
The Otis Family

Growing up has never been easy, especially since my father is the leader of one the most dangerous mobs in England. From the age of seven I already knew how to correctly use a firearm with the help of my uncle. I knew how to kill someone in an instant, knew exactly what body part to aim for.

My father has never really been supportive of my decisions. One time on my first mission, I would've been 13, I froze after watching my father murder someone and because of this one of the enemies was able to escape. . That night when I returned home was something I would most definitely remember for the rest of my life. I vividly remember how my mother stood there and watched my father throw the punches repeatedly at me. Not stopping no matter how much I begged him to, it was almost as if my screams motivated him and encouraged him to do worse. The only reason why I survived that horrendous night was because of my uncle. He stormed in and managed to get my father off me. My uncle's words will stick with me forever.

" You have no right to touch her that way, just because you was raised badly doesn't mean you get to raise your own daughter the same way. She's a precious little girl! My precious little girl!"

My uncle and I have always been close, no matter how hard my parents try to separate the two of us. Xavier is the only man I can look up to and to me he is my father. He treats me with respect and like I'm his own daughter.

Sadly, Xavier lost his wife and son a few years ago. We was in Germany on a mission, our goal was to capture the Mayor's daughter. However, the plan didn't go to plan. As my uncle grabbed the Mayor's daughter, the Mayor's guards saw an advantage and quickly fired two rounds into Xavier's wife and son. By the time we made it back to the helicopter, we had already lost them both and Xavier hasn't been the same ever since. Growing up, I wanted to find a man that treated me how Xavier treated his wife, Caroline. My uncle would always put her and his son, Jason, first no matter what situation we was in. Whenever Caroline would enter the room he would automatically turn and look at her, study her movements. He would tell me everyday that looking at her was his favourite part of the day.

Xavier was considered to be a well respected man in this mob and there has been several attempts where people have tried to make Xavier the leader. This is because he cares deeply about everyone and believes nobody is replaceable. My father, Wayne, on the other hand is the complete opposite. The only reason why he is the leader is because the title was passed down to him from his father: Stuart Otis. Wayne tends to see individuals in the mob as replaceable and doesn't seem to care if there is any casualties or loss of life during missions. Also, for the past ten years he has been trying to get rid of Xavier because he knows other people want him to be in charge. My father just hasn't found the right way to 'dispose' of him.

My mother has never always been in the picture, from time to time she would check in or maybe make small talk at the dinner table but that was about it. Unlike my father, she has never raised her hand towards me and I will be forever grateful for that. Even though we aren't close, I will always try to respect her. At the end of the day she was my mother. On the other hand, my father is different. I don't think I could ever forgive him for what he has done to us. The verbal and physical abuse can be tiring.

Nevertheless, I believe the only reason why my mother doesn't stop my father from harming me is because she is scared of him. My uncle, her brother, has always tried to convince my mother to end things with him. That we all could run away from all of this and live normal and free lives. Also, my younger brother, Samuel, and I have never been close. He grows more and more like my father as each day passes. He follows his footsteps and even copies him. And that includes the killing and torturing.

The title of 'leader' is supposed to be passed down to me next because I was the first born child of the Otis family. However, Wayne immediately prevented this from occurring because we have never had a female leader. Therefore, he forced my mother to have another child that way he could hopefully have an son who will one day become in charge and carry on our family's legacy.