I thought about a few of my past relationships and told myself, "This is different. Vice president isn't like them. They... they're just a bunch of whores." I walked off and began my first project of the day.

"Finally... time for my break!" I sat in the lounge room and ate a sandwich left in the fridge by me. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket again. I quickly picked it up, thinking that it was Wilfred. Unfortunately, it was Joseph. "Hey, man. I'm sorry about earlier, but you need to let it up. Want to go out and check some girls?" I frowned and replied, "No. Don't talk to me. P.S. apology accepted." I put my phone in my pocket and looked at the time. "Ah... so much time, so little to do. I'm so bored."

I looked at the bathroom and said, "I might get caught... but..." I stood up and walked into the bathroom. No one was there. I walked into a stall and pulled my pants down. I chuckled and said, "It wouldn't hurt... it's been a while anyway."